Read here YOUR personal 2006 FREE monthly horoscope, focussing on the monthly trends for love, sex and romance.
If you are interested in reading the 2005 monthly horoscopes, click here. To assess your 2007 monthly horoscopes, click here.
We also describe events that have to do with relationships in a general way. So, sometimes this may have to do with your family life, co-workers, neighbors etc...
When we find some particular and interesting astrological configurations, we will comment on these too. This way we hope to learn you some astrological lessons too when you read your 2006 free monthly horoscope.
You may expect your 2006 free monthly horoscope to be printed on this page around the 1st day of every month.
Subscribers to our monthly Love Letter will read the 2006 free monthly horoscope first though as we send our Love Letter more than a week before the monthly forecasts are published on this page. So, this could be a good reason to subscribe too!
Just click the month below to read your 2006 free monthly horoscope.
2006 free monthly horoscope for January
Retrograde Venus enters Capricorn again on January 1, 2006. How appropriate to start the New Year with the planet of love entering the sign of our Society, politics and business. However, in business-minded Capricorn, the planet of love is more interested in money and material security. Clearly, love has a reason now...
On January 3, Mercury will follow Venus and enter Capricorn too, but as Mercury is direct it will enter Capricorn by the "front door" at 0°. Messages from authorities, lots of talks and blah blah blah... will prevail this day. There seem to be many ambitious dreams that still have to be realized...
Mid-January 2006 there are some juridicial confrontations. However, if you are born around February 4, May 6, August 8 or November 8, some happy events may await you. This also holds true if you are born around September 8, January 6, March 6 or July 8. Don't expect too much though but there is good news.
Around January 17-18, the T-square between Mars, Jupiter and Neptun brings setbacks and disappointments. Promises are not held, there is denial and what you longed for cannot be attained. If you are pregnant, pay attention to miscarriages now, especially when you are a pregnant woman born around February 6, May 8, August 10 or November 9.
Mars, Jupiter and Neptune will remain in this T-square the whole month long denoting that certain acts are inappropriate and goals are out of reach and that you are being near a wrong course of action. Your expressions will miss the mark because they are too self-indulgent. There is a very strong idealism though.
January 2006 may bring rumors, scandals and tricky legalisms in your love life and elsewhere.
From January 20 till January 26, the Sun and Mercury conjoin one another in the early degrees of Aquarius. Sudden (breaking) news and messages.
There is separation around January 27, especially when you are born around April 28, July 31, October 31 or January 28. These days, you want to be alone to spend some time to study or do something more "serious." No time for love is the message.
2006 free monthly horoscope for February
At last, Venus turns direct on February 3 at 16° Capricorn. It really amazed us how many people met or encountered friends they have lost out of sight for a long ago while Venus was retrograde in January. Was it because Venus was retrograde (relationships and/or love re-visited or re-considered) or because Venus entered Capricorn (sign of the past)? Or both?
When Venus stations, going direct, Venus has set its mind onto something. It has made up its mind. Except a breakthrough when you popped the question lately. Love becomes serious now and will bring its responsabilities too.
Venus in Capricorn (a material sign) is not only about love, it's also about material goods that you may use to prove your love. Yes, we told you a second ago, you're serious now about your love. Retrograde Venus may have indicated some financial issues (rigidly taking care of your budget), but now that Venus goes direct, money may flow more easily again. Why not sending your lover a valuable or significant gift?
On February 6 the Sun conjuncts Neptune and squares Jupiter. Spoken about money... This configuration brings money losses (expenses that is). It may be a good day to buy something for Valentine's Day. But don't exaggerate!
Around February 9, Mercury enters sensitive and compassionate Pisces. You are more confused than usual. Have you forgotten something?
Be in for a (big) surprise on Valentine's Day because Mercury conjuncts unpredictable Uranus at 9° Pisces then, especially if you are born around May 31, September 2, December 1 or February 28.
Around February 18, the Sun enters Pisces and Mars has just entered Gemini. Mind your words as impulsive Mars in airy and communicative Gemini may bring clashes (and traffic accidents...). Don't exaggerate and try to be realistic.
Around February 19-20 Saturn will oppose Chiron just before the Last Quarter Moon of February 21 and is one of the most dreadful configurations that exist. If you're born around January 27, April 27, July 30 or October 30 this configuration will affect you directly.
Be on the guard for everything, but especially regarding business, career or parental matters. Also, it will be about past issues that pop up again. You might experience something with authorities too.
Late February Mercury will build a square to Pluto bringing anger, obsessive thoughts and annoyence. Try to keep your head cool.
2006 free monthly horoscope for March
March 2006 is marked by a whole lot of planetary configurations that will surely bring quite a lot of events. So, be prepared for an eventful month!
It already starts around March 1, when the Sun conjuncts Uranus and Mercury squares Pluto. Most likely these aspects will bring sudden (breaking) news. We expect traffic accidents and accidents related to transport, the more so because Mercury, the messenger and ruler of traffic and communications, is slowing down, ready to station on March 2 and turn back.
Stationing Mercury in the water sign Pisces may bring accidents on sea (sinking ships) or topics related to poison, drugs and medication to the foreground. Miscommunications and misunderstandings are sure.
Be specific when communicating with your lover so that you can prevent disappointments.
Anyway, aside from this, do be careful when driving or using public transport facilitis.
Also, Jupiter will turn retrograde on March 4. The standstill of Jupiter at 18° Scorpio may indicate the (temporary) end of expansion, optimism and enthusiastic progress. Often, you need to reconsider your project or relationship. You may cancel your marriage or make it a less public event and a more personal and intimate one.
Retrograde Mercury and Jupiter both point to more contemplation as both planets are in water signs and rule the axis of thinking and knowledge. There will be events that will keep you thinking and pondering about.
Venus enters Aquarius around March 5 again, bringing love at first sight and friendship. However, beware, because Venus will oppose Saturn some days later around March 11, breaking up any "bond" you made in the past (days).
Also know that the Saturn-Chiron opposition remains active the whole month long and with Venus conjoining Chiron now, breakups of relationships are almost certain to happen mid March, especially if you are born around January 25 - 30, April 25 - 29, July 28 - August 1, October 28 - November 1.
The same day, March 11, Mars squares Uranus at 11° in mutable signs, a highly accident-prone configuration that will affect you if you are born around March 3, June 3, September 5 or December 4.
The Lunar Eclipse on March 15 at 24° Virgo on the Fixed Star Copula is said to bring disappointments. The Eclipse squares Pluto, bringing big transformations and the reversal of a situation in the extreme, the more so when you are born around March 15 - 18, June 15 - 18, September 17 - 20 or December 16 - 19.
Jupiter is exactly square Neptune on March 16, reinforcing the disappointments indicated by the Lunar eclipse. Your expectations are way too high.
Most often the Jupiter-Neptune square brings a whole lot of rain and inundations. Always expect financial expenses when this square is active, especially when you have any planets or points around 18° in a sign.
Around March 19, Mercury squares Mars in mutable signs. Talk things through now, but beware of disputes and arguments. Try to be reasonable.
Spring starts March 20 when the Sun enters initiating Aries.
Around March 25 Venus squares Jupiter and Mercury stations at 13° Pisces to turn direct again. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are all posited at 18° in a sign.
If you are born around April 8, May 9, June 9, July 11, August 11, September 11, October 12, November 11, December 11, January 9, February 8 or March 9 you will experience the meaning of these 4 planets together.
Your expectations are high and you want to have some fun. Even if things will not turn out the way you want, expect some financial gain or a little surprise. This combination can be very erotic and an ecstatic one too. Enjoy!
March 29 seems to be an important date: there is a Solar eclipse at 8° Aries and Pluto stands still at 26° Sagittarius (position of the Galactic Center). This is a high impact configuration that will not go unnoticed.
Don't get us wrong, this is not necessarily a bad eclipse; it depends on where it falls in your own horoscope, but the fact that the slowest and most powerful planet Pluto stations, is just enough to shake your life, for good or for bad.
Also, the eclipse falls exactly in the Saturn/Uranus midpoint of stress, separations and disruptions. Be warned...
Pluto marks a rebirth, the end (death) of the past and will bring a new beginning which is again confirmed by the Solar eclipse in the sign Aries of new beginnings.
Indeed, many of us will experience (a) new mile stone(s) in life late March.
2006 free monthly horoscope for April
Around April 5, Saturn stations at 4° Leo and turns direct again while Venus enters Pisces at the same time.
This can be the time to let your dreams come to reality and to bring structure in your relationship, for example by a marriage. Start thinking about conceiving a child.
Additional responsabilities come your way now. Some of you will need some time alone to accomplish the tasks.
Some days later, around April 8, Mars opposes Pluto at 26° in mutable signs. Mars and Pluto both rule forceful Scorpio. Chances are your workload gets heavy and much has to be accomplished these days.
Also, this aspect can be a very violent one, mostly working out on a physical level. If you are a woman born around December 18, March 17, June 18 or September 19 be extra careful when you encounter a man. Mars and Pluto both have a very sexual signification for good or for bad.
Passionate drives can be very intense and welcomed, or just totally inappropriate.
Anyway, the energetic drives are huge, making it possible to accomplish a whole lot too.
Mercury squares Pluto around the Full Moon of April 13, denoting obsessive thoughts. Something keeps your mind busy. In mundane astrology, Mercury-Pluto combinations often occur when traffic accidents or accidents related to transportation facilities happen. Just take care.
Mars enters Cancer April 14, bringing work and activities to your home. Perhaps your home needs some repair?
Emotionally, you are more vulnerable than usual. You act too much on impulses.
Some days later, around April 16, Mercury, the messenger, enters initiating Aries. Speak out what you have to say, but don't be too direct or sharp.
On April 18, Mars, Mercury's dispositor, will square Mercury denoting disputes and arguments getting a high. Technical issues arise.
However, April 15 - April 19 can be a good time to working out your thoughts and plans with others, be it co-workers or your lover. Team spirit may be high if you focus on the same goal.
Around April 25, Saturn squares the Sun signifying a lack of creative drives. You feel rather blocked and there is a lack of courage to accomplish something. There is too much duty to be jolly now.
Irresistible and passionate feelings will arise again around April 30 when Venus squares Pluto, especially affecting you if you are born around December 18, March 17, June 18 or September 19. Love will get a new meaning for you, most often in a positive way!
2006 free monthly horoscope for May
May 3 brings you in a desirous mood when Venus enters impulsive Aries. However, balancing Venus does not feel too well in this highly ego-driven and linear fire sign. Peaceful Venus is in its detriment and loves energetic action and adventure now.
Chances are you can attract the one you dearly desire.
This is the more so because the Sun opposes Jupiter around May 4. If you are born around November 6 or May 4, you're in for some interesting (love) encounters in May!
Venus conjuncts the Moon's North Node around May 5, while Mercury enters Taurus, the sign of consolidation. As Mercury enters Taurus, the sign of Venus, Venus becomes Mercury's dispositor and consolidates agreements and contracts. Why don't you plan an engagement?
Also, send your lover a love card or present now.
Around May 7 Mars, Jupiter and Uranus form a big trine in water signs denoting bliss, winnings and sheer good luck, especially affecting you if you are born around July 6-7, November 7-8, March 4-5, May 4-5, September 6-7 or January 4-5. The influence of this grand trine starts a couple of days before May 7 and lasts about a week.
Expect some prosperous times, finally.
If you are born around May 7 (give or take some days), this configuration will be present in your solar return chart the whole (birth) year round, bringing windfalls and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
Mercury squares Saturn around May 8 bringing more "serieux" in your way of thinking. You are stubborn and very set in your way these days and don't want to give in. You clearly have set your mind onto something and it's very difficult to let something go.
Don't forget that Taurus is the most inert sign of the zodiac (materialize "fixed earth" -- this gives concrete -- and you'll know what we mean...).
Around May 10-11 the Sun squares Neptune and Mercury opposes Jupiter increasing your phantasy to unseen heights. You seem to believe in fairy-tales, don't you? You are swept away with illusions. Also, there are worries about financial matters and issues.
The Moon will be out-of-bounds after the Full Moon of May 13 for the coming days (beyond its maximum southern declination), so, beware...
Mistakes, misunderstandings and errors are around the corner May 15.
Around May 17 expect a trip and a separation of some kind. Some of you be in a very "opposing" mood and offer resistance causing disruptions. Don't hang on too much on your own opinion.
You may change your opinion around May 19 when Mercury changes signs and enters mutable and changeable Gemini. Time to talk and discuss things through in more an open way.
May 21 marks the entrance of the Sun in Gemini, bringing the focus on travel and communication.
Around May 22 Neptune stations and changes its direction, turning backward. If you are born around February 8-9, May 11, August 13, November 12, this station will affect you directly. Life seems unreal and you know no boundaries. You tend to be blinded.
Take care of your health as this station may temporarily weaken your "life force."
Don't start any important relationship now because nothing is as it seems. Give yourself plenty of time to uncover the truth.
Under this retrograde transit it's time to develop your creative and artistic talents. Meditate or make time for introspection and listening to music.
Around May 23 you may become the victim of others. You can't resist and feel (ab)used. One-night-stands are likely to happen. Don't forget that secret and illicit love or sexual affairs may bring you trouble later on... This configuration might affect you if you are born around February 27, April 13, May 30, July 15-16, September 1, October 16-17, December 1 or January 14.
May 29 marks the entrance of the planet of love in material Taurus, its own sign. Often, love needs something tangible to grow. Present your lover with a small gift or an exquisite dinner.
2006 free monthly horoscope for June
June may become a rather difficult month with some challenging configurations and alignments. There is not only the upcoming Mars-Saturn conjunction, but also another dreadful Saturn-Chiron opposition around the same time as well :-((
Let's start with June 1 on which you'll find an exact opposition between Mercury and Pluto at 25° Gemini/Sagittarius. Mercury is very strong in its own sign Gemini and points to mental issues. There is annoyance and your thinking may become dogmatic/obsessive. This opposition may denote some "tyranny" and anarchism as well. There is extreme nervousness.
Mostly, this is an aspect of exaggeration and/or presumptuousness.
Mercury enters emotional Cancer while Mars enters Leo around June 3. Your thoughts go out to your family and home. Your children, if you have any, need your attention. Also, your children will be more active than ever.
You will be able to express yourself and show your love in more an open, and often a more dramatic, way. Often this is a way to gain more attention of others and your lover.
June 4 and 5 may bring separation of beloved ones if you are born around March 13, April 28-29, June 14, July 31/August 1, September 16, October 31/November 1, December 14 or January 28-29.
If you are born around November 3-4, January 31, May 1 or August 2 you feel important and are popular around June 7. Money-related matters need your attention.
Around June 9-10, there is a lot of love's sorrow and/or agony noticeable, especially if you're born around August 6-7, September 21-22, November 6-7, December 20-21, February 2-3, March 19-20, May 4-5 or June 20-21. Clearly, these will not be your best days and don't expect anything as you might be in a very sad and miserable mood.
In contrast, there is sheer happiness around June 15 if you're born around June 17 or December 17.
If you are born around March 14, April 30, June 15, August 1, September 17, November 2, December 16 or January 29 the month of June may take a rather negative and worrisome undertone.
Between June 18 and June 21 the stars seem not to be with all of you. The Mars-Saturn conjunction exactly in opposition to Chiron is a most challenging and terrifying combination, affecting health and happiness.
Also notice that disruptive Uranus stations around June 19 at 14° Pisces, triggering very sudden events and reinforcing this most challenging period.
If possible, don't marry or get engaged in June to be sure these disturbing configurations do not create more havoc in your own (future) love life. June is marked by a grand square in fixed signs, a dynamic configuration shaking your physical well-being, money and possessions!
We did not mention yet that the transiting Moon's Node is at 0° Aries in June. The 0° in Cardinal signs are very important degrees as they almost always indicate public (mass) events.
0° Aries (also called the Aries Point) is one of the most dynamic points of the zodiac. It signifies new undertakings, fast actions and interventions. Police or military interventions, as well as interventions from fire brigades and departments are obvious under this transit.
Also, expect new encounters in your life that will influence your life profoundly.
Around June 21, when Jupiter squares Saturn and the Sun enters home-loving Cancer it's a good time for a move.
Around June 24 Venus enters mutable Gemini, pointing to the right time for a short trip or visit to a beloved one. Around June 28-29 when Mercury, the messenger, enters Leo, chances are that children become the focus of attention. Also, It may be a hectic time then.
If you think about conceiving a child, just know what you're doing. Mercury is decreasing in speed, going to station and turn retrograde early July. Just to say that you might reconsider what you think about right now really soon...
2006 free monthly horoscope for July
There are three planetary stations to mention this July.
It's best not to take any important decision for now, especially not in matters of the heart (Mercury is in the sign of the heart). Disappointment is in the air, the more so because Mars also applies to an opposition with Neptune.
Actions and intentions seem not to bring you where you planned it. There is a lot of waste of energy.
July 6 will bring financial windfalls and unexpected encounters (eventually, love at first sight too as well as some positive excitement in your relationships). Indeed Venus squares Uranus the same day on which Jupiter turns direct again, bringing a positive mood, especially if you are born around December 6-7.
Overall, July will be a most important month if you are born around October 10, January 7, April 7 or July 9. Expect a breakthrough or a major turning point in one or the other way. It looks like your life is going to change profoundly and there is no turning back.
Mercury re-enters Cancer around July 9 and will prefer the home life rather than love or children (it came from Leo, sign of children and love, you remember?!).
Around July 14, power-issues may arise into your love life. You may be too obsessive, too forceful for love to bring you happiness now. For some of you it's best to break up the relationship you currently have.
If you're a pregnant woman born around October 14-15, January 12, April 12 or July 14 do especially take care of your health between July 13-15.
July 17 and 18 bring a whole lot of unreal and imaginary expectations in your love life, especially if you're born around June 21-22, September 23-24, December 21-22 or March 20-21. Indeed, you're living in a dream full of eroticism and optimism now. But don't be too naive or simplistic because any love relationship that starts now may remain a dream.
The Sun enters home-loving Cancer around July 22 and Mars enters analytical and critical work-loving Virgo around the same time. There is work around the house instead of love ;-)
Late July, Mercury stations again denoting that you may have set up your mind. It seems you're going to take an important and major decision around the end of July (or early August) about your love life or any relationship you envision or are currently involved in. This will be the more so if you are born around October 8-9, January 5-6, April 5 or July 8.
2006 free monthly horoscope for August
August starts with a Sun-Jupiter square that will be exact around the 2nd. If you want to move or live together, this August is the month to go. The stars are right now, especially if you are born around May 1, August 2-3, November 3 or January 31.
While squares to Jupiter often bring financial expenses, they also bring (over)optimism. Possibly, you're in kind of a learning phase too and want to expand your own horizon and world view.
Moreover, the Sun is going to conjoin Saturn on the 7th, indicating that study and learning something "new" really is an item now. You want to master something, otherwise you will succumb.
For some, this Sun-Saturn conjunction may bring illness and a "depressed mood." You'll have to take more rest anyway, especially if you are born around November 9, February 6, May 7 or August 9.
What is most important this month, is the (applying) Saturn-Neptune opposition around 16-18 degrees in fixed signs. The Saturn-Neptune opposition is related to illness, feelings of depression and angst.
A Saturn/Neptune combo can make you losing focus, bringing a feeling of giving up and denial. Indeed, when dissolving Neptune meets Saturn, the wall and border, you'll feel lost and desperate with nothing left to hang on to. There are no more securities left.
This configuration will be felt especially when you are born around August 11, September 27, November 10-11, December 25, February 7, March 24, May 9 or June 25.
Around August 10, Mercury, the messenger, enters Leo, the sign of creative self-expression, love and children. Start talking and planning about your child's wish. Communicate with your lover and children -- if you have any. Make some trips.
The Sun opposes Neptune around August 11, bringing some loneliness. You are or feel left alone. Pay attention to falsehood.
Venus, planet of love, enters the sign of love around August 12 joining Mercury and the Sun in Leo. Give a party or just have fun and enjoy life with the ones you love!
If you are born around September 7, December 6, March 5 or June 5 the tight Mars-Uranus opposition may bring accident-prone events around August 13. So, be very careful then.
Study and travel are on the agenda again around and after August 18 when Mercury squares Jupiter and conjoins Saturn two days later. However, with the applying opposition to Neptune, study will not go smoothly. You are not able to carry on and tend to daydream.
Expect some expenses around August 22 when you want to buy something and spend some money.
The Sun enters Virgo on August 23 bringing more work-related topics to the foreground. There is more stress and nervousness around.
Venus squares Saturn and opposes Neptune around August 27. Love's sorrow or unrequited love is for sure if you are born around August 11, September 27, November 10-11, December 25, February 7, March 24, May 9 or June 25. Honestly, if you are born on one of these days, August seems not to be your lucky month!
You don't feel appreciated now. You have no energy to pull through and feel quite down. If you are a pregnant woman, take care of your health now.
After August 27, tension and nervousness will increase when Mercury enters work-related Virgo too. There are so much unaccomplished wishes you are longing for.
August 30 denotes the start of large projects that will take a whole lot of energy and the month ends with the exact Saturn-Neptune opposition making you feel tired before the job is done...
2006 free monthly horoscope for September
On September 1 the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Virgo while Mars opposes the Moon's North Node. There is more thinking than doing now, also more worrying over minor issues.
Chances are you will suddenly encounter a long forgotten friend the first week of September.
Also expect some sudden (and even shocking) news then.
One of the major issues in September is the station of Pluto on September 5 at 24° Sagittarius. Powerful Pluto turns direct and can bring quite some alien experiences then, the more so because the station happens so very close to the Lunar Eclipse of September 7 at 15° Pisces, a "critical" degree.
Stationing Pluto most often brings separations from the past. Pluto closes a door, terminates a cycle and starts all over. Very often this station brings some obsessive and compulsive drives to the foreground.
During the Pluto station the Sun will oppose disruptive Uranus and Venus will enter Virgo, the sign of servitude. If you are born around August 23-25, November 22-24, February 19-21 or May 21-23 this configuration may denote the separation of a beloved one.
September 7 brings us to the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. The 15th degree Pisces is quite a chaotic degree, bringing much confusion, misunderstandings and a feeling and sense of helplessness. Events seem to happen without the possibility to intervene.
Mars enters socializing Libra around September 8. Mars is the warrior and does not feel well in Libra, the sign of love and peace, balance and harmony and the sign of its detriment. Mars in this position will have to learn how to make peace in relating with others, but it will be particularly difficult, the more so because Venus (Mars' dispositor) is in Virgo, the sign of its fall.
That's why September is not that good a month for marriages or agreements; there is yet too much fault finding to bring harmony and balance.
Around September 9 Mercury and Pluto build a square denoting that you have set your mind on something and that you will carry out your plans.
Mercury, the messenger and communicator, enters the air sign Libra around September 12 and brings a lot of talk and conversations culminating towards September 15 when Mercury conjoins Mars.
A flirt or short-lived encounter comes your way around September 12 when Venus opposes Uranus. Mind power-plays though, because the Sun squares Pluto too. It's very well possible that there is just unrequited love.
If you are born around April 4, July 6-7, October 8 or January 5, September 21 will bring some important and fortunate news for you, marking a groundbreaking development in your life.
September 22 brings us to the Solar Eclipse at 29° Virgo. According to the meaning of the 8 South Saros cycle, this Solar Eclipse signifies separation and loss. This Eclipse is said to be effective on a physical level and will last for about 6 months.
If you are born around this day or June 21, December 21 or March 20 the Eclipse will affect you directly but it will affect you indirectly too for the coming 6 months if you are born around the 21-23 in a month.
September 25-26 may bring obstructions into your love or family life. There is separation of a beloved one.
Expect a change for the better after September 30 when Venus enters its own sign Libra and will bring more harmony.
2006 free monthly horoscope for October
If you are born under an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), October may become an interesting month regarding your love life or the way you live your passions and interests.
Venus and Mars, planets of love and lust (resulting in passion) are in Libra till October 23. Both planets in the same sign point to the right time for passional involvments. We discussed this principle on our "when and where to find love page".
If your zodiac sign is Gemini, Libra or Aquarius and if you are looking for friendship, love or more, this is the month to go out and socialize and eventually find Mr. or Mrs. Right.
Around October 2, Mercury enters Scorpio, bringing more obsessive thoughts. You have something on your mind that you cannot let go. Mercury in Scorpio is very investigative and it seems you want to go to the bottom.
Mid October may bring confusing moments when Mercury Squares Neptune (around October 16). If you are born around May 8, August 11, November 10 or February 7, this may particularly affect you. Misunderstandings may be the result. Try to be honest, the truth seems to be flexible.
Keep an eye around October 23-24 when the Sun, Mars and Venus enter Scorpio while Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and squares Saturn at the same time. Leave home and you possibly may find love.
Passionate involvements and travel go hand in hand now. Why don't you invate your lover to an exquisite "bed and breakfast" in some highly romantic location?
Around October 27 the Sun and Venus conjunct at 4° Scorpio bring sensual and enjoyable moments, gifts and presents.
Mercury stations in fixed Scorpio on October 28, ready to turn backward. Something bothers you now. There may be some annoyance or sorrow too. As usual, don't sign any documents on the days of a stationary Mercury and don't buy anything of importance.
Don't communicate any important and major decisions (no proposals either) and take your time to think things over. At least wait a week till Mercury regresses at "full speed" or, better still, wait till Mercury turns direct again around November 18.
During its station Mercury is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune is stationing as well, ready to proceed forward again.
Confused moments may arise around these late days in October causing some overreactions and exaggeration. You are not seeing things clearly now and it's best to wait for more unbiased times in November.
2006 free monthly horoscope for November
Around November 1 Mercury squares Saturn. You'll need quite some concentration and diligence. Also, there is some distrust on your part. You're more serious these days.
Venus squares Neptune around November 7 while Mercury conjuncts Venus. If you are born around May 8, August 10, November 10 or February 6, there is (some) disappointment in love. You expect too much of "love" now.
Just be prepared for some love's sorrow and/or unrequited love.
November 12-13 brings disputes and arguments. You may feel more lonely.
If you are born around May 19, August 21, November 21 or February 17 November 15 may bring some really fortunate moments. It seems you really are in love. Only, the question is: is it reciprocal?
Keep your feet on the ground though because the Sun squares Saturn around the same time and Mars squares illusive Neptune.
Clearly, this is not the right time for sex or passion but rather for inner beliefs and dreaming.
Mercury stations around November 18 at 10° Scorpio and starts moving forward again. Stations of Mercury in Scorpio almost always bring annoyance and compulsive thinking. After all, Scorpio is a fixed sign, clinging to the own ideas and opinions -- and the "own emotions."
The station may bring issues related to possessions or money of "other people" to the foreground (taxes, insurances, inheritances, rents,...).
Don't be too negative and somber now!
Also, Uranus turns direct around the same time so that the spotlight will be on travel by air. Traffic issues may arise. Be very careful now when making any trips by air or by means of other public transport facilities. This may prove to be an accident sensitive time.
Uranus stationing ready to move forward can be very enlightening and bring some illumination. There may come a breakthrough or discovery in your life.
The Sun enters Sagittarius and conjuncts Jupiter around November 22 bringing fortunate developments to you if you are born around July 24, September 24, November 23, January 22, May 21 or March 21.
Sudden favorable encounters and sudden meetings occur around November 26 but don't expect them to last though as they will be very short-lived.
Expect some confusing moments and not knowing what to do next around November 28. A desperate and lonely feeling may be present too. You better try to relax and take some rest.
2006 free monthly horoscope for December
December 2006 seems to become a very busy month because there is plenty of planetary activity going on this month.
Don't expect too much fun the first week of December. Something still bothers you and the atmosphere can be quite upsetting too.
There is electricity in the air and the atmosphere can get quite explosive at times, especially the day before the December 5 Full Moon.
There is sadness, sorrow and vexation. Try to relax anyway.
Around December 6, Saturn stations and starts regressing in Leo while initiating Mars enters the fire sign Sagittarius.
The Saturn standstill around December 6 in the fire sign Leo blocks creative self-expression. You feel stuck and immobile by external influences and events of the past re-emerge, causing frustration. Becoming pregnant may be more difficult than ever during this retrograde transit in Leo, the sign of children.
Children and authority issues may arise.
Some astrologers claim that Saturn turning backwards brings more extravagance and is less cautious. Retrograde Saturn almost always seems to deal with failures from the past.
In matters of the heart, don't expect too much and rather expect endings. With Saturn retrograde it's better to wait things out. Also, you may be in for some clashes with authority figures.
Mercury and Mars meet one another in Sagittarius around December 9 denoting talks, discussions and even disputes. There is a lot of tension in the air. Legal disputes may bring additional stress but chances are you can make your point clear.
With 6 planets in Sagittarius now, the focus is on foreign affairs, beliefs and publicity. The time is right to go out and spread the word. In November the majority of the planets was in extreme Scorpio which may have brought some poisonous days but now the focus is on progress and expansion.
Aim high but there is one caveat though. Sagittarius is the sign of exaggeration and OVERdoing. Try to be moderate and don't get too hysterical.
If your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, you may prosper and initiate many fortunate events in December. If your zodiac sign is Gemini, expect fortunate developments coming from abroad or from many other people (eventually, foreigners and strangers).
Mercury conjuncts Jupiter around December 10-11 signifying success in writings and documents, bringing favors or success in business matters. If you are born around November 28, February 24, May 26 or August 28 some happy events await you. These days seem to bring favorable moments.
On December 11, Venus enters Capricorn and Mars conjoins Jupiter. Venus in the earth sign Capricorn wants to accumulate material wealth rather than relate with other people. Material gain and status are intertwined. Love needs something exquisite and tangible to grow.
Surprising and sudden news is around the corner on December 15 when Mercury squares Uranus. It should not be bad news though, but it will draw your attention.
Also, expect some stormy days around this time.
Around December 18 a shift may occur. It's a transformative time.
December 21-22 may be accident prone with unbalanced energy popping up due to the Mars-Uranus square. There is too much haste and stress. Slow down!
Eventually this Mars-Uranus combination can be quite violent, stormy and electric. Take care!
On Christmas Day Mercury conjuncts Pluto denoting exaggeration and obsessive thinking starting some days prior to this exact conjunction. Your thinking may be too rigid and too much based on presumptions and imagination. Try to temper your thoughts and anger.
Be patient and moderate. And enjoy the festivities...