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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #011 -- We Go RSS! + Britney Spears Revisited October 21, 2005 |
Hi If you have visited our site recently, you may have noticed some new buttons in the upper left corner above the navigation bar. Yes, we go RSS! Don't worry if you don't understand what this means for now, we'll explain all that further on, in our web site update section. In this Love Letter we continue our series about the findings of Marlis Moritz (March 2003) and the behavioral scientists Kop and Heuts about the choice of marriage partners and the month of birth. In the next part of our series about (in)compatibility issues in relationships, we'll discuss the astrology of attraction. Happy Birthday Scorpios! Till next time *****************************************
If you have any further suggestions or ideas to incorporate in one of the future issues of our Love Letter, please, click here to let us know! In this IssueOur regular features
Our occasional features
Love Forecasts for November 2005In the monthly love horoscopes of November 2005 the Sun squares Saturn around November 3, denoting difficulties in expressing yourself. Don't expect too much joy now, you're not in the mood and the stars are neither..Moreover, the monthly love horoscopes of November 2005 may bring a lot of health problems, sorrow and a somber mood, the more so because initiating Mars builds a nasty square with Saturn the whole month long. You seem not to be able to go forward, you get adverse reactions. People try to block your drive and urge to accomplish something. Your lover rejects you or your parents force you to reconsider your relationship. You definitely seem not to be able to proceed in your endeavors. Financial issues may cause quite some sorrow. If you want to succeed you will need a lot of persistence and patience, which you have! Between November 8 and November 12 you feel better because of some windfalls. There is a breakthrough. Keep an eye on November 13 - 17 when Mercury stations to turn retrograde and Uranus stations to turn direct, especially 48 hours prior to the Full Moon of November 16. Expect sudden upheaval, stressful events and breaking news, especially when you are born between August 29 - September 3, November 28 - December 3, February 26 - March 1 and May 27 - June 2. There is quite some nervous tension in the air. You better don't travel by air in this time span because Mercury and Uranus both signify airplanes... Don't forget that Mercury is in Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment and the sign of travel too. Expect traffic jam. Needless to say, regressing Mercury brings the usual letters and documents that get lost. Don't take any important decisions now, because you will have to re-consider, re-think the whole matter. Mercury is in expansive and mutable Sagittarius and seems not to keep in account the small print, so beware of signing any contract or document during the station. It's a good time to brainstorm or reconsider some ideas and projects you have. Detached, disruptive and unconventional Uranus can start to renovel and revolutionize when it goes direct again after November 17. Around November 17 - 19 there is love's sorrow and some harsh disputes as well (Venus, Mars and Saturn are all at 11° in a sign). Venus, Mars and Saturn together point to extramarital affairs, jealousy and separation. Expect some troublesome health problems too! Make love the safe way -- better safe than sorry! If you are born around August 4, November 4, February 1 or May 2-3 this Venus, Mars and Saturn trio will affect you directly. We expect a lot of people to break up their relationship now, the more so because Uranus just turned direct. November 22, Saturn stations, turning retrograde and bringing additional workload, responsabilities and worries if you are born around August 4, November 4, February 1 or May 2-3. You feel oppressed by some external forces. It seems that the second half of November brings endings, separation and more withdrawal than usual. There is quite some frustration and anger. Health matters may keep you busy. Try to find some peace of mind as Jupiter trines Uranus late November, bringing relief. To every problem there IS a solution!
Love Quotes of the monthCourtship to marriage, as a very witty prologue to a very dull play-- William Congreve -- They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake Love's like measles - all the worse when it comes late in life The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. What's new on our Web site?This month we have the following updates to report:
Whom are you married/attracted to - November BirthsLast month, we discussed some findings by Marlis Moritz (March 2003) and the behavioral scientists Kop and Heuts about the choice of marriage partners and the month of birth. We printed their results for people born in October.Let's take a look now at what their findings reveal about November births: Females born in November most preferred males born in November, they least preferred males born in August. Males born in November most preferred females born in June. They least preferred females born in April. Interestingly, males born in the second half of November (late Scorpio and early Sagittarius) divorced twice as often as males born at any other time of the year (regardless of the date of birth of the female!). Next month, more about December births. Attraction versus Compatibility -- Part 4 - AttractionIn our previous Love Letters, we discussed how to measure basic compatibility in quite a simple and reliable way by assigning a specific weight to the planets in the signs.There is basic compatibility when the resulting signs are "compatible" with one another (conjunct, sextile or trine), following the natural order of the zodiac. We also told you that signs squaring one another do not as such point to incompatibility. Inconjuncts do! Also remember that planetary configurations point to attraction, the zodiac signs point to (basic) compatibility. Now that we explained how to assess (basic) (in)compatibility, it's time to delve deeper into the mystery of attraction. In our August Issue we defined attraction as "a magnetic impulse pulling or drawing two or more people together." We only have magnetism when there is electricity and we only have electricity when there are two opposite poles (male and female, day and night, yang and yin, positive and negative, giving and receiving, ...). In astrology it's the same. There is attraction when two opposite points can "see" one another and pull together. When "masculine" or positive points "see" "feminine" or negative points, there is attraction.
When do these points "see" one another in astrology? Well now, there are three important ways that should be considered:
Whenever a positive or masculine point (the Ascendant for example) "sees" a negative or feminine point (the Moon for example) in any of the three listed ways, there is attraction, electricity and a magnetic impulse pulling together. As there will almost always be some aspects between masculine and feminine points between two people, there will always be some potential for attraction. That's why people often easily fall in "love." There is attraction in one or the other way -- even if both people are basically incompatible (which can only be felt after some time). Some planetary combinations are more magnetic than others, bringing attraction to an almost irresistible force. What are these irresistible planetary combinations?
It's always best when masculine planets and points in a male's chart "see" feminine points in the female chart. This is not STEREOTYPAL but ARCHETYPAL! According to some astrologers, the position of the Sun or the Moon in the 7th house of the partner, brings attraction too. We have found this to be correct, but the planetary aspects are more powerful though. In our opinion the Moon in the first house of the partner seems to be more important than it's position in the 7th house. Next month we'll give some major tools and tips to solve incompatibility issues...
Britney Spears revisited...On our Britney Spears page we analyzed the (future) love life of Britney by delineating her progressed charts and solar returns for the coming years.On our Britney Spears wedding horoscopes page , we also delineated both her marriage horoscopes and pointed to the importance of the Mercury-Neptune inconjunct and the Venus-Neptune opposition in her "spiritual wedding horoscope." We also indicated that the ruler of the 4th house of the end-of-the-matter would cause the marriage to not last long. It's a pitty that we must say this! We wish everybody in the whole world a happy marriage. We always do. But, alas, we're still on Planet Earth -- with it's own orders. Please, feel free to re-read our analysis on the Britney Spears wedding horoscopes page and Britney Spears page for further astrological explanations. However, we have not told you everything on those pages... Yes, there are some other powerful astrological indications showing that this marriage has more downs than ups... We wil disclose them here. Just for you. Take a look at the transits and draw them around Britney's natal chart. Especially focus on the outer planets for the end of this year 2005 and 2006. What do you see?
When transformative Pluto squares the ruler of the 7th house of the partner and when this ruler of the 7th house also squares dissolving Neptune, we know for sure that there is something going wrong with the marriage. Neptune and Pluto are all about disappearing, escapism and dissolving. If we just could turn the influence of the stars down at times... Late 2005 (November-December) transiting Pluto will square the ruler of the 7th house for the last time in her life, but in the mean time this very heavy transit will bring quite some upheaval... Neptune is the ruler of the 6th house (actually the 6th house is the 12th house from the 7th house when using derivative houses), so that this planetary position points to a connection between the partner - 7th house - and sorrow and secret activities - 12th house. Transiting Uranus squares Britney's natal Sun which is emotionally and domestically very upsetting as transiting Uranus is in her 4th solar house. The square is still applying so that it's full disruptive character is still growing and will come into the open in 2006. As these outer transits move very slowly, the coming months may bring quite some challenges in Britney's love life. In April/May 2006 the transiting North Node will conjunct Britney's 7th house cusp, denoting relationship issues and a possible break up. Let's take a look at her solar return for her solar year starting December 1, 2005 and ending December 1, 2006. Solar return Ascendant at 7° Leo is conjunct solar return Saturn and Saturn is opposite her natal Moon. Moreover, solar return Mars at 8° Taurus squares Saturn bringing quite some disputes. Solar return Jupiter at 7° Scorpio is the 4th planet in this configuration, building a grand square in fixed signs in the cardinal houses. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon in this dynamic pattern can be quite challenging. These aspects bring quarrels and disputes and, most importantly, separation and divorce. Britney's progressed chart for 2006 has a New Moon square progressed Mars (ruler of her 7th house of relationships). Moreover, her progressed Ascendant is exactly conjunct natal Pluto and square natal Venus. A profound change regarding her love life will be the result. In our opinion it's very unlikely that the couple will stand these powerful and stormy configurations. Let's hope we are wrong! For obviuous reasons, we will not post this article on our web site. Web site and Love Letter built with the help of Site Build It! (SBI!) Luc De Jaeger CosmiTec (Cosmic Technologies) Ondernemingsnummer/Company Number 0859944788 VAT/BTW: BE 0859 944 788 RPR Gent IJzerweglaan 23 BE-9050 Ledeberg Belgium |
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