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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #022 -- When Stars Collide + Contest! September 21, 2006 |
Hi Finally, as promised in our previous Love Letter, we launched our 2007 love forecasts for the 12 zodiac signs. If you compare the forecasts with the 2006 forecasts, you will notice that we changed the navigation a little between the delineations of the Sun sign and the Ascendant to increase the readability. We learned that written material on the internet should be short and to the point. Long sentences and unusual words are a no-no and that's why we tried to keep the texts short(er) and more to the point, using more bullet lists. We came upon a very interesting astrology book by Paul Westran. Just read the review below to see what it's all about. You can win this book by participating in our first contest ever! Read below for more information. Kindest regards to all! ********************************************
If you have any further suggestions or ideas to incorporate in one of the future issues of our Love Letter, please, click here to let us know! Table of ContentsOur regular features
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Love Forecasts for October 2006If you are born under an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), October may become an interesting month regarding your love life or the way you live your passions and interests.Venus and Mars, planets of love and lust (resulting in passion) are in Libra till October 23. Both planets in the same sign point to the right time for passional involvments. We discussed this principle on our " when and where to find love page ." If your zodiac sign is Gemini, Libra or Aquarius and if you are looking for friendship, love or more, this is the month to go out and socialize and eventually find Mr. or Mrs. Right. Around October 2, Mercury enters Scorpio, bringing more obsessive thoughts. You have something on your mind that you cannot let go. Mercury in Scorpio is very investigative and it seems you want to go to the bottom. Mid October may bring confusing moments when Mercury Squares Neptune (around October 16). If you are born around May 8, August 11, November 10 or February 7, this may particularly affect you. Misunderstandings may be the result. Try to be honest, the truth seems to be flexible. Keep an eye around October 23-24 when the Sun, Mars and Venus enter Scorpio while Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and squares Saturn at the same time. Leave home and you possibly may find love. Passionate involvements and travel go hand in hand now. Why don't you invate your lover to an exquisite "bed and breakfast" in some highly romantic location? Around October 27 the Sun and Venus conjunct at 4° Scorpio bring sensual and enjoyable moments, gifts and presents. Mercury stations in fixed Scorpio on October 28, ready to turn backward. Something bothers you now. There may be some annoyance or sorrow too. As usual, don't sign any documents on the days of a stationary Mercury and don't buy anything of importance. Don't communicate any important and major decisions (no proposals either) and take your time to think things over. At least wait a week till Mercury regresses at "full speed" or, better still, wait till Mercury turns direct again around November 18. During its station Mercury is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune is stationing as well, ready to proceed forward again. Confused moments may arise around these late days in October causing some overreactions and exaggeration. You are not seeing things
clearly now and it's best to wait for more unbiased times in November.
Love Quotes of the MonthMarriage is a feast where the grace is sometimes better than the dinner-- Charles Caleb Colton -- The best thing about being in a relationship is having someone right there to do it when you're horny A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one There is more difference within the sexes than between them When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them What's New on Our Web Site?We updated our pages with the following items:
Your Questions, Comments or SuggestionsWe got the following question from a reader of our Love Letter:In your Lover Letter that I just read with interest, you listed some degrees that should bring happiness in our love life on condition that no divorce related degrees are activated. What are these divorce related degrees as you don't mention anything else about this? Our Answer:
As soon as we finalize our research, we will be able to disclose more.
When Stars Collide (Book Review) + Contest!This is the first time we review an astrology book in our Love Letter.For a good reason! While we read quite some books, it's quite rare we find a book interesting enough to recommend it to a wider audience. This time it's differently. Recently, we came upon a new book " When Stars Collide " by Paul Westran. Paul Westran is a former police crime analyst who found that the hidden patterns associated with Venus occur continuously and consistently in the majority of relationships. A study of 1,300 celebrity and historical relationships, backed up with details and charts, proves his point. This way, Paul Westran makes us understand how to find out who you will attract and also when you will attract them. This well-researched book shows why people fall in and out of love. Paul Westran's theory is quite simple: Intimate relationships are more likely to occur when Venus in a person's natal chart or in the person's secondary progressed chart at the time the relationship began aspects eiter the Sun, Venus or Mars in the natal chart or the secondary progressed chart of the second person. The only aspects that are taken into consideration are the conjunction, the trine and the opposition (all within a 2° orb). We have one (and only one) brand new copy of this book which is only just released. You can win it if you are the very first to answer the following question correctly (please read the guidelines below BEFORE participating and sending your answer!): ====>>>Which month is generally called the "Month of Love" according to different (scientific) studies? The Guidelines (by participating you agree with these guidelines):
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