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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #032 -- No Time For Love? July 21, 2007 |
Hi During the exact station of Uranus (and the accompanying Saturn-Neptune opposition of dissolving structures and "certainties") we had to endure a massive computer crash. Our web site was and is NOT affected though. However, as our web site forms are related to our crashed computer some e-mails and orders may have vanished... In case you happen to have ordered something or have sent an e-mail, there is a slight chance your order or message did not arrive. In case you have not received any answer from us please, just repost your message/order and we'll immediately take a look at it. Our crashed computer contained all our astrological software that we have used for numerous years now, as well as all our research data. Though we regularly backup our data (through remote or online backups as well as via external hard disks or CD-ROMs), we have lost some important information. Our computer contained some very very exceptional astrological software from all over the world (India, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa,...). Most of this software does not longer exist or is not supported anymore or cannot be re-installed anymore because it was for security reasons configured for and linked to THAT specific computer with that hard disk, bios etc. We currently work in survival mode as we work on a replacement computer with a Windows XP platform and with some of our astrological software that we could install on this computer again. Our most important software programs are still 16 bit software that do not run under the new Vista platform so that we are dependent on "the older" XP platform. We still have to (re-)install and run some other programs too to know how big the damage really is. However, as the orders and e-mails continuously pour in our mailbox, we have not had too much time to investigate the damage further so it will take some time to figure it all out. Our first aim is to keep our business going and get your e-mails and orders answered and processed asap. However, there may be some delay in answering your e-mails and processing your orders due to the aftermath of the crash. We'll do the utmost to keep the delay to the minimum and when you will receive this Love Letter, most of the delay should be gone. As our current emergency computer is quite an old one too, we can't afford to have another crash. That would be a real nightmare! Now that we still may be able to find a computer with Windows XP installed we'll try to get another one as a backup asap before Windows XP is discontinued and our software will not run anymore at all. Finding other software that would do the same on a Vista platform would take years and would cost a ton. That's the way life goes, you need numerous years to build it and only a nano second to break it. Nothing to do about that. Life has its ways... Anyway, back to life and our Love Letter. Our call for translators was a real success. Expect more news about this in a forthcoming issue after we receive all the translations. Thanks for the tips and for all your help and support. Also, in this issue we present the entry of our contest winner. Remember the Fernanda-Carlos compatibility contest published in Issue # 30? We got some very extensive delineations and were really amazed by the high quality of all the entries. Thank you all for your time and work. With love! ********************************************
If you have any further suggestions or ideas to incorporate in one of the future issues of our Love Letter, please, click here to let us know! Table of ContentsOur regular features
Our occasional features
Love Forecasts for August 2007August 1 brings resistance and opposition, the more so if you are born around August 19, November 18, February 15 or May 17. It seems you'll have to struggle yourself through this day...If you are born around April 14-15, July 17-18, October 18 or January 15 this day may bring you group entertainment and, eventually, some mystical experiences. Jupiter stations around August 7 and turns direct again at 9° Sagittarius, bringing more outward optimism. Blocked emotions may be unleashed now. Jupiter brings relief but don't exaggerate! While Jupiter turns direct, Mars enters Gemini and squares retrograde Venus at 0° Virgo. You may quarrel with friends and lovers. Also, for some of you, there may be more thrill and joy in the air (isn't Gemini an air sign?). 0° in mutable Gemini is the most uncertain and mutable degree of the zodiac. It's often called the "gipsy degree". Mars on this degree still brings multiple options and activities at once. It's difficult to decide which is best and who is the better lover. Retrograde Venus enters Leo around August 8 again; time for some fun and socializing. Perhaps this time you'll find the love of your life?! However, with the upcoming opposition of Saturn at 28° Leo, August 13 may bring a sobering experience of and outlook on love. Deceptions may occur. Expect some confusing moments and misunderstandings the more so because Mercury at 20° Leo also opposes Neptune at 20° Aquarius around August 14. The Sun joins Mercury at 22° Leo around August 15. You are less neutral or objective under this transit and take everything too personally. Try to be more detached in your opinions. If you are born around May 16, August 18, November 17 or February 14 there is (love's) sorrow around August 17-19. Mercury enters its own sign Virgo around August 19. You are more critical and more openly manifest your dislikes during this transit. Your beloved ones will not always like that. The Sun conjuncts Saturn at 28° Leo around August 22. Till August 25 separation and divorce may occur. Because Venus is still retrograde, chances are the separation is only temporarily, even if it's a hospitalization. Yes, hospitalizations too are kind of a separation! Around August 23 the Sun enters Virgo and Mars at 10° Gemini opposes Jupiter at 11° Sagittarius. there is quite a lot of work but you can be highly successful if you just go for it. Around August 25 Mercury squares both Jupiter and Mars, building a T-square with both Mars and Jupiter. If you are born around March 2, June 2, September 4 or December 4 there's success and the fruits of your labors and creativity. Venus at 20° Leo opposes Neptune at 20° Aquarius around August 26 bringing some excitement and beautiful and romantic moments. If you are born around February 22, May 24, August 26 or November 25 this very day of August 26-27 may bring illness and separation though. So, beware. Note that there is a Lunar Eclipse at 4° Pisces around August 28 bringing innovations and lots of inspiration. This Lunar Eclipse conjuncts the Fixed Star Deneb Adige in the tail of the Swan denoting a keen intellect and bringing original, ingenious and creative ideas. Also, this degree is said to have an astrological meaning in that it favors astrological research and favorable publicity. FYI, just be careful with dogs because Deneb Adige is also related to dog bites, especially if you have some planet on this degree. Just in case...!
Love Quotes of the MonthLife is a sexually transmitted disease-- R.D. Lang -- As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled Don't love the person you can live with; love the person you can't live without Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men She's the village bicycle! Everybody's had a ride. There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends What's New on Our Web Site?Only some minor updates this time: to our Dating page, some additional links on different seduction pages and some additional links on our infidelity page . On the other hand we deleted some links on different "gifts pages."Contest WinnerOur Fernanda-Carlos has a winner: Patricia Darrow from Florida, USA sent the following analysis:"Overall, looking at the two charts both separately and together, I would say that Fernanda is extremely sensual and sexual. Additionally, sex is probably one of the most important aspects of any of her relationships. She is very demanding of attention and to be worshiped as a sex goddess as well. And her Scorpio Rising and natal sun sign Leo which conjuncts her Midheaven (public eye) confirms. She also has a natal Venus conjunct Mars in her 8th (house of sex) and 9th houses. Usually Mars/Venus conjunctions suggest that the person is extremely sexually-oriented and sensual. Fernanda's natal Eros conjuncts her natal Pluto which also adds to her sexiness. Both this natal Eros and natal Pluto also conjunct her natal Moon which could give her the ability to use a little emotional blackmail now and then when she doesn't get her way regarding relationships. On the positive note, it can always give her many shades of emotional nuances and emotions to her relationships as well...added to this, her natal Venus/Mars conjunction just happens to be in the very emotional sign of Cancer. When I say; possessiveness; jealousy, anger, you name it. Now Carlos has a natal Moon in Cancer, so he is all too familiar with the emotional roller-coaster games and moods. However, I have found that many men that have this natal moon in Cancer can be emotional unstable at times, as well as vacilliate, and have difficulty in making up their minds. Moon in Cancer may also give Carlos the proclivity to seek out a "mother" figure in his relationships as well i.e. older women and the such. Is Carlos capable of committment to one woman? Okay, well he has a natal Venus in Scorpio. My experience with natal Venus in Scorpio is that it can give the native the ability to have secret affairs without guilt. Carlos is also a natal Sun sign Libra -- and usually men with the Sun in Libra, are born flirts and womanizers. Especially when Carlos' natal Venus in Scorpio is conjunct natal Neptune in Scorpio -- whereby Neptune can only contribute to the secret affairs, deception and seduction. I don't see any real staying power between these two charts. There are no major Chiron conjunctions nor are there any important Saturn contacts. As you know, Saturn is the planet to look for regarding permanence in a relationship and staying power. There are none here...either way. There are also no big hits to either one's Vertex angle which I feel plays a major role in fate and karma. I think the main theme of this relationship is purely sexual. Carlos' sex planet, his natal Mars is conjunct Fernanda's Eros. That can be very hot and sexual, but I feel there are also many power plays and struggles here also. I would tell Fernanda to enjoy this relationship for what it is... purely hot sex. In other words, Carlos can be her "boy toy" but that's as far as I see it. I don't see or feel anything long term relationships except for the on-again/ off-again flavor that it has. I can see these two breaking up in a jealous rage, but then making up (by having hot sex) only to break up again down the road. This is confirmed with Carlos' south node (past life tie) conjuncting Fernanda's natal Uranus. Now let me interject here... Uranus ties can be very exciting, but they do lack staying power. They can cause sudden & exciting ties but equally sudden and unexpected separations, or many times the ol' "on-again/off-again" energy, which can be dreadfully taxing."
No Time For Love?It's often a point of discussion in relationships when one of the partners is more busy working than committing to the relationship.One of the reasons can be found in the natal chart of the "working" partner. Quite often we find a planet in the 6th house of work in the sign of the 7th house. Put in another way, any planet conjunct the Descendant but still in the 6th house may indicate that the person is more involved in his or her work than in any personal relationship, frustrating the partner. You better know this when you commit to someone who has such a configuration in his or her natal chart! It's not always that the person is not able to love, but just that he or she has no time for love or has other priorities.
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