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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #150 -- Women Married "Late" May 21, 2017 |
Dear After we last month published the male results pertaining to "late" marriages, you might have expected us to soon publish our research results pertaining to women who married "late" in life. ******************************************** Table of ContentsOur regular features
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Love Forecasts for June 2017(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)Click here to download the June 2017 calendar in pdf format. In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around June 3, June 10-11, June 18 and/or June 24. During this month of June, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular:
The early June days are marked by a Grand Trine in fire signs between the Lunar North Node, Venus, Saturn and Uranus. If we also take the position of Mars into account, before it leaves Gemini and enters Cancer around June 4, the pattern is actually a Kite. In mundane astrology, the Kite is not well researched though and thus open to some speculation. In stormy and wild times, the Kite tends to bring stability and balance. The Fire Grand Trine suggests courage, living in the fast lane and overabundance of energy that will keep you very busy with so many things to accomplish. Around June 1-2 you tend to go your own way, withdraw or feel isolated. Also, you don't want to give in, want to resist pressure or oppression and want to break free from limiting influences. These early June days are all about detachment and keeping a distance in your relationships (in the widest sense). If you are born around January 16-17, March 2, April 16, June 2, July 19, September 4, October 20 or December 3-4, the current astrological configurations may especially affect you. Around June 2-3 Venus and Uranus conjoin at 27° Aries, representing a disruptive meeting or a very short- lived superficial encounter. Chances are, there are upsetting love encounters, or you tend to go against group expectations and upset the established way of doing things. Some of you may feel inhibited and face difficulties expressing emotions to others and may separate. If you are born around January 16-17, March 2, April 16-17, June 2, July 19, September 4, October 20 or December 3, the current astrological configurations may especially affect you. Around June 4 Mars enters home-loving Cancer while the Sun at 14° Gemini squares Neptune at 14° Pisces. The illusive waxing Sun-Neptune square in mutable signs represents betrayal and/or being misguided. You may now face huge competition and severe power conflicts from someone of the same gender. When Mars enters vacillating and emotional (moody) Cancer, patriotism reigns. Also, you tend to experience emotional impulses of anger and disputes. However, in numerous instances, we noticed that Mars of activities and work in home-loving Cancer also indicates doing home improvements, doing construction work and house repairs. So, now is the time to take a look at your house, apartment or living conditions. Around June 5 Mercury at 27° Taurus squares the mean Lunar Nodes. This can be a highly busy en stressful period with lots of buzz, exciting news and communication. It's a sociable time of numerous profitable meetings and encounters and talks. If you are born around January 3, February 16, April 2, May 18, July 4-5, August 20-21, October 6 or November 20, you are able to promote yourself successfully around this day. Venus enters its own sign Taurus while Mercury enters its own sign Gemini around June 6. Both planets are very powerful in the sign they both rule, resulting in financial news, news related to property, purchases and/or possessions, expenses and/or bills to be paid. Expansive and optimistic Jupiter stations and turns direct at 13° Libra around the June 9 Full Moon. This restriction-lifting station usually brings more optimism, more indulgence and a sense of (regained) freedom. Expect a boost in your confidence! For some of you, this station will indicate fortunate developments and expansion in your relationship(s) (in the widest sense). On a mundane level, there are legal issues and scandals coming out into the open because stationing Jupiter is currently at a very public degree. Around June 10 you may feel unrewarded and dissatisfied. Some of you may face legal issues and/or disputes. Try not to impose your vision or ideology upon others. If you are born around January 25, March 10, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12, there is pleasantness with others around June 11. You are popular and for some of you, love is in the air. If you are born around this day of June 11, these astrological influences will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday). Around June 13-14 Mercury at 14° Gemini squares (stationing) Neptune at 14° Pisces. Stationing Neptune is extremely powerful now that it is almost at a standstill in its own sign. The waxing square with Mercury reflects a smoke curtain, unreliable news or information, misunderstandings and/or miscommunication and/or disguised communication. Beware of hoaxes and fake news. The Sun at 24° Gemini opposes limiting Saturn at 24° Sagittarius around June 15. Any Saturn opposition creates a distance and indicates a turn off. A higher up may be temporary or permanently out of reach for whatever reason. Your creative self-expression is blocked and you face some restrictions and/or health issues. Around June 16 Neptune at 14° Pisces, a so-called critical degree, stations and turns retrograde. There can be lots of confusion, sadness and disappointment now and you better keep your head cool. Do not take any important decisions around this station because you may be drowned by a situation and will not see the picture clearly. As soon as Neptune regresses, your ideals and visions may become more realistic. Interestingly, retrograde Neptune usually marks a period of increased artistic ability and spiritual growth (insight). In astrometeorology, Neptune's station in the mutable water sign Pisces often indicates water-related issues (precipitation, floods, inundations,...) here and there, the more so because the Moon is in Pisces too. FYI, any aspect between the transiting Moon and Neptune (powerful in its own sign Pisces), humidity is high, often resulting in rain, snow, fog etc. Additionally, maritime issues too can be expected around the station. If you are born around January 31, March 17, May 2, June 17, August 4, September 19, November 3 or December 18, you may feel lonely, separated or face a reality check in your relationships (in the widest sense) around June 17. There is some hardship noticeable with a loved one. If you are born around February 1, March 18, May 3, June 18-19, August 5, September 20, November 4-5 or December 19, there are enjoyable (love) encounters around June 18 but unfortunately, the encounters might be short-lived. There is excitement with others to be experienced. Around the same day of June 18 Mercury at 24° Gemini opposes blocking Saturn at 24° Sagittarius indicating official news, documents, messages or information coming from abroad or from a far-away place. It may be sad news also. There is a serious and cloudy mood noticeable. Between June 18-21 a YOD pattern (between Venus, Neptune and Jupiter -- Jupiter being the apex planet) is active and suggests engulfing in beauty, being creative and artistic (acting, listening to music, enjoying photography,...), excessive use of deceptive practices in financial or artistic endeavors, religious deceptions, romantic reverie, luxury consciousness and/or keeping up a good front. Through being creative and artistic, you will be able to expand your consciousness on condition you can turn inward. On a mundane level, this can be a highly disorganizing pattern and some of you may not be able to manage your daily affairs well now. You tend to procrastinate, use poor judgement or even over-reach. Prepare for another world view to emerge due to "a twist of fate." Around June 20 a whole lot of astrological activity points to (creative) inspiration, optimism in love, camaraderie, sudden attachments, escaping reality through the arts or music. The Sun and Mercury together enter home-loving and patriotic Cancer around June 21. It's like two people entering another room or home and indeed, for some of you this transit may suggest a change of residence, a move, starting to live together, doing home beautification and/or just finding "a new home." There can be news about pregnancy and motherhood also. Expect some emotional conversations and discussions around these days with people saying what's on their mind (and heart). Around June 22 you may feel weak and helpless about being able to change society or regain lost love. Withdrawal, music or art can bring healing. If you are born around February 5, March 21, May 6, June 22, August 8, September 24, November 8 or December 23, the current astrological influences may affect you in particular. Mars at 13° Cancer squares Jupiter at 13° Libra around June 25, indicating legal issues made public. Criminal investigations, violent actions, bullying and protests may be noticed. Don't try to be too fanatic in imposing your beliefs or world view. Around June 26 there is a sad and even mourning mood. It may be difficult to accept the loss of a (be)loved one, the breaking up, the detachment. The separating influences continue on June 27 and it looks like there is a threat of loss and/or ill health. Mercury at 13° Cancer squares Jupiter at 13° Libra around June 27 indicating misjudgments, making sweeping (emotional) statements and telling tall stories in public. Around June 28 Mercury and Mars conjoin at 15° Cancer, a so-called "critical degree." Usually, the Mercury-Mars conjunction in emotional Cancer represents (too) fast and decisive statements, emotional arguments or discussions. Some impatience in communicating is noticeable too and you may be too quick to share what's on your mind. Any sharp remarks now lack some diplomacy. In many cases Mercury-Mars aspects also suggest traffic and/or transportation accidents. At 16° Cancer, this conjunction implies separation from a female person, brooding, thinking how to break the bonds of a restrictive home life and/or trying to cope with loneliness. If you are born around January 6, February 19, April 5, May 22, July 7-8, August 23-24, October 9 or November 23, you are able to assert yourself, manipulate the other(s), organize something big, persuade people and apply control to suit your particular purposes around June 28-29. Around June 29-30 Mercury at 18° Cancer opposes Pluto at 18° Capricorn. This is an investigative aspect overall, very analytical, but also transformative denoting that it may reverse "facts & figures." Beware of slander and annoying and/or poisonous comments/communication. Mercury-Pluto aspects too are often found during times of severe transportation and/or traffic accidents. Love Quotes of the MonthLove is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties-- Jules Renard -- I think the reason guys like women in leather outfits so much is because they have that new-car smell -- George Fara -- A bikini is like a barbed wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing the view -- Joey Adams -- Men make love more intensely at twenty but make love better at thirty -- Catherine II of Russia -- It's not enough to conquer; one must know how to seduce -- Voltaire -- I haven't had that many women -- only as many as I could lay my hands on -- Dudley Moore -- What's New on Our Web Site?We updated the following 12 pages: Sun sign Aries Ascendant combos Sun Sign Taurus Ascendant combos Sun sign Gemini Ascendant combos Sun sign Cancer Ascendant combos Sun sign Leo Ascendant combos Sun sign Virgo Ascendant combos Sun sign Libra Ascendant combos Sun sign Scorpio Ascendant combos Sun sign Sagittarius Ascendant combos Sun sign Capricorn Ascendant combos Sun sign Aquarius Ascendant combos Sun sign Pisces Ascendant combosWomen Married "Late"In our previous Love Letter we presented our preliminary research results regarding men who married after the age of 45 for the first time.In our search for accurate birth information of women who married after the age of 45 for the first time, we were not able to find enough data to even start our research project. Only after lowering the age from 45 to 40, we were able to gather 20 accurate birth data to give it a go. Twenty natal charts is not enough for any serious research but it's a good beginning anyway and interesting to find out if we can find anything that jumps out. This time too, we were eager to test some medieval aphorisms or rules to find out if they are valid. The first medieval aphorism or rule we wanted to test reads as follows: "The Sun in the western hemisphere (houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9) in a female nativity indicates marrying late or marrying an older man". This is a tricky aphorism to research because it contains two conditions only one of which we were able to research. We do not have the ages of the partner at the time of marriage, so that you need to take our results with a grain of salt for now. In our research we found the Sun to be west in 7 cases and in the east in 13 cases suggesting that this medieval aphorism misses the mark. When looking at the other planets and bodies the Moon stood out though. In 13 out of the 20 cases, the Moon too was found in the western hemisphere (houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9)! Though not statistically significant, the Moon's position is remarkable. Venus too was found to be in a remarkable position: in 14 out of the 20 cases, this planet was posited in the eastern hemisphere (houses 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 or 3). Unlike our study pertaining to the male charts, Saturn was in no position worth mentioning. This once more shows that we do need to differ in our research studies between men and women. -------Sidebar ----------- By the way, statistics is not too good a tool to investigate astrology because it only involves single (astrological) conditions whereas we need to find a whole chain of different astrological conditions that build a signature representing late marriages. One swallow does not make a summer; you can't read the cover of a puzzle by analyzing just one piece of it. There can be numerous different signatures that represent the same event, trait or characteristic and we need to find all these chains by blending numerous astrological conditions and configurations together to find the ones that cannot be found in the control groups. Unfortunately, there is yet NO astrological software in the world that is able to just combine and blend all these different conditions and compare them with control groups. Perhaps we would need quantum computers to get all these calculations done and hundreds of programmers to write such software, but as long we don't have these tools, we will have to cope with hits and misses in our astrological research. -------Sidebar ----------- A second medieval aphorism or rule reads as follows: "The Sun in the 1st or 3rd Quadrant (houses 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 or 9) in the horoscope of a female nativity indicates marrying late or marrying an older man." This one too is a tricky aphorism to research because it contains two conditions only one of which we were able to research. We do not have the ages of the partner at the time of marriage, so that you need to take our results with a grain of salt for now. Our research results have shown 13 charts (out of 20) having the Sun in the 1st or 4th Quadrant and only 9 in the 1st and 3rd Quadrant. Though not (statistically) significant, it still looks like our preliminary results oppose the medieval saying. It also looks like the Sun needs to be in either the 1st or 4th Quadrant for a "late" marriage in a female nativity to occur. When looking at the position of the other planets and bodies in the Quadrants, the Moon was in the 3rd Quadrant in 9 cases out of 20 (chi square 12.5). So, after all and in conclusion, these ancient rules or aphorisms could not be validated (yet). What else did we find? In 16 cases out of the 20 natal charts, the asteroid Vesta was found in the southern hemisphere (above the horizon, or above the Ascendant-Descendant axis in the horoscope wheel). This is very remarkable, the more so we could not find this in the male charts. Though not too statistically significant (chi square 3.6), it's still an important fact. Also, the Moon, Venus and Mars were predominantly found in the southern hemisphere as well (the Moon in 13 cases, Venus and Mars in 14 cases). Some other results (in no particular order):
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