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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #212 -- Natal Sun Pluto Connections July 21, 2022 |
Dear August is still under the influence of some of July's astrological configurations but also presents new energies of a different kind with the "help" of stationing Uranus, the Mars-Uranus-Lunar Nodes combo and some other patterns. ******************************************** Table of ContentsOur regular features
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Love Forecasts for August 2022(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)Click here to download the August 2022 calendar in pdf format. In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around August 2, 9, 15, 22 and/or 29-30. During this month of August there are the following specific planetary configuration of stationing outer planets that might affect some birthdays in particular.
Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished. In the 45° dial, there is one powerful midpoint combo between outer planets going on that will be exact this month and that will mark this month's Zeitgeist: the Saturn/Uranus midpoint equals the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (SA/UR = NE/CH). This midpoint picture is indicative of, among others, stress and agony, trying to resist heavy floods or heavy precipitation, breaking barriers resulting in floods, tense challenges resulting in or coinciding with cognitive dissonance, tension and stress causing suffering or heartbreak, the painful revolt, the manifestations or protests against suffering or misery, the tragic loss (through accidents or external circumstances, for instance), the disruptions causing misery, facing disappointing opposition. Around August 1-2, Mars at 18° Taurus is conjunct both the (true and mean) Lunar North Node and Uranus as well as conjunct the Fixed Star Ruchbach. This surely is a powerful, violent and accident-prone combination that will likely affect many people, or in any way groups of people. Readers of our monthly forecasts know that we don't like Mars getting near the Lunar Nodes because of its "bloody" nature and outcomes, often affecting groups of people and resulting in physical injuries and even casualties. Add now disruptive, turbulent, erratic and shocking Uranus to the mix and this conjunction gets explosive and "ground-breaking." Expect sudden turn of events, breaking news and emergencies all over, affecting the masses here and there. In an earth sign, this conjunction might result in material (and/or physical) damage and hence, "natural" disasters may not be ruled out. This powerful and explosive combo conjunct the Fixed Star Ruchbach also suggests sacrifice for a higher ideology, religion and/or political party and lacking "human warmth, compassion and empathy." Because this degree area of 18° Taurus is hit on different occasions this month, these themes will likely be noticeable in many ways and versions during the course of the month. Around August 2 and 3, there are sunny spells in the sky. Around August 4, Mercury enters its own sign Virgo, increasing the "appearance" and annoyance of tiny bugs and insects as well as a renewed focus on the medical world, health and illness. Moreover, this entrance of Mercury in the sign of (detailed) analysis is able to do meticulous work and question documents and information critically. It's the small print that counts now but the downside of this entrance is mixing up being critical on the one hand with being skeptical and averse on the other side. Chances are you will have to do menial tasks, aside from the detailed work and some administration that belongs to it as well. Additionally, from this day of August 4 on, retrograde Pluto re-enters the degree area of 26° Capricorn, a tyrannical degree, that it will leave mid December 2022. So, a heads up here as we are entering a(n) (in)tense and harsher time frame again... Around August 5, there are clouds in the sky. Mars at 22° Taurus squares Saturn at 22° Aquarius around August 7, a combo describing illness, not being able to work, and for some of you, this may bring a hard time. Any plan, activity or action is now on hold and/or blocked, delayed by external "forces." Try to take some days off around this aspect and take it easy because you will not be able to move forward just now. Venus at 26° Cancer and Pluto at 26° Capricorn oppose each other around August 9, coinciding with the death of a loved one, fatal attractions, highly-charged encounters, situations of financial blackmail (so, beware of phishing, computer hacks etc.), cosmetic surgery, lustful murder and/or physical abuse, monetary and banking issues, among others. Around August 10 and 11 the Sun at 18° Leo squares both the (mean and true) Lunar North Node and Uranus at 18° Taurus, while Venus enters playful Leo. Let's start with attention-seeking Venus in Leo, loving a party, a concert, some drama and any kind of entertainment. Go out now, enjoy gatherings and socialize and, who knows, you might even find love. The solar square to the Lunar Nodes is another story though as it's also called the "Moon's wobble", a super charged Lunation (exact around August 12), representing an unstable period in time during which emotions are not fully under control and may run high. During this August 12 Full Moon, the Sun at 19° Leo will be conjunct Saturn BUT also square Mars. Hence, this whole period is marked by a T-square pattern (Mars being the apex planet, squaring the Sun, Saturn and the Moon). For some of you, this pattern marks cardio-vascular issues, while for others it may result in health issues, illness, separation, mental strain and/or "not being able to get off the ground." Following astrometeorology, Moon wobble periods have an influence on floods and tides and hence, might affect some areas here and there. Around August 12, there are clouds in the sky. Around August 14, the Sun at 21° Leo opposes Saturn at 21° Aquarius. Anytime the Sun opposes blocking Saturn, you may feel down, your creative self-expression is blocked. Following mundane astrology, this opposition often coincides with the passing of a celebrity, VIP, father figure.... Following astrometeorology, there are sunny spells, more so on August 15. Around August 17-18, there are clouds in the sky. Mars enters mutable Gemini while Mercury at 24° Virgo opposes Neptune at 24° Pisces around August 20 and 21. Mars in Gemini is talkative and even argumentative. There is nervous tension around and you may be a lot on the go as well. Beware of traffic or transportation accidents. If you are born around January 29, March 15, April 29-30, June 15, August 2, September 17, November 2 or December 16, these days point to, among others, leading damage, feeling betrayed, experiencing issues because of water-or gas- or toxic related matters. Beware of hidden or undisclosed facts and misleading information. The Sun enters Virgo around August 22-23, suggesting an increased focus on health matters. Around August 24, Uranus stations and turns backward at 18° Taurus, exactly conjunct the Fixed Star Ruchbach. Anytime Uranus comes at a standstill, it coincides with a period of, among others, thunder and storm, lots of noise, irritation, sleepless nights. This station will likely bring some of you down to earth again with a bang and a big awakening. If you are an Aquarius or have Aquarius rising, you won't feel that well around the station and things won't go as wished for. Just keep a low profile for now. Because Uranus rules a mental or cerebral air sign (Aquarius), it may lack some warmth, adding to some harsher manifestations when it's conjunct the Fixed Star Ruchbach. Following mundane astrology, stationary Uranus often marks a period of increased inventions and technical and/or scientific progress. Around August 25, Venus at 16° Leo squares the (true and mean) Lunar North Node while Mercury enters Libra of gatherings and socializing. This is a period of new agreements, new encounters and contacts that feel a bit uncomfortable and still need to grow. Around August 26-27, there are clouds in the sky. Venus at 18° Leo squares stationing Uranus at 18° Taurus while the Sun at 3° Virgo squares Mars at 3° Gemini around the August 27 New Moon. Short-lived encounters and attractions and impatience mark this period. There is haste and things go speedy but beware of pushy behavior as you tend to act before thinking first. Venus at 20° Leo opposes Saturn at 20° Aquarius around August 28. There is the loss of a loved one late August. Love is at a distance now and for some of you this opposition marks a real turn-off and separation or even divorce. Financially speaking, there can be monetary issues and blockages, not being able to pay or use a credit card or just not having enough money. Around August 29, there are sunny spells in the sky. Around August 30, there are sunny spells in the sky. Love Quotes of the MonthLove takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.-- James Baldwin -- True love is usually the most inconvenient kind. -- Kiera Cass -- When we are in love we seem to ourselves quite different from what we were before. -- Blaise Pascal -- For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary. -- Diana Gabaldon -- Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. -- Iris Murdoch -- You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free. -- Thich Nhat Hanh -- What's New on Our Web Site?We updated many pages to be more smartphone compliant.Most issues have to do with links that are too close to each other when touching them with finger tips on a smartphone. It will still take some time to get rid of this inconvenience because we have to check page after page but we will get there eventually. There were different (dead) link changes as well. We also updated the page about the (love) life of Jennifer Lopez with the announcement of her marriage on July 16, 2022 to Ben Affleck. Natal Sun Pluto ConnectionsIn previous Love Letters we delineated numerous planetary connections or affinities already.Now it's time to delve deeper into the Sun Pluto connections. In most cases, the following configurations are used (there are more though (!) to define Sun Pluto connections but this would lead us too far and make it more complicated than necessary):
What do Sun Pluto connections signify? In its most primal essence, this combination between the Royal Sun and forceful Pluto, is indicative of ambition and to be in control and have power, triggered and kept alive by imagination and the subconscious mind. This can be harmless, but ruthless also if other astrological configurations are present. People who have the Sun Pluto connection in their natal chart, have stamina, staying power, and go "all the way." They want to be the leader, the boss and are self-conscious and rather selfish. They are laser-focused on a goal they set and may be manipulative to reach it. In a certain way, they can put pressure on others, enforce things for selfish ends, sometimes in subtle ways though (depending on other configurations). They tend to have a fixed mindset and convictions they hardly let go. They have it difficult to relax and/or let go and always have the urge to accomplish. In some instances, this connection indicates sex-addictions or other obsessive-compulsive behavior. If you want to take a look at our back-issues, click here! You can also follow us on our gab, MeWe, Minds or Diaspora* social network pages on which we post articles, videos or comments about astrology, oenetic sciences, cymatics, electro-magnetism, well-being and all related topics. Note that we only post on irregular intervals (quality content above quantity!) if there is something interesting, informative, reliable,... to mention. Indeed, unlike others, we are quite selective and don't post everything we read or receive. We no longer post on Facebook, but if you want to look at past messages, posts or articles, click here! If you want to join us on gab, click here! If you want to join us on Diaspora*, click here! If you want to join us on MeWe, click here! If you want to join us on Minds, click here! Click here if you want to donate Newsletter and Web Site Built with the help of SBI! Click here to contact us! Luc De Jaeger Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) Ondernemingsnummer/Company Number 0859944788 VAT/BTW: BE 0859 944 788 RPR Gent Fortlaan 73 BE-9000 Gent Belgium |
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