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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #218 -- Updated Research: Marriages in Female Solar Returns January 21, 2023 |
Dear Though there are no big astrological configurations as such going on in February, we should not underestimate the importance of the planetary pictures that the outer and generational planets and bodies build. ******************************************** Table of ContentsOur regular features
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Love Forecasts for February 2023(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone. Click here to download the February 2023 calendar in pdf format. In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around February 2, 9-10, 16-17 and/or 22. During this month of February there are no specific planetary configurations of stationing outer planets active that might affect some specific birthdays. Generally speaking, February 3, 6, 8 and 16 are "less lucky" days. Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished. In the 45° dial, there are some powerful midpoint combos between outer planets going on that will be exact this month and that will mark this month's Zeitgeist:
This planetary picture is indicative of, among others: a worldwide shock experience, the sudden realization of a severe situation or big (global) problem, the worldwide disruption by an unreal situation, the sudden collapse, the numerous bankruptcies, the worldwide big fraud or scandal(s), the water-related issues (floods, inundations,...). When Saturn hits the Neptune/Pluto midpoint (SA = NE/PL) while the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint equals the Neptune/Pluto midpoint as well in the 2nd half of the month (JU/CH = NE/PL), this might translate to, among others: pessimism, sadness, the tearful event(s), to experience darkness, the huge mental or physical crisis, the grief and torment, the severe illness or tough (mysterious) health issues, a slowly developing situation that leads to seclusion or disappearing or going hidden, the big issues with water (maritime issues, floods, inundations,...). Following our own research, the JU/CH midpoint often represents a medical doctor so that this planetary picture might be health-related. Additionally, it may also be linked to secrets, either pointing to secret persons or organizations or activities that might get revealed in the 2nd half of the month. When different midpoint combinations blend, it's not always easy to really find out in what way they will manifest in reality and we should rather keep an eye on the core principles and meanings of the midpoints. The Jupiter/Pluto midpoint equaling the Uranus/Neptune midpoint in the 2nd half of the month as well (JU/PL = UR/NE) is indicative of, among others: the enforced isolation, the massive hopelessness, the big losses, the massive flood(s), the numerous casualties or deaths, a big force or forceful event causing widespread death. The Sun at 15° Aquarius squares Uranus, its own dispositor, at 15° Taurus around February 3, suggesting a very sudden turn of events, a situation that suddenly takes a U-turn, and/or a male person suddenly leaving your world, combined with sadness and a mourning mood. Almost always, this combo coincides with a shock experience (emotionally or physically, literally or figuratively). The degree area of 15° Aquarius is always indicative of "the fall of a male person" (which may manifest in either the resignation of a higher-up, or because of death/separation). The lesson to learn is "letting go", don't stick or cling to someone or something and keep your sovereignty and independence and move on. Following mundane astrology and astrometeorology, this aspect happens during earthquakes and the like, explosions and/or violence as well. Around February 4, Venus at 11° Pisces squares Mars at 11° Gemini. Anytime Venus and Mars are in aspect, they point to a clash, crossing lines or boundaries. Either you are too impulsive, too much pushing through the own urges while neglecting these of the other, the partner, someone else or you hesitate and keep an uncomfortable distance. If you are born around January 15-16, March 1-2, April 15, June 1-2, July 18, September 3-4, October 19 or December 3, there is a chance of love at first sight, an unexpected proposal, childbirth and/or urge to express your passion. The February 5 Full Moon period that widely squares Uranus, is marked by unexpected events and/or experiences, especially in matters of love and romance on the one hand and finances on the other side. Around February 7, there are clouds in the sky. There are sunny spells around February 9 and 10. Mercury and Pluto conjoin at 28° Capricorn around February 10, just before Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius around the same day. Around these days there is the likelihood of news about a sudden death and/or a profound change related to a relationship. When Mercury enters Aquarius, it brings something (news, a document or documents, a message) to our attention, indicating there can be breaking news. Also, there can be sudden changes of opinion or agreements that result in nervous tension. Following mundane astrology, Mercury in this position reflects emergencies and crisis situations related to traffic, transportation and/or travel/commuting. Following astrometeorology, beware of stormy weather here and there. It's interesting to know also that from February 11-12 on, generational and heavy Pluto is at 29° Capricorn, an ending degree, before it enters Aquarius next month. In this position, Pluto already longs to be in liberating Aquarius but it's still feeling Capricorn's restrictions and authoritarian (patriarchal), steering, influences. Hence, transformational Pluto feels divided and tense, causing unrest. The degree area between 29° Capricorn and 0° Aquarius is a highly important one that coincides with huge and totally unexpected U-turns and crisis situations, resulting in such a U-turn (or big reversal of a situation that changes everything). Because Pluto moves slowly and acts in a forceful way, presenting experiences that have a huge emotional impact, we are entering a very powerful and (emotionally) intense period of (sudden) profound changes that will unfold the coming days, weeks and months. Hence, it may be related to rebellion, revolts and "revolutions", intense forceful events (man-made ones or natural ones, accidental ones or intentional ones) to regenerate, reverse and renew from the bottom up. Pluto will transit this degree area the whole 1st half of the year and will return to the Capricorn themes again in the 2nd half of the year. This may indicate going back and forth between restrictions, patriarchal influences and more liberating and independent ones this and next year. Pluto in this degree area often coincides with: upsets and revolts (power to the people), issues in or with Monarchies and centralized religions (especially the Vatican) resulting in reforms and even undermining these institutions, a new sexual revolution (female power), more liberating energies (though not without a fight), the introduction of new technologies with a profound impact, parliamentary and social reforms, and generally speaking, the decentralization of many systems. Also beware of certain fixed convictions that may not always be comfortable for everyone. Around February 12, there are clouds in the sky (it's overcast and grey). Around February 15, Venus and Neptune conjoin at 24° Pisces while Mercury at 6° Aquarius squares the true Moon's Nodes. You may miss a loved one, or feel disappointed in a relationship. There is a lot of buzz going on during this nervous and hectic period. Following astrometeorology, there can be quite some precipitation around this period. The day after, around February 16, the Sun and Saturn meet at 27° Aquarius, suggesting a cooler atmosphere. You may feel limited, cannot fully express your creativity and will. Some of you may feel suffocated around this transit. The Sun enters Pisces around February 18, focusing on those who are in need or need care. Around the February 20 perigee New Moon, Venus enters Aries. In this position, Venus wants to find out how attractive it still is and tends to become a bit flirty. Venus loves adventure and the Armed Forces and all that is related to pioneering activities and just doing things and being busy. Hence, Venus is not in a peaceful position. Following astrometeorology, perigee New Moons coincide with an increased chance of a (very) cold or cooler weather pattern. Around the same day of February 20, there are clouds in the sky. Mercury at 15° Aquarius squares Uranus, its own dispositor, at 15° Taurus around February 21, suggesting breaking news, a very sudden turn of events, a situation that suddenly takes a U-turn. There is a surprising new outlook on some situation. This degree area of 15° Aquarius is always indicative of "the fall of a male person" (which may manifest in either the resignation of a higher-up, or death/separation). Prepare for sudden changes of course, changing opinions and traffic or transportation issues (and air crashes as well). This is a noisy, stressful and nervous combination overall. Following astrometeorology, there can be a fierce wind here and there. There are sunny spells around February 22. Around February 24, there are clouds in the sky. Around February 25-26, your relationships (in the widest sense) are under tension. Some of you may experience a break-up, a separation or a divorce. This is a bit of a disruptive period, some of which may coincide with a mandatory or an enforced separation or change of the place. If you are born around February 11, March 28, May 13, June 29, August 15, September 30, November 14-15 or December 29, these current energies may especially affect you. Following astrometeorology, there can be cold weather here and there. Around February 26, you may enjoy the company of a loved one or there can be a gathering, a party or some celebration. If you are born around January 12-13, February 10-11, March 12-13, April 12, May 13, June 13, July 14-15, August 15, September 15, October 15-16, November 14-15 or December 14, these influences will be especially felt by you. From February 27 on (and till March 8), Saturn at 29° Aquarius is semi-sextile Pluto at 29° Capricorn. We mention this aspect because Saturn is the dispositor of Pluto and both are at the same numerical degree in a sign (29°; an ending degree) at the same time so that both bodies will have a powerful influence. Remember that both Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn early 2020? Both bodies combined together indicate harsh circumstances, hardship, shortages, imposed and/or enforced restrictions, sticking tenaciously to old rules and/or imposing strict regulations, not liking to break the rules, tightening control measures. Clearly, there are still some remnants that need to be cleared up by bringing up some issues again. Love Quotes of the MonthEvery true and deep love is a sacrifice.-- Carl Jung -- Where love is deep, much can be accomplished. -- Shinichi Suzuki -- The extreme form of passionate love is secret love. -- Japanese proverb -- A good girl is just like a bad girl, except she’s only bad with someone very special. -- Source unknown -- Sexy is kind of like an aura around someone. -- Shane West -- Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze. -- Elinor Glyn -- What's New on Our Web Site?We added a new article about Mercury conjunct the Descendant which we published in the previous Love Letter.We were busy with quite some research projects and did not edit or add anything else to our website. Also, the search for a PayPal alternative and/or substitute continued, with no clear results so far. Updated Research: Marriages in Female Solar ReturnsAfter adding lots of new data, we managed to increase our database of solar returns cast for the year of marriage of females to 315 charts.Below, we present our latest statistical research results so far based upon these 315 solar returns. They are solely based upon the solar returns as a stand-alone chart without taking into account and comparing them with the natal chart. Because we don't always know the place of residence during the time of the solar return, we calculated all charts based on the natal place of birth. As usual, you will need to find different (many) of the astrological conditions for a marriage to occur. By just taking one single piece in isolation, you cannot judge the cover of a puzzle! The degree areas The following degree areas jump out:
The midpoints In the 8th Harmonic (45° dial or list) the following midpoints reign:
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