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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #224 -- Natal Moon Mercury Connections July 21, 2023 |
Dear With two perigee Full Moons and an apogee New Moon, August might still bring lots of drought and heatwaves here and there, accompanied by periods of intense showers and/or thunderstorms (in the northern hemisphere anyway). ******************************************** Table of ContentsOur regular features
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Love Forecasts for August 2023(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone. Click here to download the August 2023 calendar in pdf format. In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around August 5, 11-12, 19 and/or 26-27. During this month of August there are the following specific planetary configurations of stationing outer planets that might affect some specific birthdays in particular:
Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished. In the 45° dial, there are the following powerful midpoint combos between outer planets going on that will be exact this month and that will mark this month's Zeitgeist: the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint equals the Uranus/Chiron midpoint (JU/PL = UR/CH), Neptune hits the Saturn/Chiron midpoint (NE = SA/CH), Saturn hits the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint (SA = JU/NE) in the first half of the month and Uranus equals the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (UR = NE/CH). Let's take a look now what these planetary pictures tell about this month's Zeitgeist. The JU/PL = UR/CH planetary picture suggests, among others: a successful breakthrough or a fortunate discovery, the big event (explosion, shock) causing many casualties, the big tumultuous experience or event, the mass uproar, the developing and increasing need for freedom. On a personal level, this midpoint can work out very well and bring successes, luck in whatever way, the more so if you are born around January 26, March 12, April 26-27, June 12, July 29, September 14, October 30 or December 13. The NE = SA/CH midpoint indicates, among others: the chronic health issue(s), the reality check, the agony, anxiety, the hardship, the destruction of buildings, the decay. The SA = JU/NE midpoint combination that is active in the 1st half of August, suggests, among others: the heavy precipitation, the floods or inundations, the tiredness, the overcast or grey weather pattern, to feel hopeless, to lose faith, the financial losses. The UR = NE/CH combination suggests, among others: the heavy precipitation, the floods, the defeat or disappointment, the agony, the suffering, the inexplicable situation(s). Around the August 1-2 perigee Full Moon at 9° Aquarius, Mercury at 5° Virgo opposes Saturn at 5° Pisces. When Mercury, representing traffic, documents and/or information opposes blocking Saturn, expect documents or information to be withheld, blocked or restricted. This combo is not a 'good news' bringer, on the contrary. Likewise, traffic issues might be present here and there and annoying traffic jams might occur. You better don't buy anything on this day as the products may be delayed or sold out, having issues or even be damaged. Following astrometeorology, perigee Full Moons during the summer coincide with ongoing drought and possible heatwaves, accompanied by short but intense heavy showers and thunderstorms. Beware of fires here and there. So, don't be alarmed by what the media says about the extreme weather pattern, it's just all in the Stars and meant to be that way as part of the 'Divine Plan.' However, some people and/or organizations in power modify, enhance, engineer, the weather with patented methods and then conveniently blame the climate or the sun. In the southern hemisphere, this perigee Full Moon might coincide with milder temperatures. Most Mercury-Saturn aspects point to dark and cloudy weather but also hint at brisk wind and/or even storm here and there. Around August 3, there are sunny spells first but later it gets cloudy. Around August 5, there are enjoyable talks, a nice encounter or you get/find some nice gifts. Overall, the day has some enjoyable moments. The Sun at 14° Leo squares Jupiter at 14° Taurus around August 6-7, suggesting a male person disappearing out of your world. This can be a restless, nervous period with sleepless nights, stress and with irritation in the air. Following mundane astrology, this degree area often coincides with a 'fall from a height' (literally or figuratively, so, it might also coincide with a resignation or dismissal) but also with fleeing away or traveling suddenly. Around August 7, it's cloudy but later on there are sunny spells. The August 8 Last Quarter Moon at 15° Taurus is exactly conjunct Jupiter, adding to an existential change of course, often resulting in financial losses or expenses. However, in most personal situations, this degree area might also point to pregnancy, childbirth, a marriage, triggering an existential change in life with a material component. Expect lots of buzz, calls, talks, interventions, traffic issues and a very busy schedule. Around August 9, Venus at 22° Leo squares Uranus at 22° Taurus, suggesting pregnancy and/or childbirth and/or existential relationship changes. Because Uranus is squared by its own dispositor (Venus rules Taurus), this still can be a challenging aspect that often coincides with short-lived attractions and/or sudden separations (unexpected deaths as well). Expect a fair, enjoyable day and gentle, dry weather with sunny spells around August 12. The Sun and Venus meet at 20° Leo around August 13. This degree area is a very affectionate one, suggesting proposals, marriages etc. to happen, as well as enjoyable social gatherings. The August 16 apogee New Moon at 23° Leo squares Uranus at 23° Taurus, suggesting a sudden break-up, separation, rupture, often after a short but intense period of connecting or bonding. This degree area has a tragic undertone, and sudden deaths may be possible as well. Following mundane astrology, the current astrological configurations point to damage to buildings (this is almost a given), inundations, floods, etc. here and there. This can be a stormy, violent and accident-prone period with sudden turns of events. Earthquakes too are possible. Following astrometeorology, apogee New Moons during the summer coincide with ongoing drought and possible heatwaves here and there, accompanied by short but intense, heavy showers and thunderstorms. In the southern hemisphere, this apogee New Moon might coincide with milder temperature. Around August 17, there are sunny spells first but later it gets cloudy. Venus at 15° Leo squares Jupiter at 15° Taurus while Mars at 26° Virgo opposes Neptune at 26° Pisces around August 22, indicating (financial) losses and/or expenses. Following astrometeorology, there can be sudden local showers/precipitation, thunderstorms and sultry weather. Around the same day of August 22, there are sunny spells first but later on it gets cloudy. The Sun enters Virgo around August 23 while Mercury stations at 21° Virgo and turns backward. The focus is on health and work for the coming period. Stationing Mercury usually affects Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) the most. It's best to not expect too much as you may not feel too well around the station. Beware of signing any document and you better wait until Mercury moves forward again to take important decisions. The degree area of 21° Virgo often coincides with a reality check, a mental shock experience, accompanied by a paralyzing effect because you cannot absorb and digest the experience instantly. There is some mental overflow noticeable and it's getting all too much. Following mundane astrology, stationing Mercury often coincides with periods of strikes, protests and/or manifestations here and there. Around August 27, Mars enters Libra, the sign of its detriment while the Sun at 3° Virgo opposes Saturn at 3° Pisces. In Libra, impulsive and pushy Mars upsets the balance and status quo. Mars has it now very difficult to maintain harmony because it's too active in a self-serving, egocentric way. Libra wants cooperation, a concept that is not found in the dictionary of Mars. Fiery Mars becomes more emotional because of perceived injustices while it resides in airy Libra, the sign of the judging scales. The current period tends to become a more competitive one, reacting too soon to external stimuli but it's important to air the feelings properly anyway. Expect lots of buzz, calls, talks, interventions, traffic issues and a very busy schedule. Any Sun-Saturn opposition blocks or hinders creative self-expression so that any kind of (free) expression becomes an issue now. Following mundane astrology, this aspect often coincides with the separation, a break-up, leave-taking, passing away, dismissal etc. of an authority, father figure, VIP, celebrity, leader etc. Uranus stations at 23° Taurus around August 28-29 and turns backward. Stations of Uranus mark a restless, nervous, tense and noisy period. Expect a couple of sleepless nights, the more so because this station coincides with a Full Moon period. If you are Aquarius or have Aquarius rising, this station may affect you most and chances are you will not feel that well or things may not go as expected or anticipated. Expect irritation and even some 'shock' experience(s). This degree area is linked to sudden losses (often in a tragic way), unexpected separations after intense and short-lived encounters/meetings, but also the sudden encounter of people you have not met since a long time. Interestingly in that way, separations often go hand in hand with new encounters. Stationing Uranus often coincides with important (eye-opening) discoveries, following mundane astrology, especially during an awakening Full Moon period. Following astrometeorology, stationing Uranus tends to coincide with periods of heavy (thunder)storm. There are sunny spells around August 30. The August 31 perigee Full Moon at 7° Pisces points to ongoing drought and/or hot weather, following astrometeorology. There is erratic behavior and panic noticeable around this Full Moon. Following mundane astrology, this period may present some maritime issues as well as water-related issues (floods, inundations etc.). Love Quotes of the MonthThe emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.-- Nicholas Sparks -- Love does not mean you will always agree, see eye to eye, or never have an argument. It means despite the bad days you still can’t see yourself without that person. -- Source unknown -- Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a lifetime. -- William Shakespeare -- True love is not a hide-and-seek game; in true love, both lovers seek each other. -- Michael Bassey Johnson -- Commitment is making a choice to give up other choices. -- Scott Stanley -- Remember, we all Stumble, every one of us. that's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. -- Emily Kimbrough -- What's New on Our Web Site?We edited the The Lunar Nodes in Synastry page and added the page about the natal house defining the different marriage partners that we published in a previous Love Letter.We also updated the page about the (love) life of Ariana Grande with the news of her upcoming divorce. There were also different, but minor, editions on other pages (the result of spelling checks, translation errors, link checks etc.). We continued making our website more smartphone proof as well. Natal Moon Mercury ConnectionsIn previous Love Letters we delineated numerous planetary connections or affinities already.Now it's time to delve deeper into the Moon Mercury connections. In most cases, the following configurations are used (there are more though (!) to define Moon Mercury connections but this would lead us too far and make it more complicated than necessary):
What do Moon Mercury connections signify? This connection is an unstable one because the combination of the vacillating Moon with nervous and volatile Mercury brings about lots of nervous energies. There can be a lack of focus or concentration but it also shows a wide variety of (often scattered) interests. Communication (verbal or in writing) is connected to one's feelings and hence, this connection is not really objective but actually very subjective. Words have a story to tell. Feelings and emotions are not felt really, but they are vented by talking or writing and it's often in the voice that you can hear the emotions of a native with dominant Moon Mercury connections. The Mercury part in this connection is very analytic, which is unlike how the Moon works. Hence, too much (self-)analysis, often results in 'paralysis' and that is one of the downsides of this connection too. People with dominant Moon Mercury connections tend to be youthful, in a naive way, lacking maturity at times. People with predominant Moon Mercury connections love to be on the go, make trips and walk around. If you want to take a look at our back-issues, click here! You can also follow us on our gab, MeWe, Minds or Diaspora* social network pages on which we post articles, videos or comments about astrology, oenetic sciences, cymatics, electro-magnetism, well-being and all related topics. Note that we only post on irregular intervals (quality content above quantity!) if there is something interesting, informative, reliable,... to mention. Indeed, unlike others, we are quite selective and don't post everything we read or receive. We no longer post on Facebook, but if you want to look at past messages, posts or articles, click here! If you want to join us on gab, click here! If you want to join us on Diaspora*, click here! If you want to join us on MeWe, click here! If you want to join us on Minds, click here! Click here if you want to donate Newsletter and Web Site Built with the help of SBI! Click here to contact us! Luc De Jaeger Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) Ondernemingsnummer/Company Number 0859944788 VAT/BTW: BE 0859 944 788 RPR Gent Fortlaan 73 BE-9000 Gent Belgium |
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