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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #237 -- Venus in the Zodiac Signs (Part 2)
August 21, 2024

September 2024 might become highly eventful with lots of astrological configurations working out one after the other.

It will be interesting to see how the Kite patterns that are present on two different occasions work out but following mundane astrology, they seem to coincide with big natural or man-made disasters.

This might be the more so because this month is part of a Moon wobble period, there is a Lunar Eclipse and an exact aspect between the mean Lunar Nodes and the mean Lunar apogee (called the Black Moon Lilith) all pointing to such (an) event(s).

So much love
Luc De Jaeger

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Table of Contents

Our regular features
  1. The Love Forecasts for the Month
  2. Love Quotes of the month
  3. What's new on our web site?

Our occasional features

  1. Venus in the Zodiac Signs (Part 2)

Love Forecasts for September 2024

(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)

All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone.

Click here to download the September 2024 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around September 4, 11-12, 18 and/or 24-25.

During this month of September there are the following specific planetary configurations of stationing outer planets that might affect some specific birthdays in particular:
  • If you are born around January 23, March 7-8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 9-10, October 25 or December 9, this month is about travel, changing the place of residence, moving away.

    Some of you may change jobs or careers and/or study.

    There is some dissatisfaction possible too but nevertheless, you are making the best out of the situation.

  • If you are born around February 10, March 26, May 11-12, June 27, August 13-14, September 29, November 13 or December 27, this month is about a fortunate turn of events.

    The right things are likely to happen at the right moment for you.
Generally speaking, September 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there are some powerful midpoint combinations between outer planets going on that will mark this month's Zeitgeist (and thus work out the whole month):
  • the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint equals the Uranus/Chiron midpoint (JU/NE = UR/CH), exact around September 21;
  • the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint equals the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (JU/PL = NE/CH), exact around September 22-23;
  • Neptune equals the Uranus/Pluto midpoint (NE = UR/PL), exact around September 27.
The JU/NE = UR/CH planetary picture suggests, among others: floods, inundations, lots of precipitation, the huge scandal(s) or fraud that may be absolutely shocking, the sudden (big) financial expenses or losses, the broken illusion, the uproar related to political conflicts, the big drug seizure.

The JU/PL = NE/CH midpoint combination suggests, among others: severe losses and numerous casualties because of water-related issues or inundations or floods, the big wildfire(s), the cognitive dissonance, the massive (financial) losses or bankruptcies.

Whenever Jupiter/Pluto is found in a planetary picture, in mundane astrology, it above average coincides with a huge number of deaths.

The NE = UR/PL midpoint suggests, among others: the torrential rain or precipitation combined with heavy storm, the severe flood(s), the increased interest in astrology, the step into the unknown, to be uncertain about the future, to cross over, the draining energies.

Because this midpoint only contains generational planets, it has been and still stays active for quite some time; it's just exact around September 27 and part of the Kite mentioned below.

Neptune is leaving 29° Pisces in its retrograde motion.

However, Neptune is still in watery territory (the last 3 degrees of Pisces are degrees of precipitation, floods, inundations, a humid atmosphere, drowning (literally or figuratively), (food) poisoning, severe maritime and/or environmental issues, an exodus, fleeing away or going hiding, intrigue, lies, deception and secrets etc.).

Following astrometeorology, the whole month long may also bring more precipitation than usual, inundations, floods, drownings etc. here and there.

This is the more so because of the aforementioned stations of midpoints of outer planets which makes that we expect this month to still bring way more water-related issues than usual.

Severe disruptions are certainly part of the early September days with erratic and shocking Uranus stationing and turning backward at 27° Taurus, while retrograde Pluto leaves Aquarius and moves back into Capricorn at the same time around September 1.

Indeed, Pluto returns to 29° Capricorn in its backward motion and remains at this highly powerful and so-called 'critical degree' well into November 2024.

What this means is that, until late November, we will observe and experience a short (and temporary!) return to more conservative, stricter (and more restrictive) events, measures (rules and regulations) and experiences, centralized power reflected by Capricorn, instead of the more liberating, rebelling and progressive Aquarius traits that will start to mark the world from 2025 on.

Also, all 29° are ending degrees and will bring endings, reversals, people or organizations or institutions being at the 'end of their rope' and often acting hopelessly and uncoordinated.

There is a wrap-up of numerous situations, often leading to false hopes (reinforced by Neptune's position in the late deceptive Pisces degrees).

For the remainder of 2024, there can be financial crashes, bankruptcies, and corporations, banks, governments and institutions going down, or creating more tumult and disruption all over by trying to anxiously and hopelessly stick to the past, to 'the old' and abusing/misusing their centralized power.

Stationing Uranus at 27° Taurus often coincides with lots of irritation, sleepless nights and nervous tension.

If you are Aquarius or have Aquarius rising, these influences might be especially felt by you.

You may not feel too well either, and things don't fully go as you wished.

This noisy degree area reflects panic, a shock as well and has some impact or influence over gatherings, group activities and tends to bring lots of people together (for good or bad).

Also, it might have an impact on property, possessions and material goods, bringing changes for the better to a group of people -- just to bring them together.

Following astrometeorology, stationing Uranus coincides with thunderstorms, heavy wind and even stormy weather here and there.

In winter, it above average coincides with (heavy) snowfall.

Around the September 2-3 New Moon at 11° Virgo, Mars at 28° Gemini squares Neptune at 28° Pisces.

We now enter a treacherous week full of, among others: uncertainty, unfulfilled wishes, possible assassination(s), raids, being deceived or misled, undercover strategies, working behind the back, being under the influence of higher forces or powers, the fall of (a) government(s) or politician(s), abdication, resignation, the lack of power and energy, catastrophes, the big loss(es), being powerless, submission against your will, paralysis.

This New Moon period will affect you especially if you are born around January 18-19, February 2-3, February 17-18, March 18-19, April 17-18, May 3, May 18-19, June 19, July 20-21, August 5, August 20-21, September 20-21, October 20-22, November 5, November 20-21 or December 19-20.

The Mars-Neptune square in mutable signs presents unstable energies that are very much influenced by emotions.

Following mundane astrology, the New Moon in an earth sign, accompanied by stationing Uranus in an earth sign and Pluto in an earth sign too increases the odds of earthquakes, landslides and other earth-related disasters.

Because most important planets and bodies are posited in earth signs the first three weeks of September, these weeks can be especially (but not exclusively) earthquake-related while the last week of the month has more planets in air signs, suggesting the last week is predominantly wind- and/or storm-related (but not exclusively).

Around September 3, there are clouds in the sky.

Around the same day of September 3-4, Venus at 6° Libra opposes the true Lunar North Node while Mars enters Cancer.

The entrance of Mars in emotional Cancer adds to the emotional atmosphere.

For some of you, this configuration might coincide with a change of the residence or changes related to home and the family.

Mars in Cancer defends its territory but goes with impulses and emotions without reasoning first so that emotions may run high.

Following mundane astrology, when Mars enters domestic Cancer, it above average coincides with big fires and/or damage to real estate or property.

Mars in Cancer is focused on home improvements and repairs and/or working from home.

The Venus-Lunar Node aspect suggests, among others: the absence of a woman or a loved one and/or not getting in contact with a woman or a loved one.

A woman may resign or leave, break up or be unavailable around this period.

This is not a great time to socialize at all and you are not on the same wavelength with others and/or cannot express yourself properly this time.

So, it is not recommended to go on a date just now.

Also, beware of financial issues, a low cash flow or even some financial restrictions around these days.

Around September 6, the Black Moon Lilith (not the asteroid but the mathematical point in space, calculated as the mean lunar apogee) at 7° Libra opposes the mean Lunar North Node at 7° Aries.

Following mundane astrology any exact hit between both mathematical points almost always coincides with man-made or natural disasters and/or severe tragedies, affecting lots of people and resulting in numerous casualties.

The true Lunar Node at 6° Libra opposed the Black Moon already earlier, around August 30, and it might be interesting to observe the outcome of the mean Lunar Nodes instead of the true Nodes this time.

Our experience has shown so far that the mean Lunar Nodes worked more reliably when contacting the Black Moon and that's why we mention this aspect here.

Mercury at 27° Leo squares retrograde Uranus at 27° Taurus around September 7.

Any time Mercury and Uranus build a close aspect, they bring breaking news and sudden turn of events.

The degree area coincides with a panic reaction and the danger of suffocation.

Following astrometeorology, all Mercury-Uranus aspects increase wind speeds.

The Sun at 16° Virgo opposes retrograde Saturn at 16° Pisces around September 7-8, blocking creative self-expression and resulting in the absence of a male person (for whatever reason).

Around these days, someone may leave your world (more often a male person) and this aspect also reflects abdication or resignation.

It's interesting to know and realize that from this day on retrograde Saturn will move back to the degree of 15° Pisces and remain on that 'critical degree' the whole remainder of September.

We need to mention this because this position of Saturn will color the background for the coming days and weeks.

At this particular critical degree, Saturn may increase the odds of inundations, floods, coincide with lots of precipitation, chaotic and hectic situations, confusion, (food) poisoning, gas leaks or issues with gaseous products, the inability to prevent things, to feel powerless, to let things be until they are over, feeling lost with nowhere to go, the big uncertainties, to drown (literally or figuratively) and things are not always easy to handle and/or contain (if at all).

So, be warned and prepared, not alarmed...

On a more personal level, if you are born around January 17-19, February 16-18, March 17-19, April 16-18, May 17-19, June 17-19, July 19-21, August 19-21, September 19-21, October 19-22, November 18-20 or December 18-20, the current days might be related to, among others: confusion, the derailed fantasy, to have lots of imagination, to receive sudden insights, the lies, being overly creative mentally, the break-down, the nervous tension, the mental issue, the senior moment.

Around September 8, there are clouds in the sky.

The current astrological configurations point to, among others: plans being cancelled, the fall of a government or resignation of a politician, gathering information about transforming your life, using deception as a strategy (the Art of deception).

If you are born between August 21-24, the current astrological configurations point to, among others: plans being cancelled, nervous irritability, not feeling centered, to be deceived, not being able to think independently.

Mercury enters Virgo around September 9, increasing nervous tension and the need to analyze things more in detail.

There is mental strain and confusion noticeable.

There is a lot of administration and work to do, even though the work consists of menial tasks.

Mercury in Virgo is very critical and meticulous and better with documents and writing than at talking (after all, Virgo is an earth sign, not an air sign).

There are sunny spells around the same day of September 9, early in the morning.

Around September 10, the astrological configurations suggest, among others: to withdraw or flee away, to go hiding or disappear or keep a low profile, easy come and easy go, playfulness serves to hide a lack of understanding, the happy thoughts avoid (a) difficult situation(s), the sudden revelation or disclosure.

The September 11 First Quarter Moon at 19° Sagittarius widely opposes Jupiter at 20° Gemini; meaning the Sun at 20° Virgo will soon square Jupiter the day after around September 12.

This lunation indicates, among others: fleeing away, escaping but it also points to travel or changing the place.

Anyway, the meanings that will mark the coming week revolve around parting, departure, getting or going away, leaving something/someone you are familiar with for a more independent way of living or phase of development.

Some of you may want to get rid of restrictions, cannot longer stand 'to be mothered' and want to live and experience a broader perspective.

Hence, for some of you this lunation period will coincide with moving or changing the residence.

There are sunny spells around September 15, early in the morning but later on it gets cloudy.

On a personal level, the morning hours may prove to be enjoyable, later on the mood gets more somber.

Around September 15-16 Mars at 6° Cancer squares the true Lunar Nodes, suggesting this whole period of mid September might be related to attacks and/or accidents resulting in physical injuries, aggression, turmoil, affecting a group or many people together.

Any Mars-Lunar Node aspect is a bloody one just because it coincides with so many bloody physical injuries affecting groups of people.

Following mundane astrology, there can be issues with large/tall buildings or houses.

This makes that collapses of such buildings or of tall structures are possible here and there.

Around September 17, there are clouds in the sky.

It's not recommended to purchase anything of value today as the product(s) may be out of stock, delayed and/or defective.

The September 18 Full Moon at 25° Pisces is actually a Lunar Eclipse and a SuperMoon at the same time.

During this SuperMoon, Mercury at 15° Virgo opposes Saturn at 15° Pisces, both at so-called 'critical degrees.'

This Full Moon is at a very chaotic and confusing degree, a degree of not being able to initiate something, take action and a total lack of decisiveness.

This behavior allows you to free yourself from restrictions and chains imposed by the environment.

You might slowly get the opportunity to become more independent, more free.

It's a degree of addictions and the resulting behavior as well.

So, some plans, actions or activities taking this week might be in vain and will just come to nothing.

The Mercury-Saturn opposition reflects sad news and/or a dark mood.

Often, there are retracted documents and information that is withheld or blocked.

At these critical degrees of 15° Virgo-Pisces, this opposition reinforces confusion, a foggy atmosphere, deception, but also (food?) poisoning and dissolving influences.

Following astrometeorology, there are heavy clouds in the sky and possible fog here and there.

Also, there can be a cooling wind here and there.

Beware of heavy precipitation too because of the degree area of this SuperMoon and the accompanying Mercury-Saturn aspect that reinforces this.

Around September 19, there are clouds in the sky.

Between September 20-22 Venus will hit 27°-29° Libra, becoming the apex planet of a YOD-pattern that also involves Uranus (at 27° Taurus) and Neptune (at 28° Pisces).

Following mundane astrology, this YOD-pattern suggests, among others: the lonely woman, the disappearance or fleeing of a woman or a loved one, the death of a woman or loved one, the increased need for peaceful or pleasant surroundings and people, to enjoy music concerts or other art projects like photography.

On a more personal level, this YOD-pattern suggests, among others: reveling in love, one-way love, creative and artistic urges and/or enjoying such projects, the loss of a loved one (often a woman).

If you are born between August 21-24, this YOD-pattern may affect you most.

Around September 20, the Sun at 28° Virgo opposes Neptune at 28° Pisces, pointing to weakness, feeling tired, feeling ill or facing an allergic reaction.

This aspect will affect you especially if you are born around January 18-19, February 2-3, February 17-18, March 18-19, April 17-18, May 3, May 18-19, June 19, July 20-21, August 5, August 20-21, September 20-21, October 20-22, November 5, November 20-21 or December 19-20.

Following mundane astrology, the Sun-Neptune opposition is part of a Kite pattern that also comprises Uranus and Pluto.

This pattern often reflects someone suddenly disappearing, resigning, withdrawing or leaving.

Kite patterns are often coinciding with severe natural and/or man-made disasters that have a huge impact on the further development of systems, procedures, structures etc.

Following astrometeorology, some heavy precipitation belongs to the possibilities here and there.

The day after, around September 21, Mercury at 20° Virgo squares Jupiter at 20° Gemini, pointing to lots of changes of the place, travel, making short trips.

Mercury, very strong in its own sign while Jupiter is in the sign of its detriment (and the dispositor of Jupiter also), is able to see through blunt communications, ballooning speeches and half truths.

Mercury in Virgo has the upper hand in this aspect and remains critical and analytical.

Prepare for lots of information and/or documents to go through.

There are sunny spells around September 22.

While Venus at 29° Libra squares Pluto at 29° Capricorn, the Sun enters Libra around the same day of September 22 ready to meet, gather and/or socialize.

Some of you may sign a contract or agreement while others may enjoy a gathering/meeting or even be involved in a legal case.

Because Venus and Pluto are in ending degrees, and Venus is the dispositor of the Sun, chances are a relationship (in the widest sense) is now ending (for whatever reason: divorce, death, a break-up, a tragic accident...).

Also, because both Venus and Pluto have a financial meaning, some monetary issues (especially related to shared resources like the banking world, insurances, taxes, debt, credit cards, loans, inheritances etc.) may arise.

This is the more so because Venus enters Scorpio through the so-called 'gates of death' the day after, around September 22-23, opening the door for issues related to the banking world, insurances, credit etc. (the more so because Pluto is the dispositor of Venus and the square aspect is still in orb).

Venus also rules women, loved ones and, more generally, relationships in the widest sense so that the entrance of Venus into Scorpio via the so-called 'gates of death' (0° Scorpio) may indicate either the passing of a loved one and/or reversals in relationships (in the widest sense) and/or partner swapping/exchange.

Women should beware of who they meet as both Venus and Pluto together build a passionate and forceful combination that might get out of hand, especially so because Venus is in the sign of its detriment and thus in a subordinate and even dire, foreign and uncomfortable environment and situation.

Overall, this is a tragic aspect that is not always easy to handle because of its irresistible compulsive and primal force.

Following astrometeorology, close Venus-Pluto aspects tend to indicate lots of precipitation accompanied by strong, even forceful, wind and stormy weather here and there.

Around the September 24 Last Quarter Moon at 2° Cancer you may encounter or meet interesting or enjoyable people.

There is excitement going on during the coming week.

Mercury at 28° Virgo opposes Neptune at 28° Pisces around September 25, suggesting confusion and feeling tired.

Both planets are very strong in their own sign and may not always be honest.

Beware of deceptions and not being clear in your communication at all.

This aspect tends to also coincide with periods of intoxication and/or food poisoning.

Following mundane astrology, the Mercury-Neptune opposition is part of a Kite pattern that also comprises Uranus and Pluto which often reflects maritime and/or environmental issues, and issues related to gas, oil or toxic stuff.

Following astrometeorology, the weather pattern can be unsettled and foggy but also result in heavy precipitation and storm here and there because of the involvement of the Mercury-Uranus-Pluto Grand Trine in earth signs.

Mercury enters sociable Libra around September 26, opening the door for a new agreement, signing a contract, (a) gathering(s), socializing and lots of talks.

Some of you may now move and change the place of residence.

It's a sociable time.

There are sunny spells around September 27.

Following astrometeorology, expect lots of precipitation around September 27-28.

On a more personal level, if you are born around January 26, March 11, April 25-26, June 11, July 28-29, September 13, October 28-29 or December 12-13, the current astrological configurations suggest, among others: not feeling well, dissatisfaction, love's sorrow, unrequited love, to experience a fading popularity, financial restrictions and the need to tighten the belt.

Some of you may be very upset with the ways of the world as well.

The Sun at 6° Libra opposes the true Lunar North Node at 6° Aries around September 29.

All conjunctions, squares and oppositions between the Sun and the Lunar Nodes indicate we are now at the peak of a so-called 'Moon wobble' period that started mid September already and that will last till the upcoming Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024.

This whole Moon wobble period is a very unstable one, coinciding with severe accidents, tragedies, man-made or natural disasters, often causing lots of casualties and/or damage.

During this period in time, people act more emotionally and are more easily confused, act more on impulses without thinking first.

A sense of urgency is at an all time high (reinforced by the current position of Pluto at 29° Capricorn) and suppressed emotions may easily erupt during a Moon wobble period -- with severe consequences.

Most Sun-Lunar North Node oppositions tend to indicate the resignation, leaving, quitting of a celebrity, a VIP, higher-up, at times in a tragic way.

Mercury at 6° Libra opposes the Lunar North Node around September 29-30, denoting that the Sun and Mercury will now join on the same day (at 8° Libra).

When both the Sun and Mercury join the Lunar South Node late September, traffic, transportation and communication may be interrupted or even blocked (intentionally or accidentally), often resulting in traffic jams and other issues or communication stops and black-outs.

All Mercury-Lunar Node aspects point to highly hectic and restless periods in time, full of buzz and nervous strain while Sun-Lunar Node aspects are related to setbacks, resignations, health issues, low vitality and withdrawal without lots of communication.

There is rejection, refusal, a no go and resistance noticeable.

There is a huge need to talk about and vent one's emotions and feelings.

Around the same day of September 30, there are clouds in the sky.

Love Quotes of the Month

Marriages are made in heaven. But so are thunder and lightning.
-- Source unknown --

A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.
-- Source unknown --

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
-- Source unknown --

Falling in love is like losing a sock. You don't know how it happened but now you have to deal with it.
-- Source unknown --

Falling in love is like finding the perfect pair of jeans. First, it's a struggle, but once you're in, it's just perfect.
-- Source unknown --

Couples who laugh together, last together. Or they're just both nuts.
-- Source unknown --

What's New on Our Web Site?

We updated the when to marry page with our statistical marriage research results presented in our previous Newsletter.

We found some helpful scripts to make our website more smartphone-proof and edited lots and lots of pages.

One of the more visible changes has to do with more spacey links that allow a finger to tap the right link when different links are close together.

These are temporary changes though as the only future-proof way is to make our website fully dynamic and responsive whatever device you use.

We are working on this too but as astrology is still our core business, we have to divide our time maintaining our website, processing the orders, doing astrological research and continuing writing books.

Venus in the Zodiac Signs (Part 2)

In the second part of this series, we delve deeper into the position of Venus in the zodiac signs belonging to the so-called 2nd Quadrant (Cancer, Leo and Virgo).

Venus in Cancer

Cancer is a moody and highly sensitive sign, suggesting love and care-taking is felt in extreme ways and goes with ups and downs (not easily finding balance and often feeling insecure because of that).

Lovers and loved ones can be very attached and loyal, even too clingy at times.

Aesthetics and a sense for beauty can be very well developed.

A cozy (home) atmosphere is crucial and even critical for love to grow.

You focus on a cozy home and place to withdraw.

Often, this position reflects an environment or surroundings favoring more women than men.

Venus in Leo

In attention-seeking Leo, Venus loves to flirt and play the charming prince or princess.

It's a very playful position for Venus to be in and it adds some vanity as well.

Venus in Leo points to a big heart, actually seeking admiration.

There is some danger that love and admiration get easily mixed up though.

You may be sensitive to flattery and applause.

It's not a guarantee you have children yourself, but you love them and can entertain them.

You are very sociable and love gatherings, partying, socializing and need some emotional drama.

Venus in Leo is very generous to loved ones but highly sensitive to critique.

Venus in Virgo

In the sign of its fall, Venus feels a bit fenced in.

All earth signs are more reluctant, hesitant and quiet which makes that people with Venus in Virgo are a bit shy in matters of relationships, dating, love and romance.

Virgo is a subordinate, submissive and servile zodiac sign so that Venus in Virgo tends to submit to a loved one, serve a loved one.

There can be a huge love for tiny objects and details but what they really appreciate are simple and handy practical solutions in every-day situations.

Being too critical can be a turn off.

Above average, choosing a lover is not always easy and goes with hurdles.

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Luc De Jaeger
Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec)
Ondernemingsnummer/Company Number 0859944788
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