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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #238 -- Natal Mercury-Jupiter Connections
September 21, 2024

For the nth time we noticed the mean Lunar Nodes aspecting the mean Lunar apogee (Lilith) early September coincided with natural or man-made disasters resulting in severe damage and many deaths.

Super typhoon Yagi that hit Asia was a clear proof of the validity of the mean Lunar Nodes working out more reliably than the true Lunar nodes in that instance.

We might reconsider using the true Lunar nodes and switch back to the mean Lunar Nodes soon again after doing some other additional checks first.

Life on earth may be based upon and influenced by apparent positions of planets and points, not the true ones.

Likewise, living on earth and experiencing life personally is based upon each one's own perception and imagination that define what is called or labeled 'reality.'

There seems to be evidence that only apparent things build our own truths and what is believed to be 'true.'

Loving greetings
Luc De Jaeger

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Table of Contents

Our regular features
  1. The Love Forecasts for the Month
  2. Love Quotes of the month
  3. What's new on our web site?

Our occasional features

  1. Natal Mercury-Jupiter Connections
  2. A Time Sensitive Offer From Norsan Astrology

Love Forecasts for October 2024

(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)

All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone.

Click here to download the October 2024 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around October 1-2, 9, 15, 21-22 and/or 29.

During this month of October there are the following planetary configurations of stationing outer planets that might affect some specific birthdays in particular:
  • If you are born around January 29-30, March 14, April 29, June 15, August 1, September 17, November 1 or December 16, this month is about expenses and/or financial losses.

    Some of you may be very disappointed or experience some massive deception.

    Be responsible and don't be too wasteful.

  • If you are born around January 14-15, February 28, April 13-14, May 30, July 16, September 1, October 16-17 or November 30 - December 1, this month might bring relief in whatever situation you are.

    There can be lucky breaks or joyful moments.

  • If you are born around January 1, February 14-15, March 30, May 15-16, July 1-2, August 17-18, October 3 or November 17, this month is about a fortunate turn of events.

    You are able to keep everything in your grip and get things done.

    This can be a month full of accomplishments.
Generally speaking, October 3, 6 and 11 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there is one powerful midpoint combination between outer planets going on that will mark this month's Zeitgeist (and thus work out the whole month): Jupiter hits the Saturn/Neptune midpoint (JU = SA/NE) which will be exact around October 1-2.

This midpoint combination suggests, among others: to be very upset with the ways of the world, the financial lack, to be dissatisfied, to have to tighten the belt, to experience lung- and/or liver issues.

Following astrometeorology, this midpoint coincides with heavy precipitation, floods, inundations and extreme weather conditions.

It's very overcast and very cloudy and dark here and there.

The heavy precipitation early October is emphasized by the stationing Jupiter/Neptune midpoint, coinciding with lots of water-related issues.

Additionally, on a mundane level, this stationing midpoint also coincides with the uncovering of big scandals, fraud, corruption, but it also amplifies and reinforces political and religious conflicts.

Some hidden or secret documents can be released, declassified or discovered these early October days.

Pluto still remains at 29° Capricorn in its backward motion well into November 2024.

So, we repeat that, until late November, we will observe and experience a short (and temporary!) return to more conservative, stricter (and more restrictive) events, measures (rules and regulations) and experiences, centralized power reflected by Capricorn, instead of the more liberating, rebelling and progressive Aquarius traits that will start to mark the world from 2025 on.

Also, all 29° are ending degrees and will bring endings, reversals, people or organizations or institutions being at the 'end of their rope' and often acting hopelessly and uncoordinated.

There is a wrap-up of numerous situations, often leading to false hopes (reinforced by Neptune's position in the late deceptive Pisces degrees).

For the remainder of 2024, there can be financial crashes, bankruptcies, and corporations, banks, governments and institutions going down, or creating more tumult and disruption all over by trying to anxiously and hopelessly stick to the past, to 'the old' and abusing/misusing their centralized power.

Around October 2, the apogee New Moon at 10° Libra is actually a Solar Eclipse, part of the 8 South Saros series.

According to the keen astrologer and researcher Bernadette Brady, this Saros series coincides with separation and loss.

It coincides with being parted, finishing something and feel sad at its completion.

She also mentions that physical injury is also possible through over-straining one's strength.

It's not the time to undertake strenuous physical activities, she advises.

Know that any Solar Eclipse works out during 6 months so that these principles may mark the coming 6 months.

Additionally and following mundane astrology, the astrological configurations and planetary pictures that accompany this Solar Eclipse have to do with, among others: severe losses and numerous casualties because of water-related issues or inundations or floods, the big wildfire(s), the massive forceful event(s), the cognitive dissonance, the massive (financial) losses or bankruptcies.

The degree area of 10° Libra too coincides with separation, especially from the motherly principles.

In some instances, this has to be taken literally, either because of leaving home or because of the loss of a female reference person, like the (grand- or step)mother or mother-in-law.

There is separation from a caring and/or familiar environment, so to become more independent and develop yourself more properly without others setting boundaries and/or blocking your evolution.

What this also means in reality is leaving home or the family or being separated from it/them (for whatever reason).

For some of you, this Solar Eclipse may bring about a painful and/or difficult confrontation with the mother, caring persons and/or even institutions that are part of the so-called care sector (childcare, healthcare, elderly care ...).

Opting for a new haircut or changing your outer appearance in a profound way may be the expression of trying to cope with the current difficult separation trends.

Following astrometeorology, an apogee New Moon coincides with mild weather with above average temperatures accompanied by (thunder)storms.

Around October 2 and 3, there are enjoyable talks and/or encounters or meetings.

Some of you may get nice news or parcels or presents.

If you are born around January 1-2, January 30 - February 1, March 30-31, April 30 - May 1, May 31 - June 1, July 1-3, August 2-3, September 2-3, October 3-4, November 2-3 or December 2-3, these influences may particularly apply to you.

Between October 3-7, Saturn at 13°-14° Pisces, Venus between 11°-18° Scorpio and Mars between 16°-18° Cancer build a Grand Trine in water signs.

This triangular pattern suggests self-complacency and a huge focus upon personal satisfaction and security.

You want to be taken care of and crave to feel nurtured.

Some of you may feel defeated and dejected, separated though because of the planets involved.

In many instances, this particular Grand Trine is indicative of the illness or death of a loved one.

Around October 3-4 there are unfulfilled longings and you may miss a loved one.

Following astrometeorology, there can be tons of precipitation here and there.

The current astrological configurations will especially affect you if you are born around February 2, March 18, May 3, June 18-19, August 5, September 20, November 5 or December 19.

Around October 4, you may need solitude to ponder or solve some issues.

You are experiencing difficulties connecting with others, with (a) loved one(s) and may feel separated.

You may have to face the reality and feel a cold shower.

Some of you may have some hearing problems or or have some difficulty understanding things.

If you are born around January 5, February 3-4, March 4, April 3-4, May 4, June 4, July 5-6, August 6, September 6, October 7, November 6 or December 6, the these influences may particularly apply to you.

Mercury at 17° Libra squares Mars at 17° Cancer around October 6.

This waxing square is verbally aggressive and tends to shout, curse and loves a tense debate.

Beware of physical injuries because of impulsive and impatient behavior.

Following mundane astrology, traffic and/or transportation accidents may occur.

There are sunny spells around the same day of October 6.

Around October 7-8, Mercury at 21° Libra opposes Chiron at 21° Aries, often an indication of technical problems and electric and/or electronic devices no longer working.

Additionally, close Mercury-Chiron aspects above average coincide with internet and/or website issues and downtimes or outages.

Jupiter stations at 21° Gemini and turns backward around October 9.

In the sign of its fall, retrograde Jupiter indicates legal issues and issues with foreign affairs and travel.

Expect traffic and/or transportation disturbances and/or cancelled flights.

If you are Sagittarius or have Sagittarius rising you may feel the influence of stationing Jupiter most.

You may not feel that well, lack zest and not everything may go as you wished for around the station.

Following mundane astrology, this degree area often coincides with strikes, protests and manifestations because 'the cup is full.'

The October 10 First Quarter Moon at 17° Capricorn widely oppposes Mars at 19° Cancer.

This degree area tests you authenticity.

The atmosphere is tense and full of disputes, conflicts with a focus on resistance, not willing to give in and always blaming others and external factors and circumstances.

Prepare for more violence, accidents, legal issues and a hectic period the coming week.

Whatever you initiate during this week is met with obstacles and won't go smoothly.

There is impatience while there are strict deadlines to follow but know that only patience and resilience work in the end and will bring results.

If you are born between January 9-14, February 8-12, March 8-13, April 8-13, May 8-14, June 8-14, July 10-15, August 10-16, September 10-16, October 11-16, November 10-15 or December 10-15, there are fortunate developments and breakthroughs that make you popular and happy (unless natal Saturn is found between 18°-23° in a zodiac sign) between October 11-16.

Around October 11-12, Pluto, still at 29° Capricorn, stations and turns direct again.

Needless to say, Pluto is still in a forceful and critical position and chances are governments, the corporate and banking world, will continue to impose their will and impose boundaries, rules and regulations to try to continue in the 'old ways.'

In its last phase, stationing Pluto in the earth sign Capricorn might emphasize power conflicts in or with the governments, power struggles, yet more censorship and imposing rules.

Because 29° Capricorn and 0° Aquarius are emergency and crisis degrees, there will be continuously heavy crisis situations for some time to come.

Stationing Pluto in an earth sign increases the odds of earth-related natural and/or man-made disasters like earthquakes, landslides, mining disasters, etc.

Beware of storms here and there because the tense and forceful energies of stationing Pluto above average coincide with such events.

Around the same day of October 11-12, Mercury between 25°-28° Libra builds the apex point of a YOD-configuration with Uranus at 26° Taurus and Neptune at 27° Pisces.

In this position, some of you may have to cancel your plans and/or face unfulfilled expectations.

There is confusion all over as well as uncertainty.

Traffic and/or transportation issues may occur.

Beware of rumors, fake news or disinformation.

Nothing is what it seems.

There are sunny spells around the same day of October 12.

Additionally, around October 13, Mercury at 29° Libra will square stationing Pluto at 29° Capricorn before it leaves Libra and enters Scorpio through 'the Gates of death' (0° Scorpio).

Most Mercury-Pluto aspects coincide with tragic traffic and/or transportation accidents (like fatal car, bus or train accidents), the more so because Pluto is the dispositor of Mercury when Mercury enters Scorpio.

Following astrometeorology, all Mercury-Pluto aspects increase the wind speeds and coincide with fierce wind and even storm.

The Sun at 21° Libra squares Mars at 21° Cancer around October 14 while the Sun is also opposite Chiron (at 21° Aries).

In other words, Mars is the apex planet of a cardinal T-square involving the Sun and Chiron.

This triangular pattern suggests arguments, and groups gathering to strike or protest.

There is resistance to execute something, to take action or initiate things.

Expect disrespectful behavior and attitudes that differ from the norm.

Around the same day of October 14, Venus at 26° Scorpio opposes Uranus at 26° Taurus, often coinciding with more independence for the one and unexpected attractions and/or short-lived encounters for the other.

Love remains at a distance though.

Because Taurus and Scorpio are both financial zodiac signs, some unexpected financial issues may arise as well.

Around the October 17 perigee Full Moon at 24° Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius.

In many instances the entrance of Venus in Sagittarius coincides with viral news about some financial matters or issues, even about fraud, corruption or money laundering.

On a more personal level, there can be intense attractions and/or encounters with strangers, people from another class or country.

Foreign affairs may be an item, as well as travel affairs.

This Full Moon period tends to indicate fleeing away, leaving a familiar environment, breaking up a relationship and/or uncovering lies or deception.

Some 'truth' may come out in the open and spread quickly.

The degree area of this Full Moon also suggests some kind of obligation to do some duty the coming days, whether you like it or not.

Some of you may be forced or obliged to gather.

There is some merging, some kind of integration noticeable the coming days, for whatever reason (be it on a personal level or on a corporate level).

Following astrometeorology, this period in time may increase the risk of very heavy and intense stormy weather here and there.

Between October 18-21, the Sun between 26°-29° Libra is the apex body of a YOD pattern involving Uranus at 26° Taurus and Neptune at 27° Pisces.

This pattern suggests the disappearance or fleeing away of a male person or a celebrity or higher up (VIP) for whatever reason (illness or hospitalization, drowning, leave-taking, resignation,...).

There are sunny spells around October 19.

Around October 22, the Sun at 29° Libra squares Pluto at 29° Capricorn, before entering Scorpio on the same day via the 'the Gates of death' (0° Scorpio).

This waning square indicates an ending, a leaving and someone quitting or crossing over.

It's an uncertain and hectic period with lots of buzz, leaving open lots of unanswered questions.

Following astrometeorology, beware of storm with lots of precipitation here and there.

The October 24 Last Quarter Moon at 1° Leo might coincide with (wild)fires, big fires around the lunation period but also during the coming week as a lunation works out within about 7 days.

Around October 26, the astrological configurations indicate a sad day, with accidental losses because of tragic events.

You may feel helpless and even hopeless as well.

There are sunny spells around the same day of October 24.

Venus at 12° Sagittarius squares Saturn at 12° Pisces around October 28, an aspect of lack, shortage and not getting on too well with others.

You may feel pain and being hurt.

Following mundane astrology, this degree area coincides with resignation, withdrawal, go hiding and or change careers/jobs quite suddenly (especially related to a male person).

There is some kind of departure going on to become more independent and regain your authenticity.

Mercury at 25° Scorpio opposes Uranus at 25° Taurus around October 30, always coinciding with breaking news and sudden detours and unexpected events.

Following astrometeorology, all Mercury-Uranus aspects increase the wind speed, causing possible storm here and there.

Love Quotes of the Month

Falling in love is like ordering a dish in a foreign language. You're not entirely sure what you'll get, but you're hungry for the experience.
-- Source unknown --

A good marriage is like a casserole: only those responsible for it really know what goes into it.
-- Source unknown --

In marriage, being right is so overrated. Just focus on being happy.
-- Source unknown --

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
-- Kahlil Gibran --

Marrying a man is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn’t always go with everything else.
-- Jean Kerr --

Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
-- Bill Maher --

What's New on Our Web Site?

We updated the pages about the (love) life of Justin Bieber , Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck with their latest relationship developments.

We also updated (expanded) the page about the ruler of the 7th house in the other houses.

Natal Mercury-Jupiter Connections

In previous Love Letters we delineated numerous planetary connections or affinities already.

Now it's time to delve deeper into the Mercury-Jupiter connections.

In most cases, the following configurations are used (there are more though (!) to define Mercury-Jupiter connections but this would lead us too far and make it more complicated than necessary):
  • Mercury in the 9th house
  • Jupiter in the 3rd or 6th house
  • the ruler of the 9th house in the 3rd or 6th house
  • the ruler of the 3rd or 6th house in the 9th house
  • Mercury in a close conjunction, square or opposition with Jupiter (a close sextile or trine counts too but in a minor way)
  • Mercury at the solstice or mirror point of Jupiter
  • Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo
  • Mercury in Sagittarius
When at least three of the above listed analogies or connections can be found in the natal chart, we have a very powerful Mercury-Jupiter connection that will be felt and noticed in the character and life of the native.

What do Mercury-Jupiter connections signify?

When communicative Mercury and extravert Jupiter meet, there is always lots to communicate, but not always reliable or qualitative information.

Quantity may prevail here, often leading to much ado about nothing.

Mercury and Jupiter together tend to present bold and even ballooning statements, exaggerate a lot and try to convince others of the own thoughts and concepts.

Predominant Mercury-Jupiter connections point to having a wide sphere of interests and being quite restless.

After all, Mercury and Jupiter both rule mutable signs, suggesting there will be lots of changes of the place and nervous energy noticeable.

Hence, you need lots of free space (to wander and go freely).

There is a curious mind and you always are eager to learn something new and your knowledge will always be questioned, either by yourself or by others.

Above average, people with natal Mercury-Jupiter connections have siblings.

They are broad-minded and tolerant.

A Time Sensitive Offer From Norsan Astrology

If you are interested in a non-predictive Tarot reading, perhaps you might be interested in this time sensitive offer from Norsan Astrology.

Until October 19 Norsan Astrology offers you this special non-predictive Tarot service that is oriented to self-analysis and personal development through contemplation and reflection on the symbolism offered by the cards of Crowley's deck, better known as Thot Tarot, which integrates the astrological language.

Check out the Substack article for more information or click on the image below.

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Luc De Jaeger
Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec)
Ondernemingsnummer/Company Number 0859944788
VAT/BTW: BE 0859 944 788
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Fortlaan 73
BE-9000 Gent
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