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CosmiTec's Love Letter, Issue #244 -- Relationships, Guilt and Penance
March 21, 2025

In our featured article we delve deeper into the Saturn-Neptune configuration and its signification for relationships (in the widest sense).

We thought this is a timely article because of the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction that is affecting the whole world already and that will even get more and more powerful.

Children who are born now will be marked by this important and significant conjunction during their whole life.

Our April 2025 forecasts focus on the significant late Pisces stellium and some planetary ingresses, among others.

All love
Luc De Jaeger

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Table of Contents

Our regular features
  1. The Love Forecasts for the Month
  2. Love Quotes of the month
  3. What's new on our web site?

Our occasional features

  1. Relationships, Guilt and Penance

Love Forecasts for April 2025

(slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse and wait a second for additional astrological information)

All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone.

Click here to download the April 2025 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around April 3-4, 10-11, 18-19, 25 and/or April 30 - May 1.

During this month of April there is no planetary configuration of stationing outer planets that might affect any specific birthdays.

Generally speaking, April 19 is a "less lucky" day.

Try not to initiate any major projects on this dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty day (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there are the following powerful midpoint combinations between outer planets going on that will mark this month's Zeitgeist (and thus work out the whole month):
  • The Jupiter/Neptune midpoint equals the Uranus/Chiron midpoint (JU/NE = UR/CH) which will be exact around April 11.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: big scandals that result in uproar or upsets, shocking cases of fraud, big disruptions because of inundations or floods or lots of precipitation, the big financial losses causing a stir or even shock, political conflicts and upsetting differences of religious or ideological views.

  • The Uranus/Pluto midpoint hits the Vernal point (0° Aries) which will be exact around April 28.

    This generational and highly powerful midpoint hitting the Vernal point (0° Aries) which represents the world at large, suggests, among others: the big and really profound worldwide changes, the worldwide wild transformations, the worldwide reforms and revolutions and overturning, the worldwide upsets and tension, the worldwide upheaval, the worldwide developing tensions and unrest, the worldwide technological changes, the big changes coming out in the open globally, the profound and drastic changes in public life.

  • The Jupiter/Pluto midpoint equals the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (JU/PL = NE/CH) which will be exact around April 30.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the powerful water-related issues (be it maritime, because of floods or inundations etc.), the numerous casualties because of a big fire or wildfire.
Since late March and Until April 18, both Venus and Mars are in a water sign, giving the love life of all water signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) a boost.

There are sunny spells around April 1.

Retrograde Venus conjuncts the mean Lunar North Node at 26° Pisces around April 2-3.

Whenever Venus and the Lunar North Node meet, there are gatherings, people getting together and connecting.

It's a great time to socialize and this conjunction favors peaceful manifestations.

If you are born around January 31 - February 2, March 17-19, May 2-3, June 17-18, August 4-5, September 19-20, November 3-4 or December 18-19 the early April days point to, among others: (love's) sorrow, not understanding things clearly, feeling down, lacking zest, facing skin problems, not feeling appreciated.

Some of you may meet someone in secret or feel betrayed and/or feel disappointed, deceived.

Between April 2-5, the atmosphere is very tense.

There is huge resistance, there might be protests, strikes, all kinds of violence, accidents, health issues, a lack of cooperation and even no willingness to cooperate, and the energies are very disruptive and unsettling.

Beware of lots of upheaval.

If you are born around January 14, February 12-13, March 14- 15, April 13-14, May 14-15, June 15, July 16-17, August 16-17, September 16-17, October 17, November 16 or December 16, these influences will likely affect you the most.

Following mundane astrology and astrometeorology, there can be stormy weather here and there, but also very violent, disturbing and stressful events going on.

The April 5 First Quarter Moon at 15° Cancer suggests, among others: (unfulfilled) longings and not feeling nurtured and appreciated.

You feel lonely, left alone, lack a warm and cozy environment that is willing to protect you.

Some of you might cling to past memories, compensating the lack of warmth you now seem to experience.

Not feeling nurtured and taken care of, might reflect in stomach issues as well.

During the coming days, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the Lunar North Node are closely getting together, building a stellium around and between 24°-27° Pisces.

If you are Aries or have Aries rising, you are in a treacherous period (have been since late March actually, but the threat is still building up).

Especially beware of health issues but also prepare for people working behind your back.

So, you better watch your step.

You may be held back or face some trouble that will bring disappointments.

There are sunny spells around April 6.

Around the same day of April 6, health issues may be present.

Relationships tend to follow a bumpy ride, for whatever reason (health issues, disagreements, absence,...).

It's possible a woman in the neighborhood or environment gets an accident, gets injured or experiences some health challenges.

If you are born around January 15, February 13-14, March 15-16, April 14-15, May 15-16, June 16, July 17-18, August 17-18, September 17-18, October 18, November 17 or December 17, these influences will likely affect you the most.

Around April 7, Mercury stations at 26° Pisces and turns direct again while (retrograde) Venus and Saturn conjoin at 25° Pisces.

Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) will rejoice because their ruler is now back on track and slowly gaining speed again.

These are confusing times though and this particular degree area of 26° Pisces tends to coincide with an increase in mental health issues, chaotic situations, (food) poisoning, people not seeing things clearly and being misled.

There is intrigue, but slowly the fog lifts and you will be able to see things more clearly and be able to take more sound decisions, if necessary or applicable.

Mercury stations above average coincide with strikes and protests or manifestations here and there.

Most Venus-Saturn aspects point to a lack of funds and/or money being blocked.

Love and duties go hand in hand and for some of you, love will hurt as well.

However, the love for uniforms (and people wearing uniforms) and elderly people will likely increase.

Also, Venus-Saturn aspects represent lots of care being taken and thus the caretaking will reflect the degree of love.

Because Venus is retrograde, chances are, some of you meet someone, a lover or an acquaintance from the past during this aspect.

Following astrometeorology, Venus-Saturn aspects coincide with overcast and cloudy weather, with showers and precipitation of all kind.

It's above average quite chilly too.

The stellium around 25°-26° Pisces reinforces the importance of this degree area that above average coincides with, among others: dissolving situations, starting to see the realities behind a deceptive curtain, the entrance door from the underworld to the world 'above', blending lies with truths, the urge and desire to flee away to escape responsibility, the chaos and confusion, the fading (self-)deception, the longing for truth and a new reality to get more stability and restful peace.

Around April 8, all your relationships (in the widest sense) may be under pressure.

There can be disagreements, separations, upsets, and tense situations noticeable.

Anyway, stress and nervous tension accompany your loved ones too.

If you are born around January 15, February 13-14, March 15-16, April 14-15, May 15-16, June 16, July 17-18, August 17-18, September 17-18, October 18, November 17 or December 17, these influences will likely affect you the most.

Between April 8-9, you may want to carry out plans with someone else or with others.

There can be some discord in a group of people too though.

If you are born around January 31 - February 2, March 17-19, May 2-3, June 17-18, August 4-5, September 19-20, November 3-4 or December 18-19, these influences will likely affect you the most.

Around April 10, there are clouds in the sky.

Around April 11, there are clouds in the sky.

Venus stations and turns direct at 24° Pisces around the April 13 Full Moon at 23° Libra -- which opposes Chiron at 23° Aries.

Taurus and Libra (as well as Taurus and Libra Ascendants) will rejoice as their ruler Venus turns direct again -- and so will life slowly start to get on track too.

If you want to buy products and goods, or go shopping, you will slowly start to see the value of things more clearly and make better decisions towards purchases.

Relationship issues too may be easier to handle and some of you may now find someone very important entering your life.

This Full Moon period opposite maverick Chiron can still bring some hurdles, obstructions and objections though.

This Full Moon's degree area is very restless and points to changes that are welcomed nevertheless.

The social environment is changing for the better (either because of a move, a job or career switch, a new lover etc.).

Around April 14, Saturn and the mean Lunar North Node meet at 26° Pisces.

Often, this conjunction favors contacts with and/or between the elderly, people in power, authority figures and governmental workers.

There can be a gathering going on between such people.

It's told that an older or more mature person can be very helpful, supportive and/or playing a significant role at this time.

There are commitments concluded that may last.

Mercury enters Aries around April 15-16 before meeting Neptune at the same degree of 0° Aries the day after.

There is confusion around and you better prepare for disappointments or communication or announcements that may be unreliable or uncertain.

The art of deception is at work.

There are sunny spells around the same day of April 15.

From April 17 till April 21, there is joyful excitement in the air.

Some of you may encounter a nice surprise, while others may enjoy someone's company.

Love at first sight belongs to the possibilities as well.

If you are born around January 14, February 12-13, March 14-15, April 13-14, May 14-15, June 15, July 16-17, August 16-17, September 16-17, October 17, November 16 or December 16, these influences will likely affect you the most.

Mars enters fiery and playful Leo around April 18.

Impatience grows, as well as the need to present oneself and seek attention.

Following astrometeorology, Mars in hot Leo increases the temperatures, especially in Summer time when it may bring very hot temperatures.

The day after, around April 19, the Sun enters Taurus, pointing to a more sensual time as well.

Finances may keep you busy and some bills might have to be paid.

Venus and the mean Lunar North Node meet again at 25° Pisces around April 20, while the Sun at 1° Taurus squares Mars at 1° Leo during the April 21 Last Quarter Moon at 1° Aquarius (in other words, Mars opposes this Last Quarter Moon).

This is the right period in time to gather and/or socialize, and get connected.

Because the Sun is the dispositor of Mars and both are in a challenging square, impulses and impatience reign.

Hence, some decisions are made impulsively or without forethought.

In some instances, this lunation's degree coincides with suddenly being alone, being fired, rejected, being isolated from others or someone else to help you in your own personal development and gain more maturity.

There can be expenses and/or financial losses because of a child or children or because of gaming and gambling.

Hobbies too may cost money.

There are sunny spells around the same day of April 21.

The Sun at 3° Taurus squares Pluto at 3° Aquarius around April 23.

This degree area of 3° in fixed signs often coincides with mass events, people gathering.

Some of you tend to overdo or exaggerate and the need to rebel, to be free, to be(come) (more) independent is immense.

There is the need for attention, to be recognized -- even as a group or as a member of some group.

Speculations tend not to go well around these days.

Also, this waxing Sun-Pluto square might coincide with a sudden loss of someone, resulting in feeling isolated, solitary or alone (even when in a group).

Around April 24-25, Venus and Saturn conjoin for the 2nd time this month, but this time at 27° Pisces.

Venus and Saturn first met around April 7 when Venus was still retrograde.

They now meet again after Venus turned direct.

The love for uniforms and the elderly still applies, as well as most of the other delineations mentioned then.

Following astrometeorology, Venus-Saturn aspects coincide with overcast and cloudy, loaden skies, with showers here and there and lots of precipitation of all kind.

It's above average quite chilly too.

Around the same days of April 24-25, there are clouds in the sky.

Around the April 27 New Moon at 7° Taurus, Mars at 3° Leo opposes Pluto at 3° Aquarius.

Actually, between the Last Quarter Moon and this New Moon period, the Sun builds a T-square between Mars and Pluto, making for an intense, even brutal week.

Mars and Pluto together represent a very accident-prone and violent combination, marked by a fiery and forceful intensity.

There is a huge workload ahead and things are pushed through with intensity and force.

Following mundane astrology, beware of power and/or internet outages, wildfires and violence.

Following astrometeorology, the Mars-Pluto aspects increase the odds of heavy storm here and there.

There are sunny spells around April 28.

Venus enters Aries around April 30, indicating the love for the military and the armed forces.

In the sign of its detriment, Venus is not feeling at home as it has to cope with selfish urges and drives.

Anytime Venus is in Aries she's only interested in finding out if she's still attractive to others and hence tries to (intentionally) trigger some response/feedback.

With Venus and Mars in fire signs, the love life of all fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) may get a boost well into June 2025.

Following astrometeorology, there is an increased chance of quite some precipitation here and there right before the entrance of Venus in Aries.

Love Quotes of the Month

Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.
-- George Carlin --

Like good wine, marriage gets better with age - once you learn to keep a cork in it.
-- Gene Perret --

You know you're in love when you stop comparing.
-- Mason Cooley --

Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
-- Bill Maher --

I judge how much a man cares for a woman by the space he allots her under a jointly shared umbrella.
-- Jimmy Cannon --

Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.
-- W. H. Auden --

What's New on Our Web Site?

We added a page about Venus in Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius.

We are very busy trying to find out how come so many spam and other fake messages suddenly got through our heavy anti-spam and Google recaptcha protection.

Relationships, Guilt and Penance

The upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction that will be near exact in July 2025 for some days (at 1° Aries) and exact at 0° Aries on February 20, 2026 will not only mark the world at large on a collective level (the more so because it hits the Vernal point or 0° Aries, representing the world at large), early 2026 but it will also imprint people individually, especially those born this and next year.

This conjunction will additionally affect all of us individually too as we have to live and experience the effects and outcome of this prominent conjunction that is part of our current Zeitgeist.

All such major conjunctions have a mundane meaning and outcome, but also an underlying psychological one.

Both planets represent quite opposing forces and energies: Saturn is the stone or concrete wall, mask or structure, the building block of society, while Neptune is a very dissolving and diffusing factor, volatile and not concrete and tangible at all.

Saturn represents the hard (material and structured) 'reality' and facts while Neptune represents fluid dreams and ideals and is part of our imagination and intuition.

When faster moving Saturn runs into slower moving Neptune (because of the waning phase of the upcoming conjunction), it's clear that all these hard realities, 'facts' and concrete structures are to fade out (literally and figuratively), dissipate and vanish.

Hence, regulations will vanish or no longer be applied or applicable, structures will be flooded and washed away, organizations will go down (bankrupt) and so-called hard realities and facts will, after all, seem to be fake or unreal, or just a deception or a mask hiding something else etc.

And now, during these times, all these masks slowly start to dissolve.

Because of the slow process, this starts to create more and more confusion, uncertainty, widespread chaos the more so because people see their fixed reference point(s) very slowly being washed away, and they have the impression that the outer world no longer tallies with their previous inner world (convictions, beliefs, assumptions and presumptions, ideas and images etc.).

Hence, on a personal level, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction (especially the applying conjunction in the waning phase) points to a growing separation between the outer/external and the inner world.

It indicates a split world in which there is no longer a match between the inner expectations and the outer realities resulting in (psychological) compensation through building air castles, an imaginary world that feels safe(r).

In practice, this results in increased individualism, people living alone, going it alone, not feeling connected with the outer world or part of it.

This has to be welcomed and applauded as part of the healing process.

The outer or external world, the environment, society is even seen and perceived as a threat and inimical, full of scarcity, darkness, pessimism and sorrow.

Hence, during this period, (smaller) subgroups may be founded as part of a mechanism to efface oneself from the wider society, feeling guilty to belong to that wider environment.

It's a strategy to avoid penance belonging to the wider environment as well.

On a mundane level, globalism no longer works and will no longer work and, on a personal level, people may start to build their own inner world as they see fit and based upon their own (often wild) imagination, without any reference points.

This may create weird outcomes depending on one's point of view, understanding, level of consciousness and perception.

Children who grow up in this world are imprinted with this dual and even split world in chaos and, depending on the level of consciousness of the parents/family and their whole environment, may often get the impression they are part of the problem because they seem not to be able to live their own urges and desires in an external world that is actually perceived as a threat.

The subconscious inhibition or, in some cases, even interdiction, to live the own desires and urges creates feelings of guilt when this drive grows and develops.

To avoid punishment and penance, the child starts to build its own imaginary world and perceives this as a new standard.

While the child develops itself, this duality between the own imagination and the outer world grows, suggesting the child will no longer be able to see the external world 'as is' and live a totally imaginary world, often accompanied by some health issues and possible addictions (that reflect the own imaginary world).

Hence these people become and often remain solitary beings.

Children born in an environment with a higher consciousness will be able to understand that they are not part of the problem and don't need to feel guilty, don't have to fear punishments and instead may even start to look for (new) norms, regulations, principles that are universal, don't depend on the previous and old ideologies, religions or political opinions and so-called 'realities.'

They may start to even search for realities beyond time and space.

This will especially happen when the Saturn-Neptune conjunction is in the waxing phase, when Saturn starts to run away from its exact conjunction with Neptune.

In that phase, a new structure will be built out of the chaos, creating another kind of reality that may be more universal.

People with this conjunction in their chart can be very helpful, socially oriented even though some of them may lack firmness, taking a stand, as the feeling of submission and guilt may always be present in some way or another.

They may always feel solitary, lonely on an inner level (even when with others or someone else).

However, the current 2025-2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction will not be as clear-cut because the conjunction will aspect Uranus and Pluto as well, building a more complicated pattern (a Small Talent Triangle) overall and adjusting it accordingly too.

In some way, these people will be very talented if they are able to tap into their assets and abilities and recognize these.

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Luc De Jaeger
Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec)
Ondernemingsnummer/Company Number 0859944788
VAT/BTW: BE 0859 944 788
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BE-9000 Gent
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