A hypnotic session

by Jennifer
(Stockholm, sweden)

7/12 (December 7).

The one thing I want the most right now is a regression-therapy-session, where you through hypnosis can be taken back to a previous life time. I am a strong believer in reincarnation and am very very curious as to how I have lived in my previous lifes.
Even if you don't believe in reincarnation and that kind of things, Sagittarians are still all about curiosity and finding the truth... so manytimes any of these deeper subjects can appeal a lot!

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Jul 30, 2008
by: Luc De Jaeger

What a brilliant and original idea that fully confirms that Sagittarius really is about higher thinking and wisdom.

Also, it's about being open-minded too.

A marvellous addition to the wishlist!

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