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by Carolina Gawrie
(Stockholm, Sweden)

I am a female Capricorn and I think every gift is very individual so just get to know the person before you buy a gift, this is my opinion about every zodiac sign. The interests don't have to do with the zodiac sign you are born in.

But I could say what kind of gifts I like!
If you're gonna buy a gift it has to be something useful that I really need. If you don't know what I want, just give me a bunch of money, that's the best gift (unless you already have enough) ;) Don't give me gifts that just lay around messing up the house. The risk is that if someone buys something I don't like I won't use it and I won't care if it hurts you or not. I think most people are like that but like I said, the best gift is from someone that knows your personality. I know another Capricorn and we don't have the same taste at all, except we both like good quality (does not have to be expensive). Wow, I wrote more than I thought I would :) good luck!

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