To sing

by Quadena Brown
(Tampa, FL)

3/4/83 (March 4)

To sing. I really love to sing and share the real message of things. I like to help help and inspire... I can't share it, but sadly I don't have a way to extend myself to that, due to funds or just not knowing the right people. I really feel good about that and that is the only thing that can really make me happy. I fell things all the time and can retain all sorts of information; that is dealing with helping other pople. I find myself tied to the word (the bible). To all spiritual and supernatural things. I even see some things some people might not understand. I have seen spirits since I was little. Not saying it's full blown all the time, but I see it when I do. I even feel it sometimes too. I just need to find myself, I really don't know who I am and I don't believe any guidance is with me. I feel like my body is an outlet for others to release their issues; I feel it plus ten times. But I also question myself as to if I really feel it and I might be crazy! Anyway I love love. I want a family and kids, a house and really have al that traditional unspeakable, can live without, so irresistible love in my life. I'm very passionate about love and want it so badly in my life. This is not an outlet for you to feel sad, as I have accepted that those things are not meant to be. I can't help but dream though, but one day it will fade... Hopefully :)

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Oct 12, 2008
by: Anonymous

Hey there Q. Maybe you'd like to participate in the project I am working on. We use music to inspire other people to move towards their dreams. Check it out and let me know, my contact information is on the site.

Aug 06, 2008
by: Anonymous

You'r going to be ok. I love the act that you are so honest in inspiring, do you have any songs to share?

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