Astrology Charts
What is Your Relationship Potential?

We at Cosmic Technologies are proud to be able to deliver some very unique astrology charts that you will not find anywhere else.

These reports and profiles are not computerized.

We already discussed this on our horoscope profiles page.

The astrology charts on this page delineate a single person's relationship potential.

Check out the following reports:

  1. First Advice

  2. Relationship Potential Report

  3. When to Find Love Calendar

  4. Where to Find Love on Earth (love lines for singles)

  5. Report Made To Measure - You Decide

If you are rather interested in our astrology compatibility charts and reports that delineate how you both match (reports for a couple), click here.

If you are rather interested in our astrology personality profiles that delineate your (or your partner's) profile (reports for a single person), click here.

We bring together a wide variety of astrological systems and methods in our astrology charts.

If you cannot afford our reports, we recommend you take a look at our reviews of computerized astrology charts and reports from online services and sellers on our Astrology Reports Review page.

For your convenience you can find below our TOP 2 of the reviewed computerized astrology charts, reports and profiles

(Reviews updated till )
  1. Carol Allen

  2. California Astrology Association

If you need any assistance re the astrology charts, or if you still have some questions, please, click here to contact us.

First Advice

If you have a very specific problem or question that you would like to have answered, please order our First Advice.

When you post your question, be as specific as possible. The value of our answer and the outcome really depends on the way you formulate your problem or question.

Be to the point!

We need your birth data but if the question is about somebody else too, don't forget to provide us with the birth data of the second person!

Otherwise we will not be able to deliver a correct answer.

We will proceed with your order as soon as possible.

However, due to an overwhelming amount of requests and depending on the work involved, it may take some time (at least a week but hardly ever more than three weeks) to analyze your charts, write the report and send it to you.

So, be patient while we analyze your charts and write the report.

Price: just 25.00 Euro for every single problem/question.
(you can also pay in USD, GBP, AUD or CAD)

(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).

IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.

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Relationship Potential Report

In this Report we will take a closer look at yourself and your relationship potential, so this not a compatibility Report assessing two horoscopes. It's just about you alone.

Are you cut out for love and/or marriage? Who are you looking for? Who should be your Mr. or Ms. Right? As this is a Report for a single person we only need your birth information.

We will take a look at different systems and methods (midpoints, elemental analysis, aspects and configurations, Fixed Stars, degree areas and a whole lot more!) and incorporate some Vedic and Chinese astrological principles as well.

The length of the report depends on what we can find in your natal chart (and nobody's the same in that).

As this Report is one of "tell it like it is", we recommend that you try to read the Report in a sobering way as objective and neutral as possible.

Understand that love is not everyone's "mission"!

Moreover, relationships are not the ultimate goal in life but just a means or tool to raise our consciousness and learn us something.

If you're not cut-out-for love, know that your mission and focus should be somewhere else.

So, expect NO psycho-blah-blah in this report. If you don't like the truth or if you are (still) too sensitive to cope with it, we recommend you stay away of this report and don't order it.

It might save you from some sleepless nights...

In this Report you will also get the exact birthdata of people that might be your PERFECT match as well as some places/ areas/ countries where you actually may find love.

This is some most valuable information!

IF possible, we will also give some general forecasts regarding your love life. But only if it's very clear to us that there are some interesting configurations currently working in the sky!

All our astrology charts are not computerized. It will take us about two weeks, starting from the moment we receive your payment to finish this Report, so please be patient!

The Report will be sent by e-mail in PDF-format, so you will need Adobe Reader to open and read it.

Click here to download a Sample of the Relationship Potential Report

Price: just 30.00 Euro.
(you can also pay in USD, GBP, CAD or AUD)

(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).

IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.

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When To Find Love Calendar

On our dating page, we mentioned that if you want to find Mr. or Ms. Right, you must go out. This is a very hot tip!

However, some of you may be reluctant to just go out on every single day, aimlessly hoping to find your flame somewhere around the corner...

If you would know the best days to meet others, the days on which the odds are that you may encounter like-minded people or find attractive people, wouldn't that save you time and unnecessary efforts?

Days on which you can focus.

Days that favor social gatherings because THE Stars are right and on which your stars are right as well.

Based on your birth time, we can provide a personalized overview (personalized Calendar) for 1 year with your most favorable days to socialize, meet others, go out and -- hopefully -- find Love.

The overview gives a listing of the best (in green) and the worst (in red) days that show you when chances are your will meet people, encounter like-minded people,...

The overview is based on your birth information, making this a VERY personalized listing!

You will find this Calendar most helpful in timing the most auspicious dates for a succesful encounter.

We will send your Personalized "When to Find Love Calendar" within two weeks after we received your payment.

Know that all our astrology charts are not computerized, so we need these days to calculate the Calendar.

To preserve the layout of the document, we will send it as a PDF-document (you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the document).

Price: just 25.00 Euro (overview for 1 year).
(You can also pay the equivalent amount in USD, CAD, AUD or GBP)

(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).

IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.

Return to our astrology charts overview

Where to Find Love on Earth (love lines for singles)

In this report for singles we take a look at your astromaps (world map) to find specific areas, places and cities where you might find love or where your love life may prosper and blossom.

We analyze which planets are the most powerful in your natal chart and look at the astromaps to find out which countries, places, areas and cities these powerful planets cross while enhancing your love life and without disharmonious influences of other planets.

We list the most powerful areas, cities or places and print the relevant astromaps as well.

These astrology charts are not computerized and the work of a human astrologer.

It will take us about two weeks, starting from the moment we receive your payment to finish this Report, so please be patient!

The Report will be sent by e-mail in PDF-format, so you will need Adobe Reader to open and read it.

Price: just 24.95 Euro
(you can also pay in USD, GBP, CAD or AUD)

(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).

IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.

Return to our astrology charts overview

Report Made To Measure - You decide!

If you have a very specific problem or question that you would like to have answered, let us know.

If you order our Report Made To Measure, it's really all up to you. Share your problem, what do you really want (be as specific as possible).

The value of our answer and Report really depends on the way you formulate your problem or question.

Be to the point!

We need your birth data but if the question is about somebody else too, don't forget to provide the birth data of the second person! Otherwise we will not be able to deliver a correct answer.

We will analyse your (and -- if applicable -- your partner's) horoscopes with all the techniques and methods that we know and send the report to you by e-mail.

You don't need to pay anything in advance! That's right, you only pay AFTER you received your order.

Moreover, there is no fixed fee. YOU decide what the report is worth and what you can spend on the report.

Really, it's all up to you. You decide!

When we send your report, you'll find a link in the body of the e-mail with the payment option(s) so that you can pay whatever you want -- if you want.

We will proceed with your order as soon as possible. However, due to an overwhelming amount of requests and depending on the work involved, it may take some time to analyse your charts, write the report and send it to you.

The report is NOT automated and is written by a human astrologer, so be patient and bear with us while we produce your report!

Price: You Decide!
Click here to order your Report Made To Measure

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