Astrology Compatibility Scores
-- Methods and Reliability --

The Best Sign For You To Love

Below we'll take a closer look at some astrology compatibility scores that (professional) astrologers often use to assess the viability and compatibility of a couple.

We will also discuss our experience with these systems.

Comparing the inter-aspects between both horoscopes gives invaluable information on compatibility issues between two persons.

The viability of the relationship, however, cannot be deduced by analyzing the individual inter-aspects alone. If we want to know if the relationship will stand the test of time, we need some other tools.

Many astrologers have tried to find a method or system to get the bigger picture and to answer the question if partners are, in general, compatible or not.

Most systems assign points to certain factors so that astrology compatibility scores a the major tool astrologers use to assess compatibility.

However, by making compatibility dependent on the total score and rating, the relationships are reduced to mere numbers...

This may be the most criticized disadvantage of such astrology compatibility scores as, in reality, there is more than the numbers alone (changing a value brings totally different results).

So, our recommendation is to not let your love life be guided by or depending on these astrology compatibility scores and ratings alone.

The Bippus compatibility analysis

According to the astrologer Ron Bippus, the most important part of synastry is not the number, type or closeness of aspects, but the soft to hard aspect ratio.

Ron Bippus uses Ptolemaic aspects only (the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile) with a maximum orb of 8°.

You need a minimum ratio of 1.5:1 easy to hard aspects for a smooth relationship, with the one third hard aspects to keep excitement and passion alive.

The higher this ratio in this kind of astrology compatibility scores, the better.

Still according to Ron Bippus, a balance of an equal number of hard and easy aspects (1:1) is a constant struggle to keep the relationship intact.

The brilliant astrologer Nance McCullough too states that the first priority in assessing compatibility love horoscopes must be the looking for mutual harmony by analyzing the aspect ratio.

However, this author recommends that a minimum ratio of two harmonious aspects to one disharmonious aspect is present.

She considers this ratio of harmonious-to-disharmonious aspects (two-to-one) rock bottom for sustaining any relationship. Any proportion less than this bare minimum presents a challenge.

Too much harmony, however, can be detrimental too as this indicates a "dull relationship".

In chart comparison, Nance McCullough makes a difference between extra bad aspects, bad aspects, good aspects and extra good aspects.

We have found Nancy McCullough's remarks to be consistently correct and most to-the-point.

Also, Nance McCullough's findings are confirmed by one of the most compelling statistical research studies worldwide.

The Dutch medical doctor and astrologer Fred Opmeer analyzed millions of marriages and found the aspect ratio to be of the utmost importance.

Click here to read about Fred Opmeer's findings.

The bottom line is that you cannot analyze astrology compatibility scores without analyzing the aspect ratio.

The Compatibility Worksheet by Maritha Pottenger

One of the other astrology compatibility scores is the Compatibility Worksheet by Maritha Pottenger.

In her book "Your Starway to Love", Maritha Pottenger explains a way to compare two horoscopes for compatibility by assigning points to certain planetary placements.

Following her instructions on a Worksheet will result in astrology compatibility scores for different relationship issues (the Love Line, Togetherness, Sexual Sizzle, Attraction & Affection and Close Comfort).

By assessing compatibility love horoscopes this way you get a picture of the couple, even if it's not a guarantee that higher astrology compatibility scores (making the couple compatible) will result in a happy and compatible marriage.

We at Cosmic Technologies have found this system to be quite disappointing.

You cannot consistently build on it.

It sometimes seems to be on target, but on other occasions it is wide of the mark.

Whether it is in the scores or in the totals, we are not sure, but so much is clear that relationships should not be reduced to single astrology compatibility scores and numbers following this system...

Moreover, the Compatibility Worksheet does not take into account some very important factors in synastry (exact midpoints, rulerships, the elemental division for example).

To assess compatibility love horoscopes, we consider it 'dangerous' to rely upon this method alone

Assigning points to the planets in the elements or counting the planets in the same element

In comparing two compatibility love horoscopes one should look for balance.

If there is too much fire in your horoscope, it's not recommended that your partner too is 'all fire'.

Too much of the same element can cause tension and can be quite challenging.

We recommend that you do not count the planets in the same element, but rather give them a weighing according to the following rule:

  • the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and MC get 3 points;
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars get 2 points;
  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto get 1 point.

For example: when Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are in Water signs, the total Water score would be 2 (for Mercury) + 1 (for Saturn) + 1 (for Pluto) = 4.

The Sun, Moon and Ascendant in fire signs give the following score: 3 (for the Sun) + 3 (for the Moon) + 3 (for the Ascendant) = 9.

If Neptune is the single planet in Earth it would get a total score of 1.

Looking for a partner with more Earth and less Fire would be recommended to bring balance, harmony and compatibility in life.

This system of astrological compatibility ratings is quite reliable, but as you change the numerical values, you can get different results.

Our recommendation is to stick to the above mentioned values because they work best.

The Astrodynes or Cosmodynes

Another method that uses astrology compatibility scores was uncovered by Elbert Benjamine and the Church of Light and is called the Astrodynes or Cosmodynes.

Extensive research has brought this system to life in which the astrological power is measured, besides astrological harmony (the so-called harmodynes) and astrological discord (the discordynes).

All calculations are based upon the unmodified power of a planet, the house it occupies and the aspects it makes.

Calculating the Astrodynes is not easy at all and time-consuming but it seems they give greater precision in the interpretations of birthcharts.

Every planet has some power (the potential, the strength of desire for action) and harmony/discord (the effect and quality of the action).

In compatibility horoscopes they show how the planetary energies of the partners influence one another.

As the Astrodynes are quite an unresearched field, they are not always easy to delineate.

In theory they can very well point to issues of harmony and discord.

We at Cosmic Technologies are using the Astrodynes when delineating compatibility horoscopes and think they are very well worth researching further.

We think this method of astrology compatibility scores is quite reliable, though it's extremely difficult to calculate.

Further research is necessary.

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Compatibility Horoscopes Sub-Pages
Introductory Page

  • Planets in Synastry at The Same Degree
  • Compatibility Scores
  • Attraction, Endurability and Mental Compatibility
  • Essentials About Composite Charts
  • The Meaning Of The Composite Ascendant
  • Delineating Composite Charts
  • Duad compatibility

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