We at Cosmic Technologies are proud to be able to deliver some unique astrology compatibility charts that you will not find anywhere else.
The reports and profiles are not computerized, except for the Intimate Astrocards Report.
The astrology compatibility charts/reports on this page delineate and the compatibility between a couple.
Check out the following reports:
If you are rather interested in our astrology charts and reports that delineate your natal chart or a chart of a single person (a relationship potential for a single person for example), click here.
If you are rather interested in our astrology personality profiles that delineate your (or your partner's) profile (reports for a single person), click here.
We bring together a wide variety of astrological systems and methods in our astrology charts.
If you cannot afford our reports, we recommend you take a look at our reviews of computerized astrology charts and reports from online services and sellers on our Astrology Reports Review page.
For your convenience you can find below our TOP 2 of the reviewed computerized astrology charts, reports and profiles from external partners
(Reviews updated till )If you need any assistance regarding the astrology compatibility charts, or if you still have some questions, please, click here to contact us.
First Advice
If you have a very specific problem or question that you would like to have answered, please order our First Advice.
When you post your question, be as specific as possible. The value of our answer and the outcome really depends on the way you formulate your problem or question.
Be to the point!
We need your birth data but if the question is about somebody else too, don't forget to provide us with the birth data of the second person!
Otherwise we will not be able to deliver a correct answer.
We will proceed with your order as soon as possible.
However, due to an overwhelming amount of requests and depending on the work involved, it may take some time (at least a week but hardly ever more than three weeks) to analyze your charts, write the report and send it to you.
So, be patient while we analyze your charts and write the report.
Price: just 25.00 Euro for every single problem/question.
(you can also pay in USD, GBP, AUD or CAD)
(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).
IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.
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Intimate Astrocards Report (enhanced since December 2024)
In this computerized report is analyzed how a couple matches intimately.
The report is so stunningly accurate that it really will blow your mind, and that's why we opted to make this report available and provide it to you.
The assumption is that life is preprogrammed and based upon astrological and numerological principles that build the foundation of your current life map this lifetime.
These principles are reflected in the playing cards...
The months, weeks, days and seasons are all encoded into the numbers and symbols of the 52-card deck because each cycle is reflected by one of the 7 major planets of our solar system and planetary cycles.
Everything starts with your day of birth.
Your date of birth reveals what your Ruling (playing) card is and its accompanying spread as well, that unfolds automatically as you grow older.
And that's why it makes sense that some reports can be automated (computer generated) and deliver HIGHLY ACCURATE forecasts.
Also, most people seem not to realize that the essence of the playing cards is connected with astrological symbolism AND the calendar!
The method used to delineate the intimate compatibility between partners is based upon these ancient and highly secret and mysterious links between the planetary principles and the 52 playing cards.
It will take us about a week, starting from the moment we receive your payment to send this Report.
The Report will be sent by e-mail in PDF-format, so you will need Adobe Reader to read the document.
Click here to download a free sample of the Report
Price: 25.00 Euro
(you can also pay the equivalent amount in USD, GBP, CAD or AUD)
Click the "Buy Now" button to order
(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).
IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.
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Compatibility Report (Highlights)
In this Report we will analyze two people for compatibility. So, we need the birth information of two persons.
The Report is not just a simple chart comparison between two people. It's far more and will contain a short analysis of the Davison Chart as well.
We will take a look at different systems and methods and do the usual chart comparisons (elemental and aspect analysis, midpoint analysis, analysis how the days you were born match, aspect patterns and configurations and much more).
Also some medieval, Vedic (Ashtakoot compatibility) and Chinese factors will not be forgotten...
We will try to get to the essence of your relationship by delineating the standouts in the different charts and horoscopes.
It will take us between two to four weeks, starting from the moment we receive your payment to finish this Report, so please be patient!
As all our astrology compatibility charts are not computerized, we do need this time span to cast and delineate the charts.
The Report will be sent by e-mail in PDF-format, so you will need Adobe Reader to read the document.
Click here to download a free sample of the Report
Price: 45.00 Euro.
(you can also pay the equivalent amount in USD, GBP, CAD or AUD)
Click the "Buy Now" button to order
(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).
IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.
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Compatibility Report (Full Report) (enhanced since January 2025)
This is an extensive Report in which we will analyze two people for compatibility.
So, we need the birth information of two persons.
Aside from the Davison chart, we will take a look at different systems and methods and incorporate the Vedic (Ashtakoot) compatibility analysis and delve into a more extensive Vedic compatibility analysis regarding the topics of mutual respect, are you on the same wavelength, is there possible excess, is there constructivism, what about temperamental issues, friendliness, what's the instinctive compatibility, is there comfort, innate giving, mutation (adaptability), innate sense of purpose, what about experiencing obstacles together, and is there kind of misfortune between both of you and is there assertive pressure...
Some short Chinese astrological principles are discussed as well.
We will also do the common synastry chart comparisons (elemental analysis, aspect analysis, midpoint comparisons, aspect configurations and much, much more).
In these astrology compatibility charts we will also assess the Cosmodynes (or Astrodynes), the Bippus analysis, the "frustration table" and duad compatibility method (since October 2017) and some other systems, one of them is based on the chart comparison through the Harmonic division of the natal horoscopes.
So, this report contains massive information, not seen in any compatibility report worldwide.
It will take us a full month, starting from the moment we receive your payment to finish this Report, so please be patient!
As all our astrology compatibility charts are not computerized, we do need this time span to cast and delineate the charts.
The Report will be sent by e-mail in PDF-format, so you will need Adobe Reader to read the document.
Click here to download a free sample of the Report
Price: 100.00 Euro.
(you can also pay the equivalent amount in USD, CAD, AUD or GBP)
Click the "Buy Now" button to order the report
(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).
IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.
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Your Personalized Dating Calendar
On our dating page, we discussed some rules and tips when it's best (not) to date your target.
Among others, we told it's best to avoid a day the Moon is void of course.
Based on your birth information as well as the birth information of your target, we can provide a personalized calendar for 1 year on which are marked your most favorable days to both date.
Actually, the calendar gives a listing of the best (in green) and the worst (in red) days to date.
The overview is based on both your birth information making this a VERY personal listing!
So, we need your birth information and the data of your target or partner as well.
Only when the day is favorable for both of you, we will list it as a "green day" so that success is guaranteed!
Yes, you will only get the VERY best days. You will be warned about the worst days as well!
You will find this calendar most helpful to find any day for a succesfull date, meeting, rendez-vous, invitation, party or whatever...
Even if you are married, you will get valuable information to find the best days to invite your partner on a dinner, to go out or to suprise her or him.
Perhaps you can find the best days to seduce your sweetheart too!
We will send your Personalized Dating Calendar within two weeks after we received your payment.
As all our astrology compatibility charts are not computerized, we do need this time span to calculate the Calendar.
To preserve the layout of the document, we will send it as a PDF-document (you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the document).
Price: 25.00 Euro (overview for 1 year).
(You can also pay the equivalent amount in USD, CAD, AUD or GBP)
Click the "Buy Now" button to order the Calendar
(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).
IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.
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Report Made To Measure - You decide!
If you have a very specific problem or question that you would like to have answered, let us know.
If you order our Report Made To Measure, it's really all up to you. Share your problem, what do you really want (be as specific as possible).
The value of our answer and Report really depends on the way you formulate your problem or question.
Be to the point!
We need your birth data but if the question is about somebody else too, don't forget to provide the birth data of the second person! Otherwise we will not be able to deliver a correct answer.
We will analyse your (and -- if applicable -- your partner's) horoscopes with all the techniques and methods that we know and send the report to you by e-mail.
You don't need to pay anything in advance! That's right, you only pay AFTER you received your order.
Moreover, there is no fixed fee. YOU decide what the report is worth and what you can spend on the report.
Really, it's all up to you. You decide!
When we send your report, you'll find a link in the body of the e-mail with the payment option(s) so that you can pay whatever you want -- if you want.
We will proceed with your order as soon as possible. However, due to an overwhelming amount of requests and depending on the work involved, it may take some time to analyse your charts, write the report and send it to you.
The report is NOT automated and is written by a human astrologer, so be patient and bear with us while we produce your report!
Price: You Decide!
Click here to order your Report Made To Measure
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Where in the World - Astromaps for Couples
In this report we uncover where on Earth you and your partner would thrive together as a couple.
We analyze the astromaps of both partners and try to find the mutual places and/or areas where your love life will be highest, taking into account the restrictions that the natal charts often may (and will) impose.
Not everyone is going to have a happy or eternally lasting intimate love bond if it's not part of your life map this lifetime.
It all depends on the lessons to be learned, the experiences to be lived or the missions to be accomplished as presaged in your natal charts.
Also know that you both cannot have it all at once (health, wealth, a good job, nice children, etc.).
Indeed, some places in the world are better for your career drives, while other places are best for health, or wealth or...
Also, the places that would work best for you are not always best for your partner...
In this report we try to find these places that would be the best possible match for both of you, where you both can find your best potential as a couple.
We will send your Astromaps report between two weeks to a month after we received your payment.
As all our astrology compatibility charts are not computerized, we do need this time span to analyze your charts, maps and write the report.
To preserve the layout of the document, we will send it as a PDF-document (you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the document).
Price: 45.00 Euro
(You can also pay the equivalent amount in USD, CAD, AUD or GBP)
Click the "Buy Now" button to order the Report
(IMPORTANT: After clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the PayPal payment window you are automatically redirected to our own Order Form that you must fill out with the birth information we need. Please, be patient, as the redirection may take some seconds!).
IF you are not redirected, contact us through our Contact Form.
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