I want the gift of a woman's full attention-Birth day- 8 Month March

Being listened to. Being heard and understood. Being supported on my mission and goals. Intimate lovemaking on a deep spiritual level. I'm not too big on gifts but if someone gives me one, I prefer it be something they took great care in choosing. In other words, they pick the perfect gift because they understand me.

Also, for her to enjoy my music and taking interest in my projects.

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Oct 14, 2008
by: Luc De Jaeger

Did you know that March 8 is one of the birthdays of people who easily feel misunderstood and/or rejected?

No doubt March 8 wants full attention! This fits so well! March 8 has enough charm and is attractive enough to gain the full attention sooner or later.

Oct 14, 2008
by: Anonymous

Hope you find that person, cause everyone deserves it. :). Oh and today is a new day. Smile , dont you like new things. :) peace and love ~ Dena

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