The (Love) Life of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963 at 08:44 (08:44 AM) in Owensboro, Kentucky (37 N 46 /87 W 07) (source: AstroDatabank, Rodden Rating AA).

Planetary positions:
Sun: 18° Gemini | Moon: 13° Capricorn | Mercury: 25° Taurus | Venus: 26° Taurus | Mars: 3° Virgo | Jupiter: 13° Aries | Saturn: 23° Aquarius | Uranus: 1° Virgo | Neptune: 13° Scorpio | Pluto: 9° Virgo | North Node: 22° Cancer | Ascendant: 12° Leo | MC: 3° Taurus

Standouts in the horoscope of Johnny Depp

As usual we will look at the standouts in his natal chart.

After all, that's what will bring us to the essence and disposition of the person.

Not to overwhelm you with information, we will only assess the horoscope of Johnny Depp by looking at the factors that only have some meaning for his love life.

There is quite a lot to tell about his natal chart though, but we'll still try to keep it to the essence.

In his horoscope we can find the following standouts:

  • the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are all at the same numerical degree in a sign (13°)
  • Neptune squares the Ascendant-Descendant (relationship) axis
  • there is a stellium in Virgo (Mars, Uranus and Pluto)
  • the most exact midpoint in the 45° dial/list are: JU = MO = VE/UR; VE = PL/AS; MA = JU/KN = MO/KN; KN = SO/VE; PL = SO/UR; MC = MO/SA = JU/SA = SO; NE = SA/MC
  • there are the following predominant connections in his natal chart: Mercury/Saturn, Venus/Saturn and Mars/Uranus

The Moon, Jupiter and Neptune at the same numerical degree in a sign  mark spendthrift, some carelessness or irresponsible behavior, living in a dream world, a life full of illusions and/or a world full of delusions.

Actually, this combo reflects the 'actor' because it's a highly creative pattern as well.

However, delusions and substance abuse often go hand in hand and that's what this pattern also reveals.

The Neptune-Ascendant square confirms (self-)delusions pertaining to his relationships (in a wide sense).

Neptune is about imagination and when imagination takes over, his relationships may become a challenge.

Johnny Depp may not see the others as they are, not in a factual way but in a distorted way.

The Virgo stellium points to a perfectionist nature, especially with Mars in Virgo.

Mars, Uranus and Pluto all conjunct show the need to act independently, on his own terms.

He needs to be free to do what he wants, when he wants it.

This combo does not like compromises!

In the natal chart of a man, this stellium may result in sudden outbreaks of violence and anger.

Additionally, this stellium suggests sexual experimentation and liberation.

Because the stellium falls around the 2nd house cusp of his own physical body (the 2nd house is the most material, condensed and physical one and because it's part of the 1st Quadrant of 'personal self' it represents the own physical body) he may have some cuts, scars on his body.

Interestingly and reportedly, he has many tattoos and perhaps this stellium just denotes that also.

Moreover and reportedly, he suffers from nearsightedness since birth, and is nearly blind in his left eye.

The Mars-Uranus-Pluto stellium also signifies some recklessness and the love for speed (sports cars for example).

The most exact midpoints in the 45° dial/list denote the following:

  • JU = MO = VE/UR: love at first sight, the love for music, rhythm and dance, successful creative or artistic urges, the need for excitement in love and sex
  • VE = PL/AS: to be sexy, the power of love, (a) karmic love bond(s), to be stuck in love
  • MA = JU/KN = MO/KN: successful teamwork, the urge to marry
  • KN = SO/VE: connected with artistic people, to enjoy gatherings and parties
  • PL = SO/UR: sudden reversals, sudden changes and twists of fate, to be imprisoned, to suddenly face new realities, to be hindered physically
  • MC = MO/SA = JU/SA = SO: to be alone, to be separated/divorced, to make the best of things, to withdraw, to change the residence, to travel
  • NE = SA/MC: to be sad, to be depressed, the lonely feelings, not seeing things clearly

In Johnny Depp's natal chart, we find 3 important and predominant connections:

  1. Mercury/Saturn because Mercury is contra-parallel and square Saturn, the ruler of the 3rd house (mundane ruled by Mercury) is in the 10th house (mundane ruled by Saturn) and Mercury is in the 10th house (mundane ruled by Saturn).

    This connection shows that Johnny Depp needs time to grasp and understand things.

    He may be a very systematic thinker who meticulously follows scripts and formal and objective procedures.

    This is one of the connections that denote 'playing a role' (communicating behind a mask, presenting a mask).

  2. Venus/Saturn because Saturn is in the 7th house (mundane ruled by Venus), Venus squares Saturn, the ruler of the 2nd house (mundane ruled by Venus) is in the 10th house (mundane ruled by Saturn) and Venus is in the 10th house (mundane ruled by Saturn).

    This connection is all about distant relationships, living in a detached way.

    He may feel separate from other people, needs time alone, and may not really fit in -- which is often perceived as 'elite-consciousness.'

    Because of the Saturn factor (representing 'delays') 'love' only comes later in life.

    He may always face separations from loved ones for whatever reason. 

  3. Mars/Uranus because Mars is conjunct and parallel Uranus. The ruler of the 1st house (mundane ruled by Mars) is in the 11th house (mundane ruled by Uranus).

    This is a very restless connection.

    In the natal chart of a man, this combo reflects nervous tension linked to aggression.

    Also, he may act out anger and a temper in a disconnected manner; instead of being angry at the one who triggered his anger, he vents his anger towards others.

    Hence, this connection is often called the connection of senseless violence.

His 2015 marriage horoscope

Johnny Depp has been married for the first time to Lori Anne Allison from December 24, 1983 till their divorce on March 7, 1986.

He has dated several female celebrities, and has been engaged to Sherilyn Fenn, Jennifer Grey, Winona Ryder and Kate Moss.

He has two children with French singer/actress Vanessa Paradis: Lily-Rose Melody Depp born on May 27, 1999 and John Christopher "Jack" Depp II born on April 9, 2002.

After 14 years together Depp and Paradis announced their separation in June 2012.

After the split in 2012 he dated Amber Heard, born on April 22, 1986 in Austin, Texas (time unknown).

He was engaged to Amber Heard on January 17, 2014.

Reportedly, Johnny Depp married Amber Heard in the evening on February 3, 2015 in a very small private wedding ceremony at their home in Los Angeles, CA/USA.

A 2nd wedding ceremony was held on February 7, 2015 on his private Island (Little Hall's Pond Cay) in the Bahamas.

The chart of his February 3 Wedding below is calculated with the Sun on the Ascendant since the time of the wedding is unknown.

Planetary positions:
Sun: 14° Aquarius | Moon: in Leo | Mercury: 5° Aquarius | Venus: 9° Pisces | Mars: 17° Pisces | Jupiter: 17° Leo | Saturn: 3° Sagittarius | Uranus: 13° Aries | Neptune: 6° Pisces | Pluto: 14° Capricorn | North Node: 13° Libra

We only look at what stands out on that day:

  • the Sun is at 14° Aquarius, a 'critical' degree
  • The most exact midpoints in the 45° dial/list are: NE = VE/SA and VE = ME/UR 

In this marriage horoscope the Sun at 14° Aquarius suggests contrary behavior, reversals, breaking up, breaking free.

Clearly, the Sun's not at a good position for a marriage horoscope.

Uranus, the Sun's dispositor is exactly conjunct the South Node of the Moon adding to turbulent events and breaking up.

The midpoints in the 45° dial/list point to:

  • NE = VE/SA: love's sorrow, separation, the cold shower, disappointments
  • VE = ME/UR: sudden affections, love impulses

It comes as no surprise that Amber Heard reportedly filed for divorce on May 23, 2016 after domestic abuse that happened around the May 21, 2016 Full Moon at 1° Sagittarius.

This Full Moon squares Johnny Depp's Mars-Uranus conjunction resulting in his temper and becoming violent.

Moreover, the transiting Jupiter-Saturn square at 13° (Jupiter is at 13° Virgo while Saturn is at 13° Sagittarius) hits Johnny Depp's natal Moon-Jupiter-Neptune pattern at the same numerical degree denoting losses, bewilderment, separation, delusions.

Also, this transiting Jupiter-Saturn square hits Uranus and the Nodes in the Wedding chart, resulting in domestic upheaval and upsetting experiences ending in divorce.

Astrodamus predictions for Johnny Depp

When we, at Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec), analyze horoscopes, we often consult Astrodamus 1.0™ to know what the future may hold for the native...

The "problem" with the annual analyses generated by Astrodamus is that this software makes use of the primary directions which are stunningly accurate ON CONDITION that the time of birth is EXACT.

A difference of 4 minutes brings worthless predictions!

We did not rectify his natal chart though but we suspect his time of birth is quite accurate.

But what has Astrodamus to tell us about his future (love) life?

Click here to download his Astrodamus predictions till 2050.


Update June 1, 2022: Their divorce drew media attention as Amber Heard alleged that Johnny Depp had been abusive throughout their relationship.

In 2018, Johnny Depp claimed that Amber Heard had abused him before he unsuccessfully sued the publishers of a British tabloid for defamation under English law.

Johnny Depp later sued Amber Heard for defamation after she wrote an op-ed saying she was a public victim of domestic violence.

In April 2022, the trial about the alleged domestic abuse started and it was especially popular on social media.

After six weeks of testimony a jury ruled for Johnny Depp in his lawsuit, finding that Amber Heard had acted with “actual malice.”

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