Kylie Minogue was born on May 28, 1968 at 11:00 (11:00 AM) AEST in Melbourne, Australia (37 S 49 /144 E 58) (source: AstroDatabank, Rodden Rating B).
Planetary positions:
Sun: 6° Gemini | Moon: 14° Gemini | Mercury: 28° Gemini | Venus: 0° Gemini | Mars: 13° Gemini | Jupiter: 27° Leo | Saturn: 21° Aries | Uranus: 25° Virgo | Neptune: 24° Scorpio | Pluto: 20° Virgo | North Node: 16° Aries | Ascendant: 26° Cancer | MC: 18° Taurus
As usual we will look at the standouts in her natal chart.
After all, that's what will bring us to the essence and predisposition of the person.
Not to overwhelm you with information, we will assess the horoscope of Kylie Minogue by looking at the factors that only have some meaning for her love life.
In the horoscope of Kylie Minogue we can find the following standouts:
Venus at a critical degree denotes that Kylie Minogue is "on the road" often.
0° Gemini is one of the most unstable degrees, changing the place often, always restlessly moving and up to new stimuli.
When Venus, planet of love, is at 0° Gemini, this reflects the social butterfly leading to unstable and ever changing relationships.
The Gemini stellium adds to ever changing situations and circumstances.
The New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all posited in Gemini, reinforcing her powerful Gemini traits.
Gemini is a mutable air sign, representing "wind" and thus often drifting and changing in numerous directions.
Moreover, Gemini is a double sign, indicating a dual personality that often needs two things at once (two lovers, for example).
She's actually what you can call "a real Gemini."
Astrological research has shown that women with predominant Gemini traits are the most difficult to live with (and face the most divorces) because of their ever-changing opinions, mindset, restlessness and living circumstances.
Most planets posited in mutable and air signs reinforce her Gemini stellium because Gemini is a mutable air sign.
Air cannot cope with and/or stand emotional display.
She would need a partner with more earth traits to bring more stability into her life.
The powerful planetary connections reveal the following:
The exact midpoints reveal the following:
Mercury as a final dispositor in the natal chart signifies involvement in group ventures.
Kylie Minogue is very outgoing and sociable but because Mercury is a mental (cerebral) planet, she prefers keeping a distance and prefers not becoming too intimate and/or committed too soon.
There can be a lack of emotional contact or involvement noticeable.
She might prefer an intellectual partner who is able to stimulate her brain and curiosity.
Whenever the zodiac signs Leo and Aquarius are intercepted in the 1st-7th houses of relationships and encounters, there are issues expressing oneself.
Kylie Minogue has to learn to find her own and real identity.
Her intimate and one-on-one relationships lack consistency, commitment and bonding.
People with interceptions in the house axis of relationships do very well in group activities but have issues building inter-personal emotional connections.
The Leo-Aquarius signs build a very creative axis but also relate to ego-issues.
Self-interests often are not in balance with the interests of a group or of another.
It is told that Kylie Minogue had quite some lovers and has not found a lasting bond yet.
Her love life is not going smoothly.
It's possible that her 2005 breast cancer diagnosis changed her life a whole lot
Reportedly, she dated:
Despite vowing never to get married after her failed engagement to Joshua, she still insists that marriage is nothing for her.
Her current boyfriend since 2018 is Paul Solomons and it was reportedly love at first sight.
When we, at Cosmic Technologies analyze horoscopes, we often consult some Astrodamus 1.0™ Reports to know what the future may hold for the native...
How will Kylie Minogue fare according to Astrodamus?
Click here if you want to take a look at her 1990-2050 forecasts.
Update November 2024: Reportedlyn Kylie Minogue is enjoying being single right now.
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