The Perfect Love Match Birth-dates for CANCER

On this page we list all the perfect love match birth-dates for the zodiac sign Cancer.

In the left column you will find your birthday and in the second column, we list all the birthdays of the ones you are very compatible with. 

Most often, one of the birth-dates will belong to your "significant" other.

You can use this list to find your twin soul, friendship, a suitable partner and/or "marriage material" ;)

Don't underestimate the validity of the list that is based upon many years of diligent research and be surprised !

YOUR Birthday Perfect Love Match Birth-dates
June 21 ************************
June 22 *****************
June 23 ************************
June 24 *****************
June 25 ************************
June 26 *****************
June 27 ************************
June 28 *****************
June 29 ************************
June 30 *****************
July 1 February 2, February 5, February 7, February 15, March 3, March 5, March 10, April 21 (Taurus Sun), May 2, May 16, May 19, June 2, June 4, July 5, July 25, July 31, August 3, August 10, August 13, August 23 (Leo Sun), August 29, September 30, October 6, October 9, October 28, October 29, October 31, November 4, November 17, December 2, December 5
July 2 ************************
July 3 ******************
July 4 ******************
July 5 ******************
July 6 ******************
July 7 ******************
July 8 *********************
July 9 *****************
July 10 *****************
July 11 ************************
July 12 *****************
July 13 **********************
July 14 ************************
July 15 ******************
July 16 ******************
July 17 ******************
July 18 ******************
July 19 ******************
July 20 *********************
July 21 *****************
July 22 *****************

Related Cancer Pages:

The Cancer Horoscope
How is Cancer in Love ?
The Cancer Sex Horoscope
The Cancer Love Horoscope
How To Seduce Cancer
How To Attract Cancer
Cancer Gifts

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