The Sagittarius Horoscope

Was He Born To Love You?

Our delineation of the Sagittarius horoscope follows a very logical method, based on ancient basic and archetypal principles. It's NOT about stereotypes.

Every zodiac sign is the result of the so-called Quadruplicities or Modes (Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs) and Triplicities (related to the four elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth).

The Sagittarius horoscope is based on the Mutable Fire energies:

  • The Mutable principle is about circulating, moving and changing energies. Mutables refine and adapt. Mutable is changeable, disturbed and unsettled. They are the "changers."

  • The Fire principle is about enthousiasm, spirit and a lively disposition. Its direction is upward and outward (the combustive state). It's hot and fast. It wants to give in an expansive way.

Blending mutable fire into something tangible or material, you get the keyword of "the torch."

The main characteristics of the Sun (representing your self-expressing life force) in the mutable fire sign Sagittarius are:

  • does not get bogged down with details
  • outdoorsy (loves to travel, hiking, sports-minded...)
  • the grand vision; often too much strings to their bow (over-confident; extravagant; overspending)
  • lacks some tact, rather bold or blunt
  • outspoken in the desire to share knowledge, wisdom, vision
  • entusiastic and impatient self-expression
  • "above human; below animal" which reflects in his/her behavior
  • female Sagittarius is attracted to a man who is a lot on the move, on the go (like a traveler)

Depending on your birth date, the Sagittarius horoscope divides into the following three decanates:

November 23-30

  • religious
  • loves to travel (adventurous)
  • dislikes detail
  • needs to learn to cooperate
  • the most independent people of the zodiac
  • wants fairness
  • acts impulsively
  • innerly sensitive and insecure
  • enormous willpower
  • will not submit
  • can be unreasonable
  • enjoys a debate
  • generous
  • almost no close friends
  • needs stability
  • physically intense

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Check The Sagittarius Ascendant Combinations

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December 1-10

  • fanatic opinions and world view
  • adventurous
  • forceful and intense
  • loves an argument
  • original and unusual
  • overconfident
  • can be aggressive
  • very attractive and can be a heartbreaker

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December 11-22

  • fixed ideas
  • wasteful
  • public appeal
  • proud or vain
  • moody
  • drawn to the impossible
  • single-minded
  • introvert
  • very sexual

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Check The Sagittarius Ascendant Combinations

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Related Sagittarius Pages:

The Sagittarius Sex Horoscope
The Sagittarius Love Horoscope
How To Seduce Sagittarius
How To Attract Sagittarius
Sagittarius Gifts

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