At the time bought and on april 4, 2003, the positions of the planets were as follows (horoscope with the Sun on the Ascendant):
Planetary positions:
Sun: 15° Aries | Moon is in Taurus | Mercury: 27-28° Aries | Venus: 9° Pisces | Mars: 19° Capricorn | Jupiter: 8° Leo | Saturn: 23° Gemini | Uranus: 1° Pisces | Neptunus: 12° Aquarius | Pluto: 13° Sagittarius | North Node: 2° Gemini
In this chart the Sun and Neptunue are in sextile aspect giving these corporations a vision and inspiration.
Venus is quincunx (150°) Jupiter which makes generous and often wasteful too.
This is an expansive aspect with a lot of expectations.
Transiting Uranus will conjunct Venus in the chart (and make a quincunx to Jupiter).
Both and will see their membership (via grow.
In the years to come, transiting Pluto will make an exact trine to Mercury in the corporation chart, signifying power in the field of communication.
Both online dating services will expand through
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