Some Hot Tips on How to
Attract Aquarius

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If you want to successfully attract Aquarius, just try out the following secret tips.

Attraction goes beyond your looks. You don't need the looks of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie to attract somebody.

Attraction is about your total appearance and being, about the way you behave...

...or not ;-)

It's a way to get irresistibly noticed in a very subtle way... a point of no return.

Learn how to attract Aquarius by incorporating some basic astrological principles and skills to raise your WOW-factor.

How to attract the Aquarius Woman
How to attract the Aquarius Man

How to attract the Aquarius Woman

Aquarius is very active in community affairs, clubs, and the like.

Everything that is related to networking.

Attract Aquarius by inviting her to join a club, group or whatever for some shared activities.

Try to be outside the norm.

To attract Aquarius the "rebel appeal" works wonders.

What does this mean?

  • take on a devil-may-care attitude
  • create a cool look: a few days without shaving makes a powerful visual impression
  • get her head spinning

A "bad boy image" will make you strong AND sensitive, a leader AND a listener, someone with insights AND searching questions.

This will attract Aquarius.

Ask her opinion about virtually anything, the weird, the unconventional.

Also, read our Aquarius seduction page for some additional tips to seduce the female Aquarius.

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How to attract the Aquarius Man

Aquarius is very active in community affairs, clubs, and the like.

Everything that is related to networking.

Attract Aquarius by inviting him to join a club, group or whatever organizations for some shared activities or humanitarian actions.

Avoid using pickup lines.

There is no such thing as miracle pickup lines to attract Aquarius.

You have to be honest, straightforward and say what's on your mind.

Aquarius loves original, weird and unconventional ways of relating.

As it's still an air sign, communicating is still important (be it by phone, e-mail or other digital media).

Don't talk about the past, always ask what he will do tomorrow or in the (near) future.

Avoid being sentimental, as this is a real turn-off.

Ask his opinion about virtually anything, the weird, the unconventional.

Also, read our Aquarius seduction page for some additional tips to seduce the male Aquarius.

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