Secret Tips on How to
Seduce Capricorn

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Ever wondered how to seduce Capricorn? Some basic astrological principles will tell you how you can seduce him or her.

The art of seduction is not only important when you want to attract and conquer your (secret) Capricorn lover.

Seduction is an art that every couple should learn to make love grow (AND last) too!

Even when you're married.

So, tune in for some (secret) revelations to get the Capricorn lover you so desire, or to make that love grow AND last...

Seduction of the Capricorn Woman
Seduction of the Capricorn Man

Seduction of the Capricorn Woman

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign bringing about a lot of determination.

This very cautious and calculating sign is not easy to seduce (unless the Moon or the Ascendant tell another story).

Capricorn sets very high standards that can be snobbish.

If you want to seduce Capricorn you must take your time and be serious about your intentions.

Capricorn hates vulgarity. Tell her about your good reputation, achievements and accomplishments.

Show her how self-made you are.

In public, Capricorn is conservative and has quite traditional beliefs

Sometimes, her sexual desires are sublimated in material security.

If you want to seduce Capricorn you have to bring her a sense of security (material or financial security counts too).

Privacy and discretion are her keywords. So, seduce Capricorn in secrecy...

NO public gestures or display of affection.

Capricorn is a climber and very dominant. So, you will not seduce Capricorn by being bossy.

Outwardly she's quite cold, distant and inhibited, not making it easy for you to seduce her.

As an earth sign she will need tangible tokens of love.

Attract Capricorn by barely touching her skin now and then.

Be her sunshine.

If you want to seduce Capricorn, don't forget to visit our Capricorn gifts page, for some of the most useful gift ideas.

With these gift ideas in your mind you can seduce Capricorn too!

Also, read our Capricorn attraction page for some additional tips to attract Capricorn.

According to James Kohl, a researcher, odors affect how often we have sex, and with whom.

They influence how the brain develops, what we remember, and how we learn.

Odors help us tell lovers and family members from strangers and let mothers and infants bond.

Pheromones are natural chemical scents the body produces in order to communicate with others nearby.

There is scientific evidence that pheromones may increase your socio-sexual behavior and social exchanges.

They are a powerful seducing technique.

For more information about pheromone perfumes, check out EdenFantasys.

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Seduction of the Capricorn Man

Capricorn is ambitious, a (social) climber with a serious view on life.

Material success is highly important to him.

Seduce Capricorn by giving him financial or material security.

Tell him about your accomplishments (which is a very important item for him).

To seduce Capricorn you need to be practical and down-to-earth, almost business-like.

Capricorn doesn't like risks and is (overly) suspicious, making it not easy to seduce him.

Moreover, he tends to be a workaholic and you will not seduce Capricorn by criticizing this.

If you want to seduce Capricorn, be organized and support his ambitions.

Privacy and discretion are the keywords.

So, seduce Capricorn in secrecy... NO public gestures or display of affection.

Attract Capricorn by barely touching his skin now and then. Give him a massage.

Visit our Capricorn gifts page, for some of the best gift ideas.

With these gift ideas in your mind you can seduce Capricorn too!

Play the "hard to get strategy" but make yourself approachable (show you still have room for somebody).

Appear confident.

Also, read our Capricorn attraction page for some additional tips to attract Capricorn.

According to James Kohl, a researcher, odors affect how often we have sex, and with whom.

They influence how the brain develops, what we remember, and how we learn.

Odors help us tell lovers and family members from strangers and let mothers and infants bond.

Pheromones are natural chemical scents the body produces in order to communicate with others nearby.

There is scientific evidence that pheromones may increase your socio-sexual behavior and social exchanges.

They are a powerful seducing technique.

For more information about pheromone perfumes, check out EdenFantasys.

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