Different astrologers incorporate the Asteroids in their work. However, using some 10,000s of existing Asteroids in a horoscope would be too much of a good thing.
While it remains unclear yet how to find out the importance, strength and relevance of an Asteroid, it's beyond a doubt that they do work.
There is too much evidence for it and if you want to know more about incorporating the Asteroids in your work, we recommend you study the fabulous works by Martha Lang-Wescott.We too use the Asteroids in our work, though sparely so and with a maximum orb of 1° (or less).
In matters of the heart, there are many Asteroids that can be used.
The most well-known are Juno, Hera, Eros, Cupido-A, Amor, Sappho, Lilith (NOT the Black or Dark Moon Lilith!), Ophelia.
For an overview, click here.
In this article, we'll present Juno, one of the most used Asteroids, gaining more and more interest.
Juno was the Roman Goddess of marriage and childbirth. Hera is the Greek Goddess of marriage and childbirth.
Juno was one of the most important deities and also associated with finances and her functions are much wider than those of the Greek Hera.
In most textbooks, Juno is the metaphor for marriage and the marriage partner.
This seems to be confirmed by our preliminary research findings about the marriage year and the Solar Returns.
The Sun conjunct Juno (orb 3°) is a statistically significant condition found in solar return charts for the year of one's marriage.
According to Martha Lang-Wescott, Juno represents what goes awry and Juno tests the level of commitment and attitude toward fidelity and marriage.
Perhaps, that's why according the Magi Society (a School in astrology) Juno is a sexual "planet" and is symbolic of the mistress, sex without commitment and the one-night stand.
Our own research has NOT yet confirmed their findings. More research is needed here.
Oppositions to Juno have the partner on the "other side of the desk" on a rather continual basis.
The most exact aspect to Juno reveals something about your marriage life.
Finding the position of Juno in the horoscope:
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