Venus in Aries, Taurus or Gemini in the Natal Horoscope

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Planets in zodiac signs describe innate traits and characteristics that can be weak or strong, depending on the zodiac sign and degree area they are in.

When delineating Venus in the zodiac signs, we specifically will find out what brings balance into our life, what attracts us, how our taste is, and how we tend to related to others (in the widest sense).

The houses point to life domains and our environment that can change, but the zodiac signs remain static and show an imprints you cannot get rid of.

Hence, planets in zodiac signs define the essence of who or what you are.

If you want to read about Venus in Cancer, Leo or Virgo, click here.

If you want to read about Venus in Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius, click here.

Venus in Aries

When Venus is in the 1st zodiac sign Aries, reflecting a sparkle, it creates lots of urges, instinctive impulses that extinguish as fast as they started.

Venus in Aries wants to continuously find out how attractive she is in an impatient way.

There is a huge continuous hunger and fast pace noticeable.

No wonder, Venus in Aries is not chewing meals properly and wants to do a lot and even fast, one thing after another.

There is a continuous need to move, to be active, to do something, whatever that is.

It's the impulses, the instinctive drive that counts here and hence, this position of Venus can be seen as very spontaneous.

Venus in Aries loves the extravert male principles, loves more raw and thus often less refined people, loves adventurous ones, those in the Armed forces (police or army), for example.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and by definition, still a bit naive, uninhibited and lacking long built up experience and maturity and hence, with Venus in this zodiac sign, decisions are often made instantly, too fast and without lots of forsight and taking into account the more complicated perspective.

Venus in Aries often lacks the ability to have a more nuanced perspective as if she is not always able to see the more complicated and/or broader picture at all because she's only 'a starter' and still needs to learn and experience a whole lot.

Venus in Aries is still a bit naive and ignorant.

Venus in Taurus

In its own sign Taurus, Venus above all indicates the need for (some kind of) comfort and feeling secure (especially in a material or physical way).

Above average, Venus in Taurus has a good taste and loves the finer arts.

Taurus is the most inert sign of the zodiac and hence, Venus in Taurus does not want to be hurried, nor forced to move or change and will do so when she sees fit and when the time is right.

Venus in Taurus tends to be loyal and build relationships that are more enduring and are stable, predictable.

She sticks, clings to its peer group, family and honors traditions.

Venus in Taurus people can feel stuck at times, because Taurus is the most inert sign of the zodiac, as if they are in a stalemate position.

Venus in Gemini

In the most unstable and mutable sign of the zodiac, Venus in airy Gemini is most often labeled as 'the social butterfly.'

Indeed, Venus in Gemini is very much attracted to variety, a diversity of interests to satisfy her curiosity and need to 'know' and 'be informed.'

Hence, there is a lot of need to go with the flow and have a lot of encounters.

Venus in Gemini is attracted to intellectual, cerebral people, those with an academic degree, those they can learn something from.

Venus in Gemini loves reading and talking, changing the place and being on the go often.

Gemini is a superficial zodiac sign that cannot stand too much emotions, making for encounters without too much commitment and depth too.

Venus is likeable and quite popular in the neighborhood.

Because air signs are noisy, Venus in the air sign Gemini, may coincide with the need to be, reside or live in a rather noisy environment.

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