Venus In The Natal Houses

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Venus, in general, is the planet of relationships and beloved ones. It represents all that is beautiful and harmonious and it promotes balance.

The house Venus is found in, tells more about the environment in which you find balance, well-being and harmony.

Remember that the houses represent the environment and point to WHERE things happen.

In other words, Venus in the natal houses will describe where you find balance, beauty, beloved ones and relationships.

Unlike lots of other sources, we are only listing empirically and statistically researched delineations.

We split up the delineations in 'general meanings' (irrespective of the gender), descriptions which were found to be more significant in male charts and the meanings that were found to be more significant in female charts.

This way, we hope to bring some top-notch and more to-the-point descriptions not found anywhere else.

Also know that when Venus is conjunct a house cusp but not in the house itself, the delineations may not apply.

When Venus is just in front of a house and not in the house itself, the planetary meanings start to differ because Venus acts like a connector binding both houses together in some way.

Planetary aspects to Venus may alter some of the descriptions as well.

The same holds true for the zodiac signs Venus is posited in that may alter the background of how Venus manifests.

When Venus is conjunct another body or planet or if there is a stellium in the house Venus is posited in, the delineations may vary too.

The delineations we provide are archetypal meanings found in charts where Venus is the only planet in the house.

Descriptions in bold are very significant and almost infallible.

Venus in the 1st natal house

In general:

  • charming and seductive personality
  • wants to please and be courteous
  • has a striking physical appearance
  • self-indulgent
  • indecisive

In male charts:

  • a womanizer or woman-pleaser
  • needs an attractive woman

In female charts:

  • wants to be found attractive
  • needs appreciation
  • wants to be desirable
  • soft and sensual

Venus in the 2nd natal house

In general:

  • wants to have a beautiful lifestyle and spends lots on possessions
  • materialistic
  • self-worth depends on financial and material success
  • shows off
  • one of the most loyal positions
  • very attached to a group (family, partner,...)

In male charts:

  • needs an upper-class or very stylish woman
  • dresses stylish
  • a collector

In female charts:

  • the shopaholic
  • takes delight in good food
  • strong physical senses
  • can be very attached and loyal to the partner

Venus in the 3rd natal house

In general:

  • The 3rd house is the most unstable and 'wandering' of all and hence not the best one if you want a stable love relationship and/or marriage.

    Venus in this house tends to find love in the 'immediate environment'

  • may have a (very) beautiful voice
  • a graceful communicator
  • very good at languages and/or writing and/or talking
  • the bookworm
  • the story-teller
  • craves compliments

In male charts:

  • needs a cerebral and intelligent (well educated) woman
  • may find love in the neighbourhood
  • can talk every woman into something
  • can sell anything

In female charts:

  • talkative and a seductive voice
  • continuously in contact with a lover (texting, phoning,...)

Venus in the 4th natal house

In general:

  • home-loving (home sweet home)
  • needs a beautiful, peaceful and harmonious home free from discord
  • increase in harmony and well-being ('wealth') later in life
  • may meet real love only later in life
  • loves to wear casual clothes
  • lives a more balanced and harmonious life in the last part of life

In male charts:

  • needs a woman who is home- and/or family-loving
  • demanding

In female charts:

  • very sensitive to the surroundings
  • the home-decorator

Venus in the 5th natal house

In general:

  • in love with love
  • loves to gamble or speculate
  • loves exquisite and/or luxury goods
  • highly romantic ideals
  • very creative and artistic
  • may have an artistic or gorgeous daughter

In male charts:

  • a very sexual position
  • showy and too vain
  • self-centered and self-serving

In female charts:

  • can be very attractive
  • playful and wants to have fun
  • loves some drama (in the movies, theatre,...)

Venus in the 6th natal house

In general:

  • the workaholic
  • prone to on-the-job romances
  • the researcher and analyzer
  • skin trouble
  • self-indulgent
  • indecisive

In male charts:

  • love often starts at the working floor or with co-workers
  • often more female co-workers than male co-workers
  • less selective
  • prefers a subordinate position instead of being the boss

In female charts:

  • needs a man who helps her in everything she does
  • friendly
  • loves small animals (dogs)

Venus in the 7th natal house

In general:

  • gives a good first impression
  • sociable and popular
  • cannot be alone and needs 'someone else' to share life experiences
  • the multitasker
  • often attracted to partners with similarities (like the same first name, the same style, appearance, job,...)
  • needs a refined partner
  • loves to organize

In male charts:

  • wants to shine with and present his wife everywhere
  • compassionate

In female charts:

  • very attractive and stylish
  • interest in fashion
  • loves intrigues
  • cannot stand silence

Venus in the 8th natal house

In general:

  • erotic
  • a very charismatic position
  • love and sacrifices (emotional turmoil) go hand in hand
  • may work in the fields of banking, insurances, taxes, ...
  • entangled love unions and relationships
  • a compulsive need for a partner

In male charts:

  • very passionate
  • may live excessive
  • inherits and/or receives possessions/money from women

In female charts:

  • needs money to raise her status
  • may sell herself for money
  • money and love go hand in hand
  • may experience inertia

Venus in the 9th natal house

In general:

  • love affairs or unions in foreign countries and/or with foreigners and/or with people who have a different social background (culture, race,...)
  • needs an original lover
  • inspirational
  • love triangles

In male charts:

  • needs a playful woman
  • adventurous and/or sports-minded

In female charts:

  • loves to tease
  • helpful

Venus in the 10th natal house

In general:

  • "Love me!"
  • rather vain: wants to be noticed for his/her beauty, style and/or charm
  • wants to look good in public
  • very goal-oriented

In male charts:

  • needs a woman who can shine
  • needs a supportive woman
  • the woman helps him in raising his status
  • needs lots of attention
  • can be manipulative and an intriguer
  • loves uniforms
  • feels guilty towards women

In female charts:

  • never leaves home without make-up
  • a sweetie
  • increasingly suspicious towards men
  • love affairs with higher-ups or men who have a well-defined position in our society or in a group (the boss or employer, men of importance, men in uniforms...)
  • a marriage for status or money
  • a model (may love to pose)

Venus in the 11th natal house

In general:

  • sociable
  • friends become lovers
  • highly inventive
  • often a party-goer
  • very idealistic
  • unpredictable behavior in love unions
  • needs a clean and light environment

In male charts:

  • influential female friends
  • almost always has a mistress

In female charts:

  • gets well on with children of the partner or the others' children (fond of children)
  • lots of female friends (the 'girls club')

Venus in the 12th natal house

In general:

  • poverty in childhood and/or may have felt neglected in childhood
  • loves to sacrifice as a means to be liked
  • secret (platonic) love affairs, unrequited love
  • love = sacrifice (giving more than receiving) resulting in some dissatisfaction
  • protects its privacy
  • very devoted

In male charts:

  • love and sorrow go hand in hand
  • solitary, reclusive and contemplative
  • the painter

In female charts:

  • widowhood. This is a position that most often shows that the woman will survive her husband
  • needs a silent or reclusive partner
  • fear of sex (diminishes the sexual expression) but often craves intimacy
  • serves the partner
  • easily hurt
  • too vulnerable and submissive

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