A Collection of Baby Gender Prediction Research

The Best Sign For You To Love

Actually, baby gender prediction research proves that the female fertile cycle is still a BIG mystery.

Those who call themselves "scientists" reject the methods based on the Moon phases, even if there is evidence that something is onto it.

According to most "scientists", there is only one fertile cycle, the menstrual cycle, so that the vast majority of baby gender prediction research is focussed on that single topic.

However, a Canadian research team funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has uncovered evidence that suggests the traditionally accepted model of the human menstrual cycle is wrong.

The year 2003 discovery, by a team led by Dr. Roger Pierson of the University of Saskatchewan, could lead to the design of new, safer and more effective contraception and may improve success with assisted reproductive technology for women who are having trouble conceiving.

The University of Saskatchewan researchers have found that this process occurs in "waves". In response to hormone surges, women experience two to three periods of follicular development each month, though only one egg is selected for ovulation.

This means that, as already mentioned on our Moon phases, women have multiple fertile moments every month!

Tell all your female friends about this research study because they must know how wrong it is to rely on the ovulation cycle and they should know "there is more between Heaven and Earth!"

Prior to this 2003 Study, researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Durham, North Carolina, found in a year 2000 study that a woman's fertile window -- the six days each month when she is most likely to conceive -- is extremely difficult to predict.

Only 30 percent of the women who took part in that year 2000 study had their fertile window entirely within the six days of their mid-cycle!

Lead research Professor Allen Wilcox from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences said that intercourse accelerating ovulation may be one of the reasons.

Anyway, the research clearly proves that a woman can be fertile on any other time in the month (the Moon phase return for example) and maybe the proof of the theory of spontaneous ovulation is imminent.

Disclaimer: the information we hereby provide is for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the way you use the provided information.

Dr. Angelo Cagnacci (a gynaecologist at the Policlinico of Modena, Italy) investigated the conception dates of 14,310 births at his clinic between 1995 and 2001 to see if the sex ratio varied substantially.

He discovered in a baby gender prediction research project (2003) that conceptions in September, October and November (and especially in October) bring more boy births, while conceptions in March and April (especially in April) bring more girl births.

Nature is designed, he says, to favor the conception of boys from September to November and girls from March to May so that couples who want a boy should try to conceive in autumn and those who want a girl have a better chance if they can conceive in spring.

In another baby gender prediction research project, dr. Angelo Cagnacci found that the slimmer the woman, the more likely it is that she bears baby girls. Women who weight below 54 kilograms (119.05 pounds) more often conceive baby girls.

Another baby gender prediction research points to a certain stress-factor that may be important in predicting the gender. The more the external environment is stressful (natural disasters, war, etc...), the more likely it is to conceive baby girls instead of baby boys (Tenzer, 2004).

According to the Polish physician Franciszek Benendo, conception just in the middle of the menstrual cycle (at the time of ovulation), gives an 85% chance of a boy; whereas conception on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle gives an 87% chance of a girl (confirming the below-mentioned study by Thumshirn.

In another research study, investigations were undertaken to determine the exact date of fertilizing and ovulation in 351 married couples, finding that in the cases of conception (sexual intercourse) 3-5 days before ovulation, 133 girls and 33 boys were born.

Statistical analysis divided these couples into 5 different groups:

  • In the cases of conception 3-5 days before ovulation, 133 girls and 33 boys were born.
  • In the case of conception 2 days before ovulation 9 girls and 9 boys were born.
  • The 3rd group is of those who conceived the day before and 2 days after ovulation: these couples had 20 girls and 131 boys.
  • In those who conceived every day during the fertile period of the cycle, 1 girl and 13 boys were born.
  • The 5th group comprised those who conceived after a longer period of separation while not in the fertile period of the menstruation cycle accompanied by increased emotional tension: 2 girls and 13 boys were born.

However, the late Theodor Landscheidt of the Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity, recalls that this formula should be slightly adapted as follows:

  • the exact middle of your own cycle gives a chance of a boy (give or take a day)

  • your cycle multiplied by 0.382 (plus or minus a day) gives the days that are linked with the chance of a girl (0.382 is the minor of the Golden Section)

His research confirms and even explains the results of a previous study (Thumshirn, 1975) saying:

  • Conception just in the middle of the ovulation cycle gives an 85% chance of a boy,
  • whereas conception on the 10th day of the cycle is linked to an 87% chance of a girl.

A baby gender prediction research conducted at the University of Kent in England has shown that mothers who are optimistic about the lengths of their lives are more likely to give birth to a boy.

However, more research is needed to determine exactly how attitude towards life length affects a baby's sex.

A survey done by the London School of Economics in England has shown that a parent’s job may influence the sex of their child. Researchers surveyed 3,000 people from different professional backgrounds.

Their findings showed that people with jobs generally associated as being more "masculine", like engineering or accounting, are more likely to have a boy while those people in a more "feminine" or "caring" profession, such as teacher or nurse, were more inclined to have a girl.

In a two-year study (1998) conducted at the Birth and Women's Health Center in Tucson, Arizona, Dr. Victor Shamas and Amanda Dawson asked 100 pregnant women to predict whether they would give birth to a girl or a boy.

Women who claimed to have an intuition about the gender of their child made the right choice over 70 percent of the time.

"One of the interesting findings to come out of this study," explains Dr. Shamas, "is that women who have a preference for one gender or the other don't tend to have accurate intuitions.

The point is that there's a big difference between what you want to happen and what your intuition tells you is going to happen.

When a woman really wants either a girl or a boy, her desire gets in the way of her intuitive ability." (Click here for more information).

According to Elissa Cameron, a mammal ecologist at the University of Nevada, Reno, the combination of diet and frequency of intercourse may determine a baby's gender. The results are published in the June 2005 issue of Discover Vol. 26 No. 06.

When Elissa Cameron reviewed 422 mammal studies, she found that the mother's health at conception influenced her baby's gender: Healthier mothers were more likely to have boys, and less healthy mothers had girls.

Other studies found that rodent mothers on a high-fat diet had more male offspring than mothers on a high-carb diet.

Cameron suspects that high-fat diets make a difference by raising blood glucose levels.

Glucose, she says, aids the survival of male embryos conceived in laboratory cultures. When glucose is added to the culture medium for cows and sheep embryos, a greater number of males survive.

The same seems to be true for human embryos in vitro: Glucose enhances the growth and development of males but not of females.

Certain findings in humans could also be interpreted to support the importance of glucose in sex determination, Cameron says.

Smoking lowers glucose levels, for example, and living in warmer climates raises them.

Also, more frequent intercourse is associated with more male babies because scientific observations show that couples who have a lot of sex are more likely to conceive early in the woman’s cycle.

According to Dutch researchers the longer it takes to get pregnant, the more chance there is of having a boy (British Medical Journal, December, 2005).

The researchers analysed data for 5,283 women who gave birth to single babies between July 2001 and July 2003.

Among the 498 women who took longer than 12 months to get pregnant, the probability of male offspring was nearly 58%, whereas the proportion of male births among the 4,785 women with shorter times to pregnancy was 51%.

Furthermore, the findings may explain why, throughout the world, more boys than girls are born (105 boys to 100 girls in most countries), despite the fact that human semen holds equal amounts of X bearing and Y bearing sperms.

According to a 2005 study conducted at the Department of Physiology, Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Science and Research, Calcutta, India, conception within 24 hours of ovulation at Full Moon brings baby boys.

Conception during ovulation on a New Moon is said to bring baby girls.

Conception during ovulation three days prior to the Full Moon increases the chances of a baby girl.

Also, the study points out that alkaline vaginal fluid medium and more rise of basal body temperature during Full Moon favour conception of male (corrected) babies.

In 1973 two Harvard scientists, biologist Robert Trivers and mathematician Dan Willard, came up with an evolutionary theory to explain the behavior of influencing the sex of the offspring.

If a pregnant woman is strong and likely to bear a healthy child, they noted, she’s better off having a boy: Healthy males tend to have many more offspring than weaker males.

If a mother is weak and apt to bear a weak child, it is to her evolutionary advantage to have a girl:

Even the least robust females tend to have some offspring, whereas the weakest males may never mate.

Natural selection should therefore encourage mothers in poor condition to bear daughters and those in prime shape to have sons.

Since the Trivers-Willard hypothesis was published, it has spawned more than 1,000 reports of evidence for it and (less often) against it, in animals and people.

Women infected with dormant toxoplasmosis are more likely to give birth to boys than women who are Toxoplasma negative, according to research by S. Kankova and colleagues from the Departments of Parasitology, Microbiology and Zoology, Charles University; the Centre of Reproductive Medicine; and GynCentrum, in the Czech Republic (October, 2006).

They analyzed over 1800 clinical records of babies born between 1996-2004 in private maternity clinics in the Czech Republic. Women attending these private clinics were routinely tested for toxoplasmosis.

The records contained information on the mother’s age, the concentration of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in the mother’s blood, previous deliveries and abortions, and the sex of the newborn.

Research at Dublin's National Maternity Hospital, based on 8,000 births and reported in the British Medical Journal, showed that male births were significantly more likely to result in longer labour. "When we say 'it must be a boy', as a humorous explanation of complications of labour and delivery, we are scientifically more correct than previously supposed," say the researchers.

Research at The University of New South Wales, Australia, points out that women using IVF to get pregnant should be aware that they will be more likely to have a boy than a girl.

Another assisted reproduction technique called ICSI, which singles out the sperm that will fertilise the IVF egg, makes a girl more likely.

The results of the research were published on September 29, 2010 in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Women with higher systolic blood pressure before pregnancy (106 vs. 103.3 mm Hg) were more likely to deliver a boy.

Lower blood pressure tended to be found in women who delivered a girl.

The study, “Maternal Blood Pressure Before Pregnancy and Sex of the Baby: A Prospective Preconception Cohort Study,” was published in the American Journal of Hypertension.

The news release was provided by Oxford University Press. Ravi Retnakaran, MD, MSc, an endocrinologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, and colleagues examined the possibility of a mother’s blood pressure impacting the baby’s gender.

Following a 2010 Dutch study, "female gender pre-selection by maternal diet in combination with timing of sexual intercourse" proves to give statistically significant results.

The efficacy of a maternal diet low in sodium and high in calcium, in combination with timing of intercourse well before ovulation (a timing window of 3–4 days before ovulation is favorable to the conception of girl babies) as a method to improve the chances of conceiving a girl, seems to work.

Winyai Masukume from the University of the Witwaterstrand and Victor Grech at the University of Malta published a study suggesting that more sex meant more boys nine months on.

They analyzed the sex ratio at birth in South Africa after the 2010 FIFA World Cupe and wrote that there were two factors which led to this increase: sperm motility and when, and how frequently, people had sex.

“When people have sex more often, on average more boys are born," they write.

"This relates to the fertile period of a woman’s menstrual cycle. If conception takes place at the beginning or the end of the fertile period, the child is more likely to be a boy. If it takes place in the middle of the fertile period, the child is more likely to be a girl.”

On the contrary, “in terms of sperm motility,” they continued, “the consequence of negative natural events is that sperm motility is low. This translates into fewer boys being born.”

They explain that, with particular events such as the World Cup, people tend to feel strong emotions. In this case it was happy emotions that had male sperm swimming faster, making their way to their prize quicker, and fertilizing the egg.

Fertility expert Toni Weschler elaborates in her book, 'Taking Charge of Your Infertility', on the make-up of the male and female sperm.

Referencing Dr. Landrum Shettles, famous for the "Shettles Method", she explains the male sperm cells (carrying the Y chromosomes) are smaller, lighter, faster and more fragile than the female sperm cells (carrying the X chromosomes), which are thought to be bigger, heavier and slower, but more resilient.

Timing intercourse as closely to ovulation as possible has a better chance of conceiving a boy because a healthy male sperm cell will probably reach the egg first.

But if you have sex, say, four days after ovulation, your chances of conceiving a girl is higher, because the male sperm cells would have expired while the female sperm cell may be resilient enough to make it all the way through.

You’re more likely to have a boy if…

  • You have sex on your peak day (the day you are most fertile) or the day after. Your peak day usually occurs the day before you ovulate or the day of ovulation itself.

  • You use artificial insemination (AI), as the procedure is usually done as close to ovulation as possible.

  • You’re younger. Younger men generally have a higher sperm cell count, increasing their chances of a male sperm cell reaching the egg, while younger women have more copious, alkaline-quality cervical fluid, which also favours the conception of boy.

You’re more likely to have a girl if…

  • You have sex 4 to 2 days before your peak day.

  • The male has a low sperm count. It could occur naturally or due to certain factors such as heat, particular drugs and toxic substances which kill many male sperm cells, according to Shettles. It is for this reason that anesthesiologists, for example, who are exposed to certain substances throughout their career, are thought to father more girls.

  • The male is under stress. Men with careers that subject them to environmental stresses, such as a shift in atmospheric pressure, varying oxygen tension, possible radiation, or even excessive scrotal heat from tight-fitting clothes, are more likely to have girls as their fragile male sperm will not be able to survive the stress. Stress from one’s personal life can also result in low sperm motility.

  • You use in vitro fertilization, as researchers speculate that more female sperm cells are capable of surviving the stresses of the procedure, which can be quite rigorous.

A December 8, 2008 Newcastle University study looked at the family history of nearly 1,000 couples to try to get down to the bottom of why some families are all girls or all boys.

Researchers found that men are more likely to have sons if they have more brothers and are more likely to have daughters if they have sisters. But, in women, the likelihood of having a girl or boy just couldn't be predicted.

According to Dr. Kimberly Langdon, an Ohio-based OB-GYN and medical advisor at Medzino, a digital health company based in California and Germany, “The gene that is passed on from both parents, which causes some men to have more sons and some to have more daughters, may explain why we see the number of men and women roughly balanced in a population.”

Across the world, the ratio of male to female babies has always been skewed in favor of boys. Currently, the worldwide average sex ratio is roughly 105 male births for every 100 female ones.

So, the theory goes that humans have evolved to produce more male babies than female babies to even out the numbers in adulthood.

However, the tide could be turning. Dr. Warsh tells Family Education, "A study published by JAMA, showed the percentage of males to females is shrinking.

Since 1950, significant declines in the proportion of males born have been reported in Europe, Canada, and the USA. The rates in this study showed a ratio of males to female births of 0.515 in 1950 to 0.513 in 1994."[4]

The researchers who carried out the study suggested possible reasons for this including an increase in pollutants in our air and water. One study (Goldsmith et al, 1984) found that men who were exposed to a pesticide had three times as many daughters as expected.

“The bottom line is birth gender is a flip of the coin. You have a 50/50 shot each time of getting a boy or a girl," says Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones, an OB-GYN based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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