Below we present our astrological research regarding childbirth in Solar Returns.
We analyzed 1,249 female solar return charts (updated January 2025) , calculated for the year in which the woman gave birth.
So, this is not necessarily about the year of pregnancy but of childbirth.
A solar return chart is a horoscope calculated for the moment the transiting Sun returns to its natal position (hence, the name solar - or related to the Sun -- return).
A solar return chart is valid for 1 year (counting from birthday to birthday) and forecasts all the events and experiences that will happen in-between.
You can compare the solar return chart with the natal horoscope (like synastry), but we've not done so because of the huge work involved.
In our research, we only analyze the solar return charts as a stand-alone horoscope, calculated for the place of birth (because we do not always know where the woman resided around her birthday).
If you want to know how we conduct our research, click here.
Print in bold highlights very important configurations.
Please note that we use the international conventional abbreviations for the planets and bodies.
If you want to know what the below-mentioned Chi squares mean, click here to read about it in our FAQ section.
Astrological Indications Pointing To Childbirth in Female Solar returns
The degree areas
Interestingly, some statistically significant degree areas were found.
We only looked to the degree areas occupied by either the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Ascendant, the MC and the 5th house cusp (Topocentric house system).
The Sun can never be taken into account because the solar return Sun is always at its natal position.
the Ascendant is between 0°-2° Taurus (chi square 8.2)
Venus is between 0°-10° Virgo (chi square 13.1) , especially between 9°-10° Virgo (chi square 13.3)
the Ascendant is between 15°-16° in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) (chi square 9.9)
The aspects
Mars conjunct the Ascendant (orb 1°) (chi square 9.0) or square the Ascendant (orb 6°) (chi square 6.4)
Does the Mars-Ascendant combination point to a caesarean section?
the Ascendant square the Sun (orb 1°) (chi square 20.2)
the Sun conjunct the Ascendant (orb 1°) (chi square 5.4)
Uranus conjunct the Ascendant (orb 1°) (chi square 16.3)
the Sun square the MC (orb 1°) (chi square 15.1)
Venus conjunct the MC (orb 1°) (chi square 9.1)
the Sun trine Jupiter (orb 1°) (chi square 10.4) or opposite Jupiter (orb 6°) (chi square 6.3) or conjunct Jupiter (orb 1°) (chi square 7.1) or contra-parallel Jupiter (chi square 8.0)
This shows that Jupiter in aspect with the Sun gains importance and may really point to the 'enlarging physical body'...
Ceres conjunct the Ascendant (orb 1°) (chi square 10.1)
Mercury trine Neptune (orb 6°) (chi square 24.3)
Venus parallel Uranus (chi square 7.1)
Venus opposite Jupiter (orb 1°) (chi square 5.4)
the Sun parallel Venus (chi square 5.7)
the Sun square the Moon (orb 6°) (chi square 6.3)
we never counted the Sun opposite the MC (orb 1°)(chi square 11.5)
we never counted the Sun opposite the Moon (orb 1°)(chi square 8.3)
Pluto square the MC (orb 1°) (chi square 9.4)
Pluto conjunct the Ascendant (orb 1°) (chi square 5.6)
Venus trine the MC (orb 1°) (chi square 6.6)
Mars opposite Uranus (orb 1°) (chi square 9.2)
The midpoints
In the 8th harmonic, 45° dial/list (orb 1°) we found the following significant results:
MO/JU = Ceres (chi square 10.2)
MC/KN = MO (chi square 8.9)
any midpoint combination in which the Moon (MO), Venus (VE) and Pluto (PL) are involved (chi square 18.0)
We can only confirm his findings and are, again, amazed by the value of his work and research.
AS/MC = MA (chi square 7.6)
AS/KN = MA (chi square 5.8)
The rulerships
the modern ruler of the 1st house square the cusp of the 2nd-8th houses (orb 3°) (chi square 12.8)
the modern ruler of the 1st house in the 1st house (chi square 28.8)
the modern ruler of the 1st house in Aries (chi square 5.2)
the modern ruler of the 5th house in the 1st house (chi square 15.0)
the modern ruler of the 5th house conjunct the MC (orb 3°) (chi square 7.6)
the modern ruler of the 5th house in the 1st house (chi square 5.2)
the Sun as the ruler of the 5th house in a major aspect with the 5th-11th house axis (orb 3°) (chi square 8.7)
the modern ruler of the 5th house is in the 5th house (chi square 10.1)
This rule confirms an old astrological one stating that any planet in its own house -- and the more so when it's also in its own sign -- brings fulfillment, materialization and realization.
Because the 5th house rules children, "materialization of a child" (childbirth) surely is a possibility.
the modern ruler of the 12th house in the 1st house (chi square 10.4)
the modern ruler of the 5th house sextile Mars (orb 6°) (chi square 8.1)
the modern ruler of the Ascendant in the 10th house (chi square 12.9)
the modern ruler of the Ascendant is in Sagittarius (chi 18.8), Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces
the modern ruler of the 4th house in Capricorn (chi square 8.9)
the modern ruler of the 8th house in the 1st house (chi square 6.3)
Other configurations and patterns
Print in bold and in purple point to very powerful and statistically significant findings that over and again stand out since we started analyzing the solar returns.
Ascendant Sagittarius (chi square 16.9)
This one is a little surprising as we would expect Leo, the sign representing children, to be more predominant.
However, our research found that Leo and Libra on the Ascendant are statistically significantly often found in a marriage year rather than a childbirth year!
Pluto in the 1st house (chi square 21.1)
Jupiter in the 4th house (chi square 7.6)
the Sun is angular (in the houses 1, 4, 7 or 10) (chi square 10.1)
the Lunar North Node in the 1st house (chi square 8.2)
There are NUMEROUS more configurations to be mentioned, but these are the most important ones.
The more data we have, the more reliable our astrological conditions become.
If you want to check solar return charts for childbirth, start with the configurations in bold.
In case, you find different ones in a specific solar return chart, check for further confirmation in the progressed charts.
In particular, pay attention to the Moon-Venus-Pluto midpoint.
This combo alone is not enough to indicate childbirth AS SUCH, but if you find it in a solar return chart of a woman, you should start to look for other configurations.
A double whammy of Moon-Venus-Pluto midpoints increases the odds for childbirth in a huge way.