Is The Chinese Gender Prediction
Calendar Reliable?
Share Your Experiences About The
Chinese Baby Gender Calendar
With The World!

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The Chinese gender prediction calendar must be one of the most searched for predictive methods to forecast the gender of an unborn baby.

For some years now, we at Cosmic Technologies, have researched different online Chinese baby gender calendars and have come to the conclusion that the average accuracy of the calendars is just about 60%.

In other words, the average online Chinese lunar calendar that is told to predict the gender of the baby is, after all, not THAT accurate at all...

We also noticed there are different Chinese gender prediction calendars circulating on the internet and we could not find out which ones are a modified version of the original one.

It's just fun filling out online Chinese conception charts as long as you take the results with a grain of salt.

Have you any experience with an online Chinese pregnancy calendar? Which one did you use? What were the results? Let us know below!

While we at Cosmic Technologies don't rely on any online Chinese gender prediction calendar, some women reported consistently accurate results.

In that case we only recommend the woman to just follow the Chinese lunar calendar.

Otherwise, just don't take it all that seriously.

Perhaps you try out our own FREE baby gender prediction methods that are based on different astrological methods and that reach an accuracy rate of about 80%.

So, while our methods are not infallible at all (yet), the accuracy rate is just higher than the average Chinese baby gender calendar!

Want to share your Chinese baby gender calendar experience? Just fill out the form below and enter the web site you used as well as the outcome (and other comments you want to share with the whole world).

Disclaimer: the information we hereby provide is for informational purposes only.

Does the Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar Work For You?

Have you ever tried the Chinese gender prediction calendar to predict the gender of your (future) baby?

Did it work out?

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