When To Marry?
When do people actually marry?

Was He Born To Love You?

To answer the question when to marry, we analyzed numerous horoscopes for (statistically) significant indications and configurations that pointed to a marriage in the horoscopes of the natives.

This page is not about finding the most appropriate and auspicious time to get married (this topic is discussed on our wedding setting date page), but it's about the FACTUAL dates/timing people actually do marry.

On this page, we publish our findings, based upon different astrological methods.

This way, you may be able to find out in your own horoscope when to marry.

For the moment, we researched three methods:

  1. marriage configurations in the Solar return charts

  2. marriage configurations in the Progressed charts

  3. marriage configurations in the Tertiary Direction I charts

We will update this page every time new significant results come up: latest update August 2024.

If you want to know how we conduct our research, click here.

Your Marriage Year in the Solar Returns

We analyzed 626 solar return charts calculated for the year of marriage (updated August 2024).

At first, we did not take into account the gender of the person involved, so we incorporated the solar return charts for both men and women looking for common astrological signatures pointing to a marriage.

Actually, we did not find too much significant results in the solar return charts. The ones that stand out are listed below.

The results changed completely when we split our research group into male and female horoscopes!

Below, we list these significant preliminary findings found in ALL 626 solar return charts calculated for the year of marriage of both men and women.

If you want to read the significant results, found in female horoscopes only, click here.

If you want to read the significant results, found in male horoscopes only, click here.

If you want to know how we conduct our astrological research click here.

If you want to know what the below-mentioned Chi squares mean, click here to read about it in our FAQ section.

Our Preliminary Findings in the Solar Returns (configurations in bold are highly significant and found over and over again):

  • the Moon opposite Uranus (orb 3°) (Chi square 16.5).

    This aspect comes out powerfully and in numerous cases.

    If you find it, look for other marriage configurations to find confirmation.

  • Ascendant Leo (chi square 20.7), more especially in the 1st decanate (chi square 10.7) and the 2nd decanate (chi square 17.8).

    Leo rising in the solar return chart may be a surprise as we would think that Leo is more associated with children and Libra with relating.

    Libra rising comes second after Leo rising though (chi square 7.8) so that it has some significance.

    Perhaps Leo rising in a solar return is related to entertainment, the joy, the play, 'the love', the pleasure, the fun, rather than the relating as such?
  • the Moon trine the Part of Fortune (orb 3°) (Chi square 7.8).

    The Part of Fortune is calculated differently for day or night births.
  • the (modern) ruler of the 10th house in Leo (chi square 12.8)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 5th house in the 3rd house (chi square 13.8)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 8th house in Scorpio (chi square 13.8)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 1st house in the 3rd decanate Virgo (chi square 14.0)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 1st house in the 2nd decanate Scorpio (chi square 14.0)

  • we never counted a Venus-Ascendant square (orb 1°) (chi square 15.3), meaning if you find a tight Venus-Ascendant square in your solar return, it's not likely to become a marriage year

  • we never counted a Sun-Ascendant sextile (orb 1°) (chi square 14.5), meaning if you find a tight Sun-Ascendant sextile in your solar return, it's not likely to become a marriage year

  • Jupiter semi-square Juno (orb 1°) (chi square 13.1)

  • the Sun opposite the Part of Fortune (change day/night) (orb 3°) (chi square 12.3)

  • in the 45° dial/list, the following midpoints were significant:
    * JU/AS = NE (chi square 12.9)
    * MA/Juno = PL (chi square 11.7)
    * Juno/Vesta = MA (chi square 11.3)

  • the MC in Leo (chi square 10.5)

  • Juno conjunct the Ascendant (orb 1°) (chi 7.9)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 5th house in the sign of its exaltation (chi square 11.6)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 11th house in the 7th house (chi square 10.4)

  • The Lunar North Node in the 7th house (chi square 7.4)

  • the dispositor of the Sun in the 7th house (chi square 7.5)

  • Mars AND/OR Jupiter conjunct the MC (orb 3°) (chi square 8.1)

  • the ruler of the Ascendant in the 6th house (chi square 10.4)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 10th house in the 7th house (chi square 9.1)

  • the (moder) ruler of the 1st house in the 10th house (chi square 7.5)

  • Venus between 20°-21° (any zodiac sign) (chi square 12.5)

  • the MC between 3°-4° (any zodiac sign) (chi square 11.8)

  • the Moon between 16°-17° (any zodiac sign) (chi square 9.6)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 10th house between 12°-13° in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) (chi square 11.8)

  • the (modern) ruler of the 11th house between 18°-19° in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) (chi square 11.8)

For more advanced astrologers: taking into account the TNP's (Trans-Neptunian Planets) and midpoints we found some very significant signatures when we compared a first sample of 163 solar return charts with another group of 680 (!) solar return charts for the years of childbirth.

In at least five solar return charts of the 163 charts calculated for the marriage years of men and women, we found the following combinations (= astrological signatures) that could NOT be found IN ANY of the 680 solar return charts calculated for childbirth years:

  • Mars in the Venus/Kronos midpoint (8th Harmonic or 45° dial; orb 1°) AND Vulcanus in the Mars/Jupiter midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°)

  • Juno in the Pallas/Mean Moon's Node midpoint (8th Harmonic or 45° dial; orb 1°) AND Jupiter in the Juno/Kronos midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°)

  • the Moon in the Mars/Kronos midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°) AND Mars in the Moon/Kronos midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°)

The table below will make it more clear:

Astrological signature # found in 163 solar returns of marriage # found in 680 solar returns of childbirth
Mars in the Venus/Kronos midpoint (8th Harmonic or 45° dial; orb 1°) AND Vulcanus in the Mars/Jupiter midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°)
Juno in the Pallas/Mean Moon's Node midpoint (8th Harmonic or 45° dial; orb 1°) AND Jupiter in the Juno/Kronos midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°)
the Moon in the Mars/Kronos midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°) AND Mars in the Moon/Kronos midpoint (12th Harmonic or 30° dial; orb 1°)

Clearly, these astrological signatures, found in the solar return charts of both males and females, seem to point to marriage!

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Your Marriage Year in the Progressed charts

Irrespective of the gender, we also analyzed the progressed charts of men and women for their date of marriage.

This way, we are able to answer the question when to marry in reality.

During our research, we were struck by the importance of the "Arabic Parts."

Some Arabic Parts that is.

We found the following Arabic Parts most important:

  • the Part of Marriage: the Ascendant + the 7th house cusp - Venus (for Day and Night charts)

  • the Part of Self (abbreviated as P1): the Ascendant + the 1st house cusp - the ruler of the 1st house (for Day and Night charts)

  • the Part of The Other (abbreviated as P7): the Ascendant + the 7th house cusp - the ruler of the 7th house (for Day and Night charts)

We took the modern rulers into account (for example, Uranus rules Aquarius).

What did we find? A marriage takes place during the following progressions (one day for a year with the solar arc in RA):

  • the progressed P1 EXACTLY conjunct or opposite the natal Part of Marriage (orb 0° 00')

  • the progressed P1 EXACTLY conjunct or opposite the progressed Part of Marriage (orb 0° 00')

  • the ruler of the natal Ascendant EXACTLY conjunct the progressed Part of Marriage (orb 0° 00')

  • the progressed P1 EXACTLY conjunct the progressed Sun/Moon midpoint (orb 0° 00')

  • the progressed P7 EXACTLY conjunct the progressed Part of Marriage (orb 0° 00')

  • the progressed Ascendant EXACTLY conjunct natal P7 (orb 0° 00')

  • the progressed P1 EXACTLY conjunct the progressed ruler of the 7th house (orb 0° 00')

  • the progressed P7 EXACTLY conjunct the natal AS/MC midpoint (orb 0° 00').

    The progressed AS/MC midpoint EXACTLY conjunct the progressed ruler of the 7th house (orb 0° 00').

    The progressed AS/MC midpoint EXACTLY conjunct or opposite the progressed Part of Marriage (orb 0° 00').

    The progressed P1 EXACTLY conjunct the natal AS/MC midpoint (orb 0° 00')
    . This one came out in many occasions!

  • the progressed Ascendant EXACTLY conjunct or opposite the natal Part of Marriage (orb 0° 00')

ALL the above listed aspects have to be EXACT (so, a correct time of birth is mandatory).

Also, in male charts, we have found a man to marry when the progressed Ascendant trines his natal Moon.

In many instances men also seem to marry when the (direct or converse) progressed Sun and (direct or converse) progressed Venus are exactly conjunct.

In a female chart, we have found women to marry when her progressed Ascendant is opposite her progressed Moon.

In many instances women also seem to marry when the (direct or converse) progressed Sun and (direct or converse) progressed Mars are conjunct or build an exact aspect.

To be continued for sure.

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Your Marriage Year in the Tertiary Directions I

After reading about the Tertiary Directions, discovered by the German astrologer E. H. Troinski, the Danish astrologer, Sven Frederik Fischer Svensson, wanted to know if this method could accurately predict one's marriage.

He made a lifetime investigation to find out scientifically that beyond a doubt the Tertiary Directions I were accurate indeed.

He found that the Sun-Venus conjunction with an orb of 11° in the Tertiary Directions I (using the mean solar day after birth) proves to be a significant indicator for a marriage.

The applying conjunction is the most powerful.

The Sun-Venus conjunction is found more often in a male nativity during the year of marriage though.

For females, aside from the Sun-Venus conjunction, you must also pay attention to a close Sun-Mars conjunction.

In our opinion, you should also take into account the converse directions.

It's found that converse directions and progressions seem to work more openly.

Alphee Lavoie, astrologer and Director of the Research Department of the N.C.G.R. (National Council of Geocosmic Research) uses both the direct and converse Tertiary Directions to forecast events accurately to the day.

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Marriage Horoscopes Sub-Pages

  • Marriage Horoscopes
  • Vedic Marriage Horoscopes
  • The Part of Marriage
  • Marriage Indications Between 2 People
  • When Do People Marry Astrologically?
  • Your Month of Birth Reveals Your Marriage Partner
  • Choose Your Wedding Setting Date
  • Marriage & Venus returns
  • Marriage in Female Solar Returns
  • Marriage in Male Solar Returns
  • Age Difference In Marriages
  • Venus Phases, Marriages and Divorces
  • The Astrology of Unmarried Men
  • The Astrology of Unmarried Women
  • Men Married Late
  • Women Married Late
  • Men Married Early
  • Women Married Early
  • Defining the Marriage Partner

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