Women Married "Late" in Life
-- Preliminary Astrological Research Results --

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

In this article we present our preliminary research results regarding women married "late" in life.

In our search for accurate birth information of women who married after the age of 45 for the first time, we were not able to find enough data to even start our research project.

This is unlike our research about men married late which is based upon the natal charts of men married after the age of 45 for the first time.

Only after lowering the age from 45 to 40, we were able to gather 20 accurate birth data of women to give it a go.

So, in this research we only looked at 20 natal charts of women who married after the age of 40 (forty) for the first time in their life (as of May 2017).

Twenty natal charts is not enough for any serious research but it's a good beginning anyway and interesting to find out if we can find anything that jumps out.

If you want to take a look at our research results found in male natal charts, click here.

We at Cosmic Technologies were eager to test some medieval aphorisms or rules first to find out if they are valid because many "modern" astrology books still refer to these ancient or medieval tips to assess the likelihood of a late marriage in the chart of a woman.

Medieval or ancient rules or aphorisms

The first medieval aphorism or rule we wanted to test reads as follows:

"The Sun in the western hemisphere (houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9) in a female nativity indicates marrying late or marrying an older man".

This is a tricky aphorism to research because it contains two conditions only one of which we were able to research.

We do not have the ages of the partner at the time of marriage, so that you need to take our results with a grain of salt for now.

In our research we found the Sun to be west in 7 cases and in the east in 13 cases suggesting that this medieval aphorism misses the mark.

When looking at the other planets and bodies the Moon stood out though.

In 13 out of the 20 cases, the Moon too was found in the western hemisphere (houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9)!

Though not statistically significant, the Moon's position is remarkable.

Venus too was found to be in a remarkable position: in 14 out of the 20 cases, this planet was posited in the eastern hemisphere (houses 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 or 3).

Unlike our study pertaining to the male charts, Saturn was in no position worth mentioning.

This once more shows that we do need to differ in our research studies between men and women.

-------Sidebar -----------

By the way, statistics is not too good a tool to investigate astrology because it only involves single (astrological) conditions whereas we need to find a whole chain of different astrological conditions that build a signature representing late marriages.

One swallow does not make a summer; you can't read the cover of a puzzle by analyzing just one piece of it.

There can be numerous different signatures that represent the same event, trait or characteristic and we need to find all these chains by blending numerous astrological conditions and configurations together to find the ones that cannot be found in the control groups.

Unfortunately, there is yet NO astrological software in the world that is able to just combine and blend all these different conditions and compare them with control groups.

Perhaps we would need quantum computers to get all these calculations done and hundreds of programmers to write such software, but as long we don't have these tools, we will have to cope with hits and misses in our astrological research.

-------Sidebar -----------

A second medieval aphorism or rule reads as follows:

"The Sun in the 1st or 3rd Quadrant (houses 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 or 9) in the horoscope of a female nativity indicates marrying late or marrying an older man."

This one too is a tricky aphorism to research because it contains two conditions only one of which we were able to research.

We do not have the ages of the partner at the time of marriage, so that you need to take our results with a grain of salt for now.

Our research results have shown 13 charts (out of 20) having the Sun in the 1st or 4th Quadrant and only 9 in the 1st and 3rd Quadrant.

Though not (statistically) significant, it still looks like our preliminary results oppose the medieval saying.

Women married late seem to have the Sun in either the 1st or 4th Quadrant.

When looking at the position of the other planets and bodies in the Quadrants, the Moon was in the 3rd Quadrant in 9 cases out of 20 (chi square 12.5).

So, after all and in conclusion, these ancient rules or aphorisms could not be validated (yet).

Our other findings

What else did we find?

In 16 cases out of the 20 natal charts, the asteroid Vesta was found in the southern hemisphere (above the horizon, or above the Ascendant-Descendant axis in the horoscope wheel).

This is very remarkable, the more so we could not find this in the male charts.

Though not too statistically significant (chi square 3.6), it's still an important fact.

Also, the Moon, Venus and Mars were predominantly found in the southern hemisphere as well (the Moon in 13 cases, Venus and Mars in 14 cases).

Some other observations (not statistically significant though) but still predominant:

  • the Sun was never in Pisces
  • Mars was never in Taurus
  • the (modern) ruler of the 6th house is in a fire sign
  • the (modern) ruler of the 5th house is in the 4th Quadrant (houses 10, 11 or 12)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 5th house is in the eastern hemisphere
  • the (modern) ruler of the 5th house is in the sign of its detriment
  • Mercury is in the sign of its detriment
  • Mercury was never in the sign of its exaltation
  • the Moon is in the 9th house

Some statistically significant findings

If you want to know what the below-mentioned Chi squares mean, click here to read about it in our FAQ section.

Our statistically significant findings are as follows:

  • the dispositor of Mercury is in Libra (chi square 33.8)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 12th house opposite the (modern) ruler of the Ascendant (orb 6°) (chi square 32.3)
  • Mercury sextile Juno (orb 6°) (chi square 32.3)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 9th house opposite Uranus (orb 6°) (chi square 32.3)
  • the (modern) ruler of the MC is trine the (modern) ruler of the 9th house (orb 6°) (chi square 32.2)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 5th house in the 11th house (chi square 22.1)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 2nd house opposite Venus (orb 6°) (chi square 22.1)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 4th house opposite Uranus (orb 6°) (chi square 22.1)
  • the (modern) ruler of the MC in the sign of its dignity or exaltation (chi square 22.1)
  • Saturn is first rising before Venus (chi square 19.2)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 12th house square the (modern) ruler of the Ascendant (orb 6°) (chi square 19.2)
  • the Sun and Mars are in the same zodiac sign (chi square 16.0)
  • the dispositor of Jupiter in Sagittarius (chi square 15.1)
  • Vesta in the 4th Quadrant (houses 10, 11 or 12) (chi square 13.1)
  • the (modern) ruler of the MC is retrograde (chi square 12.5)
  • the (modern) ruler of the 8th house opposite the (modern) ruler of the 5th house (orb 6°) (chi square 12.5)
  • the dispositor of Mercury is in the 9th house (chi square 12.5)
  • the dispositor of Mars in a major aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine or opposition) to the Sun (orb 6°) (chi square 12.1)
  • the Sun is in a mutable house (3, 6, 9 or 12) (chi square 10.5)
  • the Moon is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) (chi square 10.5)

The following midpoints (45° dial/list) were most prominent:

  • MO = JU/Pallas (chi square 32.3)
  • Juno = ME/Black Moon (chi square 32.3)
  • SA = SO/Chiron (chi square 16.0)
  • PL = MA/Vesta (chi square 15.1)

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