YOUR 2013 FREE Monthly Horoscope
Predicting Your (Love) Life
Month After Month

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

Here you can read about your personal 2013 FREE monthly horoscope, describing the way your (love) life unfolds month after month.

Indeed, the predictions below are descriptive, NOT judgmental.

We discuss relationships in a general way and that's why we will often refer to your family life, co-workers or neighbors,... as well.

So, actually, the forecasts are so much more than a monthly (love) horoscope.

In case we find a powerful or rare astrological configuration, we will comment on this too.

This way you will be able to learn some astrological principles by reading your 2013 free monthly horoscope.

Among many other techniques, we review powerful Fixed Stars, degree areas, planetary pictures (and midpoint combos) that may affect your Sun's position -- making this more than simple Sun sign forecasts.

If you want to know why the forecasts are so concise and 'written in bullets', click here.

We publish your 2013 free monthly horoscope on this page around the 1st day of every month.

Subscribers to our monthly Love Letter will read the 2013 free monthly horoscope first though as our Love Letter is scheduled to be launched more than a week before the monthly forecasts are published here on this page.

So, perhaps this is good enough a reason to subscribe too and be informed before everyone else?!

To read your 2013 free monthly horoscope, just click the month of your choice below.

2013 free monthly horoscope for January

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Click here to download the January 2013 calendar in pdf format.

Events in general are likely to happen around January 9, January 11, January 15, January 23 and/or January 30.

If you are born around January 26, March 11, April 26, June 12, July 29, September 13-14, October 29 or December 13, there is so much excitement and happiness around on January 2-3.

It's a good time for a proposal or engagement. Now is the time to 'pop the question.'

Mercury at 4° Capricorn squares Uranus at 4° Aries around January 3 resulting in unexpected (breaking) news.

There is lots of nervous tension noticeable creating some confusion here and there. Try to stay grounded.

Try to avoid any travel by air or sea around January 3-4 because the Stars are not right for a flight.

January 4 can become a sad day with lots of sorrow and events you can hardly understand.

Around January 5-6, the focus is either on travel, study or real estate projects.

Indeed, group travel may be an enjoyable experience as well as studying in group.

The astrological configurations also favor living together as well as doing home improvements, renovating buildings, construction work etc.

However, if you plan a meeting around these days, expect some disagreements and disputes. It's best to try to be gentle and considerate.

On the same day of January 6, Mercury and Pluto conjunct at 9° Capricorn while Mars at 10° Aquarius squares Saturn at 10° Scorpio.

There may be news of a death.

Expect interruption of work for whatever reason (strikes, illness,...).

Mercury and Pluto together can be very obsessed with an issue and in detached Capricorn they also become very suspicious.

It's an investigative time and a good period for research and study.

The waxing square between Mars and Saturn can be particularly energetic and loaden because hyper-active Mars wants to push through at all cost and does not shun a challenge.

Mars in Aquarius cannot stand restrictions and when it squares restrictive Saturn it wants to break free and break up any bonds.

Hence, both aspects may mark a separative period.

Venus enters Capricorn around January 9 and starts to be more interested in money and possessions than love.

There may be lots of expenses but avoid impulsive purchases.

If you are born around January 9, your (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be likely an expensive one as you will have to spend lots of money. Try to avoid careless behavior.

If you are born around January 12, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by nervous tension, separation, trying to resist changes and physical stress.

Around January 13, Venus at 5° Capricorn squares Uranus at 5° Aries. This tearful waning square is about breaking up and separation.

This will especially apply to you if you are born around February 8, March 25, May 10, June 26, July 12, September 28, November 12 or December 26. You will not feel all too well around this day.

If you are born around January 15, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by hard work. You will go the extra mile to accomplish whatever you want. Expect physical issues that you can overcome if you are tenacious.

Around January 16, you prefer staying at home. Make it a cozy place.

For some of you, this will be a day of infidelity.

The astrological influences may especially apply to you if you are born around December 30, February 12, March 29, May 14, June 30, August 16, October 1 or November 15.

Venus conjuncts Pluto at 9° Capricorn around January 17. This is an intense combo full of emotions and jealousy.

This aspect is also a powerful money aspect, the more so because it's posited in earthy Capricorn.

It thus will bring the banking world and/or money affairs in the spotlight.

Around January 18, the Sun and Mercury meet at 28° Capricorn.

The day after, on January 19, both bodies will enter new Aquarius territory together.

When the Sun and Mercury change signs together, they will both bring (upsetting) news into the open.

Also, they are very restless due to a crisis situation.

This is the more so because 0° Aquarius can be a very shocking degree denoting a massive change of course and mass upheaval.

Mars at 22° aquarius squares the North Node of the Moon at 22° Scorpio around January 23.

If you regularly follow our monthly forecasts, you may already know that challenging aspects between Mars and the Moon's Nodes most often relate to shootings, physical injuries for a group of people and traumatic mass events.

There is anger around and you may feel it.

Actually, the period between January 19 and January 26 is quite heavy and tense, fully loaden with lots of aggression. The position of Mars in disruptive Aquarius is part of all the issues.

If you are born on January 23, you should mind your health your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) long. Physical injuries and/or surgery are likely to happen.

There are arguments and harsh disputes around on January 25 when Mercury at 11° Aquarius squares Saturn at 11° Scorpio.

You may feel dissatisfied around the day and you want to change the circumstances by taking some actions.

It's a separative time and some people may leave your world.

The January 27 Full Moon at 7° Leo too shows a separation from beloved ones.

If you are born around January 28, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is all about successful events and big undertakings. You may have big plans and it may become a very good year. Some of you may inherit.

Jupiter stations and turns direct again at 6° Gemini around January 30.

Direct Jupiter in the sign of its detriment (Gemini) is becoming more and more optimistic and so much so that it tends to exaggerate. It becomes too blunt as well and over-confident.

The Sun at 11° Aquarius square Saturn at 11° Scorpio on the same day will dampen the optimism though. This square is very self-reliant and self-sufficient and there is a sobering influence noticeable.

Avoid travel by air or sea around January 31.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for February

The Best Sign For You To Love

Click here to download the February 2013 calendar in pdf format.

With a majority of planets entering the mutable water sign Pisces, this month of February 2013 may become wet and full of water here and there (inundations, rain, floods etc.).

If your Sun sign or Ascendant is Aries, take care of your health this month and be cautious in whatever you do because there is a whole lot going on behind the scenes in your life (for good or bad).

In general, events are likely to happen around February 5-6, February 12, February 19 and/or February 26.

Mercury at 21° Aquarius squares the Moon's North Node at 21° Scorpio around February 1. It's a very hectic time, full of excitement and people endlessly talking.

While the mood is talkative with lots of sharing opinions and ideas, try to avoid being argumentative.

Disputes and arguments may especially arise during meetings around February 1-2.

Around February 2, impulsive and fiery Mars enters the water sign Pisces of sorrow, secrets and working behind the scenes while charming Venus enters independent Aquarius.

If you are born around January 20, February 18-19, March 20-21, April 20, May 20, June 21, July 22, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 22 or December 21, the energies will merge into sexual experiences and/or passionate involvements.

However, Mars in the mutable water sign Pisces does not feel too well because it cannot focus and becomes diffuse in its actions while Venus in Aquarius is not about intimacy but about friendships and general human interests.

Starting a love affair under such influences will just remain like that, a (secret?) love affair.

When Mars at 2° Pisces conjuncts Neptune around February 4, this will become more clear because the Mars energies will be further swept off course.

You don't like commitments now and don't want to take action or take initiatives.

There is some self-doubt and your energy lacks focus.

Why don't you take a day off?

Beware of drugs, alcohol and the like because under these influences there may be alcohol- or drugs related violence.

Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of its detriment around February 5 and adds to the confusion.

Rational Mercury cannot think clear in vague and foggy Pisces and you tend to lack direction.

Mercury likes facts and reasoning but during its transit in Pisces, the facts are distorted and there are lots of misunderstandings that will build up during the coming days.

This is likely to culminate around February 7 when Mercury meets misty Neptune at 2° Pisces.

Mind telling lies and/or gossip. It's possible that things get lost and/or forgotten.

Around February 7, you tend to live in a dream of mystic love, poetry and romance if you are born around January 26, March 11-12, April 26, June 12, July 29, September 13-14, October 29 or December 13.

Mercury and Mars conjoin at 5° Pisces around February 8 resulting in a combative way of communicating. There are arguments because of rivalry and you tend to be very impatient and irritable.

Mercury at 6° Pisces squares Jupiter at 6° Gemini around February 9.

Because Mercury is Jupiter's dispositor (Mercury rules Gemini, the sign Jupiter is in) there is a lot of talk about nothing these days of February 7-9.

Avoid bluff and errors in your judgment and don't go with all the sweeping statements you will hear or read.

Try to be and remain responsible.

There may be short trips coming your way (coming and going).

The Sun at 21° Aquarius squares the North Node of the Moon at 21° Scorpio around February 10, denoting a struggle for freedom and creative self-expression.

Some VIPs are not in sync with the longings of the collective masses and/or will experience a setback.

On the same day of February 10, Mars at 6° Pisces squares Jupiter at 6° Gemini resulting in either judicial conflicts or protests or feighting for or against political and/or religious views.

If you are born around February 10, March 27, May 12, June 28, August 14, September 29, November 13 or December 28, you may experience sorrow with others, either because of illness or hospitalization or because of a setback.

If you are born around this day of February 10, you will experience these influences your whole (solar return) year long (counting from birthday to birthday).

Venus at 11° Aquarius squares Saturn at 11° Scorpio around February 11, creating some loneliness.

In some cases there may be money shortage.

Around February 12, the astrological configurations point to sticking to one's opinion and to study or do some research. There are serious problems that need to be resolved.

If you are born around March 1-2, June 2, September 4 or December 3 the days before and after February 16 (between February 15-18) will bring hardship.

There is oppression. Also, there are lots of difficulties in your working environment that need your full attention.

The same applies to you if you are born around January 1-2, March 31-April 1, July 3 or October 4-5. Try to avoid anger.

In mundane astrology, the astrological configurations point to lots of brutality and violence mid February.

There are tearful events happening -- which is confirmed by the First Quarter Moon around February 17 at 29° Taurus, an ending and tearful degree.

The Sun enters Pisces around February 18, the day on which Saturn stations at 11° Scorpio and starts to regress.

There are now 4 bodies/planets in Pisces (the Sun, Neptune, Mercury and Mars) denoting that Pisces traits currently mark the world affairs (resulting, among others in rain, floods, inundations etc.).

Stationing Saturn will affect you if your Sun sign or Ascendant is Capricorn. Things will not go very smoothly now and you may not feel too well after all.

In general, stationing Saturn at 11° Scorpio holds to its opinion tenaciously.

Because Saturn is posited in Scorpio, the sign of death, inheritances, debt, loans and shared resources, your finances will be redefined.

Things may be delayed and/or postponed. You may have to slow down as well.

Around February 18-19, Venus at 21° Aquarius squares the North Node of the Moon at 21° Scorpio, denoting frustration and irritability towards others (or the significant other).

There is unrequited love and/or love's sorrow and/or you may not feel very well.

You rather don't want to see anybody for now.

Clearly, this is not a time for socializing.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune at 2° Pisces around February 21 resulting in more reclusive feelings. You prefer to be alone or stay home alone.

Make your home a cozy place.

For some of you, February 21 marks infidelity and secret love affairs.

Don't trust the internet around February 22 because hoaxes may bring confusion.

Around February 23, Mercury too stations and regresses at 19° Pisces.

If your Sun sign or Ascendant is Gemini or Virgo, you will likely not feel at par and you better not expect too much positive developments around this day.

During Mercury's station in the sign of its detriment, you better don't buy any electronic gear, nor is it recommended to start anything new.

In general, you may feel oversensitive and confused.

The facts may be distorted and you should be aware of gossip.

Don't trust the internet now because of hoaxes and scams.

Due to the two planetary stations in this second half of the month of February 2013, expect more sorrow and frustration in general.

The Sun at 7° Pisces squares Jupiter at 7° Gemini around the February 25 Full Moon (which falls at 7° Virgo).

If you are born around this day of February 25-26, May 28, August 30 or November 29, this square (and Full Moon) may work out quite well and it may presage some lucky days.

There may be happiness and/or optimism in the family or in your love life.

If you are a woman, you better avoid men who try to impress you because they may dupe you.

Around February 26, Venus enters Pisces, a very idealistic and romantic position.

However, with Mercury and Mars conjunct at 19° Pisces around the same day of February 26, some things need to be talked over first.

With 5 planets/bodies currently in mutable water, the world seems to be drifting nowhere.

There may be dissatisfaction everywhere and lots of imagination on how to make this world a better place (or escape it).

Learn to go with the flow...

After all, Pisces is a passive sign and we all have to submit to it, absorb the energies and act upon it later.

Around February 27, there is sadness as well as impatience.

There is stress and separation around.

Venus conjuncts Neptune at 3° Pisces around February 28, bringing platonic love and/or romantic idealism.

There is a longing for something or someone unobtainable, resulting in unfulfilled wishes.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for March

Was He Born To Love You?

Click here to download the March 2013 calendar in pdf format.

Most of March 2013, a majority of planets is still in the mutable water sign Pisces, keeping the atmosphere wet and watery (with inundations, rain, floods etc. here and there).

If your Sun sign or Ascendant is Aries, still take care of your health and be cautious in whatever you do because the behind-the-scenes-influences are still going on.

It did not come as a surprise that the Pope of the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI, resigned past month (he's an Aries...).

If your Ascendant or Sun sign is Pisces, expect lots of work and an eventful month.

Before going into detail, let's first take a look at some general trends for this month of March 2013:

  • In general, events are likely to happen around March 4-6, March 11-12 (!), March 18-19 and/or March 26.

  • If you are born around February 10-11, March 27-28, May 12-13, June 28-29, August 14-15, September 30 - October 1, November 14 or December 28-29 the month is going to be quite challenging for you.

    In many instances, most issues will be health-related. You will likely not be able to work and some of you may be hospitalized.

    You feel dissatisfied and you may experience a lack of zest. You tend to withdraw.

  • If you are born around January 16, March 1-2, April 16, June 2, July 18-19, September 3-4, October 19 or December 3 the whole month of March 2013 is bringing hard work. You go the extra mile to accomplish and reach your goals and obligations. Your body is likely to be much under stress.

  • If you are born around January 1, February 14, March 31, May 16, July 2, August 18, October 3 or November 17 expect some hardship from the second half of the month on. There may be physical injuries or some illness.

If you are born around March 1-2, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is full of hard work and physical stress. There is lots to accomplish and you will have to go the extra mile to reach your goals and targets.

The Sun conjuncts Mercury at 14° Pisces around March 4 while Venus at 8° Pisces squares Jupiter at 8° Gemini.

Your popularity may make you overconfident. The mood is very talkative and optimistic.

Around March 5, you can successfully accomplish quite a lot -- at the cost of your love life. There is tension in your romantic life noticeable.

Around March 7, Mercury meets Venus at 11° Pisces bringing you parcels, gifts, presents or nice messages.

It's an artistic and creative period.

If you are born around January 16, March 1-2, April 16, June 2, July 18-19, September 3-4, October 19 or December 3, you will prefer being alone around March 7 because you have lots of work and/or research to do and/or want to finish a project.

Some of you may feel sad because of the loss of a beloved one.

Around March 9, there may be travel for work or a change of the place due to some obligations and duties.

Mercury at 8° Pisces squares Jupiter at 8° Gemini around March 10. Both planets, being in the sign of their detriment, bring a lack of sound judgment. Facts are misrepresented and out of proportion.

The March 11 New Moon at 21° Pisces can be very shocking and highly revealing. Situations may be unreal.

This New Moon is the most important configuration this month because the Moon is now void of course before it enters Aries on March 12, which will coincide with the entrance of Mars into Aries on the same day of March 12.

The Moon and Mars will both cross the Vernal Point (0° Aries) together and trigger a period of a new beginning of some kind.

In mundane astrology the transitional degrees of 29° Pisces-0° Aries are very important and highly powerful because they bring things and events out into the open completely.

The effects will influence our whole World at large!

Mars is strong in its own sign Aries, the sign it rules, denoting that it will manifest instantly and without any hesitation.

Mars in commanding Aries will bring action, especially related to the armed forces, but when it resides in Aries, it will also be quite impatient, pushy and combative (the more so when it's coming close to disruptive Uranus later this month).

There is upheaval to come for sure.

If you are born around March 13, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is all about a weaker constitution or health. You may disappear 'from the stage' for some time. If you are a pregnant woman, beware of a miscarriage.

If you are born around March 15, expect a successful and creative (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

March 16 brings nice surprises and a happy feeling.

Around March 17-18, Mercury stations at 5° Pisces and starts to turn direct again.

Though taking decisions may be easier after Mercury's station, its position in Pisces, the sign of its detriment, is still far from good.

Mercury is still confused and torn in different directions.

March 18-19 are about construction work and a long-term strategy to accomplish your projects.

Around March 20, the Sun enters Aries, adding to a more action-oriented atmosphere.

Venus will follow the Sun around March 22 and enter Aries while Mars and Uranus conjoin at 8° Aries.

This accident-prone and explosive period will be necessary to awaken (some) people. Physical injuries are to be feared.

With the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus now in fiery and initiating Aries, the love life of fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will start to improve and prosper.

The same is true for Libras because this stellium in their 7th solar house of relationships and encounters may set them in 'fire and flame.'

If you are still single, you may suddenly encounter a love interest. Enjoy!

Around March 27, Mars at 11° Aries squares Pluto at 11° Capricorn presenting another explosive combination.

Indeed, between March 22 and March 27, don't expect too much peace, comfort and harmony but disturbing and challenging situations full of man-made or nature-made stress and violence.

It's a very hectic and busy time.

If you are born around December 30-31, February 13, March 30, May 15, July 1, August 17, October 2 or November 16-17, physical injuries are possible around this period, especially around March 25. Beware of surgery.

March 26 may bring dissatisfaction and delay in projects. In some instances there are legal issues.

You want to push through though and want to enforce progress.

Around the March 27 Full Moon at 6° Libra, there is a breakthrough and relief sets in.

If you are born around March 27-28, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) brings love's sorrow and sadness. You may feel ill and weak.

In general, March 27-28 is not a prosperous day in matters of love. It's a sad day.

The Sun and Venus meet Uranus at 8° Aries around March 29. During this period, you may encounter love -- even if it's short-lived.

It's a day of nice surprises as well. Beware of infidelity!

If you are born around February 11-12, March 28-29, May 13-14, June 29-30, August 15-16, October 1, November 15-16 or December 29-30, pregnancy around March 29 is possible.

If you are born around this day of March 28-29, these influences will work out during your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Mercury at 11° Pisces squares Jupiter at 11° Gemini once more this month around March 30.

It's an affectionate day though.

Now that Mercury is direct, it's still not in good shape in the sign of its detriment and it cannot judge properly and clearly.

Traffic and transportation issues may arise.

March 30-31 are marked by infidelity.

Around March 31, Venus at 11° Aries squares Pluto at 11° Capricorn bringing a very upsetting and violent period. In matters of love, passions and physical urges run too high. Women should be careful with whom they deal because this obsessive aspect can bring rape and/or brutality.

March 31 is also related to real estate. Your place of residence needs your attention.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for April

Is He The Right Man For You?

Click here to download the April 2013 calendar in pdf format.

This month of April 2013 is marked by the (heavy) station of Pluto in Capricorn and a Scorpionic Lunar Eclipse.

Clearly, this is a month about financial issues and debt.

In general, events are likely to happen around April 1, April 7-8, April 14-15, April 22 and/or April 28-29.

Around April 1, the Sun at 11° Aries squares Pluto at 11° Capricorn. This waxing square is a very pushy, forceful and even fanatic one with power plays at work that will not go unnoticed.

Expect some bold, blunt and bullying behavior.

Venus joins Mars at 19° Aries around April 7. When 'love and peace' (Venus) meets 'war' (Mars) in the sign of war (Aries), don't expect 'love and peace' to have any influence over 'war.'

This conjunction often represents a battle field (literally but also figuratively -- the war between the sexes).

The days leading to the conjunction (the early April days before April 7) can be very tense on the mundane level.

There is lots of work to accomplish.

After April 7, the softer Venus sides become more apparent.

In matters of love, the exact conjunction between Venus and Mars is a highly electro-magnetic one, resulting in physical lust and passionate desires.

If you are single, your (artistic) creativity may get a boost.

These influences will likely affect you most if you are born around January 9, February 22, April 9, May 25, July 11, August 27, October 12 or November 26 on condition natal Saturn does not restrict the conjunction.

There is tension and stress in your love life around April 10. It's likely you are separated from your lover around this day for whatever reason (work- or travel related).

You will likely feel the influences if you are born around January 13-14, February 26-27, April 13-14, May 29-30, July 15-17, August 31-September 1, October 16-17 or November 30-December 1.

Pluto at 11° Capricorn stations and turns retrograde around April 12. The month of April is marked by the stationary position of Pluto and will bring the focus on (re)building(s), real estate, construction work and major changes of any situation.

For some of you, this station will bring a real milestone, ending a chapter in your life and starting a totally new one.

Pluto represents power and debt and during its station in the earth sign Capricorn we expect an increase in power struggles, debt, financial issues.

Clearly, April will be all about issues pertaining to the banking world, governments and the big corporations that rule our world.

Expect turmoil and upheaval to come while more profound changes are being made to the structures in our society.

Pluto is still busy revamping our society profoundly, and often painfully because it brings so much deep-rooted secrets and hidden facts out into the open.

Know that Pluto is now going towards a square with Uranus that will be exact late May.

Also know that due to the applying aspect, Pluto is starting to build more and more tension which will be felt more openly during the coming weeks.

April 12-13 can be very violent days in that physical injuries will occur because of accidents, aggression etc.

Mercury enters Aries around April 14 and becomes very chatty. You should rather think twice before talking.

Mind your words!

Around the same day of April 14, there can be breaking news about a separation or departure of someone. Power is dissolving.

This may especially apply to you if you are born around January 13-14, February 26-27, April 13-14, May 29-30, July 15-17, August 31-September 1, October 16-17 or November 30-December 1.

Venus enters its own sign Taurus around April 15 and brings the focus on material goods, money and possessions.

Expect purchases as long as Venus resides in this material and possessive sign. Love needs tangible things, aside from good food and a massage...

The Sun and Mars join forces at 28° Aries around April 17-18.

Both bodies in impulsive Aries are fiery, competitive and commanding. They can push things through and open doors (often with a battering-ram).

They are progressive and want to move forward regardless of any resistance.

Around April 20, Mercury and Uranus conjoin at 9° Aries while Mars enters possessive Taurus.

Stormy weather and/or earthquakes may result in damage to possessions.

Everyone is talking about breaking news and there is a lot of excited buzz going on.

With Venus and Mars now residing in Taurus, the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) may experience major improvements in their love life.

If you are single, you may encounter a love target the coming days or weeks.

The same is true for Scorpios because Venus and Mars now reside in your 7th solar house of relationships and encounters.

Around April 21, Mercury at 11° Aries squares stationing Pluto at 11° Capricorn. This square denotes lots of persuasive power and the inability to give in.

Obsessive thoughts are outed in a fanatic and persistent way. Still try to be moderate in your judgments.

Love's sorrow is indicated between April 21 and April 25 when Venus at 8° Taurus opposes Saturn at 8° Scorpio.

This opposition often results in money shortages and/or separation from beloved ones.

The Lunar Eclipse at 5° Scorpio around April 25 highlights a new beginning.

Around April 26 there is joy and a very uplifting mood/atmosphere. If you are born around February 1-2, March 18-19, May 3-4, June 19-20, August 5-6, September 21-22, November 5-6 or December 20-21, you will feel the bliss all around and you feel lucky and blessed.

April ends with a down and depressed feeling though.

From April 27 till the end of the month, expect tearful events, sadness and separation (from a male person).

If you are born around April 27-28, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be marked by these influences. Do take care of your health!

If you are born around January 27-28, April 27-28, July 30-31 or October 30-31, late April may bring illness and separation.

Travel for work and/or study work are on your agenda around April 28-29. You will need time alone to (re)think and study some issues. You may not be in a talkative mood then.

Venus at 17° Taurus opposes the North Node of the Moon at 17° Scorpio around April 29 confirming the separative trends of the days.

You are reclusive, don't want to socialize.

Your romantic life is at a low point and you may feel that someone is removed from your life.

A female person may be ill or weak and may need your help and/or attention.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for May

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

Click here to download the May 2013 calendar in pdf format.

A Solar Eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse and the exact Uranus-Pluto square, these are some of the powerful configurations that will mark May 2013.

In general, events are likely to happen around May 5, May 12, May 19-20 and/or May 25-26.

Around May 1, Mercury enters Taurus while Mars at 7° Taurus opposes Saturn at 7° Scorpio pointing to a deadly, violent and sad start of the month. Some of you may feel desperate but for others, the configurations may just point to some illness and flu-like symptoms.

Anyway, the atmosphere is quite dark and the energy level is low.

With 4 bodies in the fixed earth sign Taurus (the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars) there is a lot going on in the (love) life of Taurus.

Because of the predominant earth element, the focus is on possessions, material goods and Planet Earth.

Earthslides and earthquakes may be possible as well as damage to property.

Geminis should beware of health issues and/or things going on behind the scenes.

May 3 brings love's sorrow if you are born around February 10, March 27, May 12, June 27, August 14, September 29, November 13 or December 28.

There can be unrequited love and/or deluded love feelings. You feel down emotionally.

If you are born around February 3, March 20, May 4, June 20, August 6, September 22, November 6 or December 21, you will feel in full bloom and be very successful around May 4-5.

If you are born around May 4, expect the fortunate configurations to empower and enlighten your whole (solar return) year (lasting from birthday to birthday).

Mercury at 7° Taurus opposes Saturn at 7° Scorpio around May 5 resulting in a somber mood.

Some of your plans or ideas will be blocked or will not be supported.

There are unfulfilled longings.

However, the astrological conditions are right for study-work and/or research.

Chances are you will gain insight and a deeper understanding in whatever keeps your mind busy at this time.

May 6 may become a very creative day and it's also a day of increased creative self-expression. In matters of love, this may result in a blissful state.

The Sun at 16° Taurus opposes the North Node of the Moon at 16° Scorpio around May 7 denoting separation (from a male person).

You don't feel appreciated. Some of you may meet someone (a male person) from the past.

Mercury and Mars conjoin at 13° Taurus around May 8. Your attention is on possessions, (impulsive) purchases and protecting your goods.

It's time for some home improvements.

Also, you are not too talkative now and rather want to talk 'in bullets.'

Don't bully!

You have a sound opinion though that you are able to share successfully in one way or the other.

Around these days, you can persuade people and promote a cause.

Around May 9, Venus enters volatile Gemini while Mercury at 16° Taurus opposes the North Node of the Moon at 16° Scorpio.

This can be a very hectic time, with lots of messages and news coming in.

Also, expect meeting someone from the past.

Around May 10 a Solar Eclipse takes place at 19° Taurus, an explosive degree with huge transformational power.

If you are born around February 4, March 20, May 5, June 21, August 7, September 22, November 7 or December 21 the Solar Eclipse can bring some fortunate developments in your life.

There is a lot of drive and determination toward success.

In some way, you may be involved in a public event.

When the Sun and Mercury join at 21° Taurus around May 11-12, there is pessimism and a lost feeling with sorrow on your mind.

This will especially apply to you if you are born around February 9, March 26, May 11-12, June 27, August 13, September 29, November 13 or December 17.

If you are born around this day of May 11-12, the astrological configurations will influence your whole (solar return) year long (lasting from birthday to birthday).

Around May 13, Mars at 16° Taurus opposes the North Node of the Moon at 16° Scorpio which is a very violent position for Mars to be in.

Regular readers of our forecasts may recall that Mars in any challenging aspect to the South Node of the Moon, most often turns out to bring mass shootings, mass injuries, (traffic) accidents with lots of casualties etc.

The time frame between the Solar Eclipse and the Mars-Node connection may prove to be very violent indeed.

Around May 13-14, Venus at 5° Gemini squares Neptune at 5° Pisces.

This waxing square brings unrequited love.

You tend to be in love with love but your longings are not or cannot be fulfilled.

In general, May 14 may bring severe weather and breaking news.

There can be lots of talks and excitement in the air.

Around May 15-16, Mercury enters its own sign Gemini. The mood is talkative but beware of gossip.

There can be short trips as well.

Divorces, separation and break-ups are expected to mark May 16-17.

This may especially apply to you if you are born around January 14, February 27, April 13, May 30, July 16, September 1, October 17 or December 1.

Your romantic life is under quite some stress and/or you may feel troubled by the loss of a beloved one.

Mercury at 5° Gemini squares Neptune at 5° Pisces around May 18.

There are secrets and possibly lies going around.

Both planets in their own sign, Mercury of gossip in Gemini and misty Neptune in Pisces, are just trying to confuse people.

You may feel disappointed or deluded. Beware of miscommunication.

Around May 18-19, there can be short-lived but exciting (love) encounters or meetings with beloved ones if you are born around January 1, January 31, March 1-2, April 1, May 1, June 2, July 3, August 3, September 3-4, October 4, November 3 or December 3.

Around May 20, you may have to rethink decisions or plans. More research and study-work will be necessary.

Some of you may be obliged to travel or take a trip. There is tension and stress noticeable.

The Sun enters Gemini around May 21 when Uranus at 11° Aries squares Pluto at 11° Capricorn.

There are now 4 bodies in the zodiac sign Gemini (the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) resulting in a busy time if you are Gemini.

The challenging square between the two giants Uranus and Pluto is a very impatient one and is looking for progress and a push forward.

For some of you, the square will indicate a move or a job change.

Any planet between 11° and 13° in a sign has maximum power denoting that both Uranus and Pluto are showing their maximum power.

Pluto in Capricorn represents the power of the State, Government and corporate world while Uranus in Aries represents maximum liberty, freedom and progress.

Now that both generational bodies are in conflict, we expect kind of a stalemate situation which may prove to become quite intense!

Because Pluto is retrograde, the Government and corporate world (the banking world inclusive) may have to reconsider their position.

We will likely feel the pressure of the Government (more censorship, more austerity, more boundaries and legislations,...) though, but also feel the push towards more freedom, independency, awakening, nonconformity.

This is a disruptive square that may result in powerful natural disasters (earthquakes, severe weather) also -- especially because both bodies are now on the degrees of maximum power and intensity.

Mercury and Venus join together at 18° Gemini during the May 25 Lunar Eclipse at 4° Sagittarius.

Mercury and Venus in Gemini build a very charming combo. There may be lovely and enjoyable talks or messages.

However, the days after the Lunar Eclipse look less friendly.

It may become a violent and accident-prone time and physical injuries are to be feared.

If you are born around January 1, February 14, March 31, May 17, July 3, August 19, October 4 or November 18, you don't want to give in. There is a tense and stressful atmosphere.

Some of you may fear surgery.

The Sun at 5° Gemini squares Neptune at 5° Pisces around May 26 adding to the tension and raises confusion and uncertainty.

You may feel betrayed and you are too easily swayed by your emotions and imagination.

Between May 27 and May 30, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all conjoin at 23° Gemini. This stellium at the same numerical degree is a very creative and artistic one.

You are reveling in love and/or live love fantasies.

Beware of overindulgence though.

Photographers should take advantage of these astrological configurations because they may help in bringing the right atmosphere to capture a blissful moment.

May 29-31 are stressful and separative days.

You resist pressure and need to work very hard to reach your goals.

If you are born around these days of late May, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) can be full of stress and physical issues.

Around May 31, Mercury enters emotional Cancer while Mars enters communicative Gemini.

Impulsive and emotional behavior influence your mind. Disputes easily arise.

Mind your words and think first before talking out.

You are discontented and may enforce something fanatically. Legal issues may pop up.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for June

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Click here to download the June 2013 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around June 1, June 8-9, June 16, June 22-23 and/or June 28-29.

If you are born around January 14, February 27-28, April 14, May 30, July 16-17, September 1-2, October 17 or December 1, this month of June 2013 may bring agony. You may be faced with a 'dissolving door', a situation that brings pain, suffering or heartbreak in a very peculiar way.

For some of these birthdays, the month may bring deaths, injuries (possibly burns) and/or brushes with the law and criminal events.

If you are born around January 1-2, February 14-15, April 1, May 17, July 3, August 19, October 4 or November 18, this month of June 2013 may bring a sudden reversal in your situation, overturning the status quo. Though it may be an upsetting and highly stressful month with heaps of nervous tension, expect new perspectives.

Unfortunately, some of these birthdays are close to a nervous breakdown. Some others are going to take drastic measures.

If you are born around January 13, February 26, April 13, May 28, July 16, August 30, October 16 or November 29, this month of June 2013 will bring lots of stress and tension resulting in a break-up, a clash, separation and/or divorce.

The influences will especially be felt by you in the second half of the month and will gradually increase in intensity. Try to practice stress management.

So far the general monthly trends for these specific birthdates.

For the majority of us, June 2013 starts in a thrilling way. June 1-2 bring a cheerful mood, relief and fortunate developments.

It's an innovative and insightful period that may bring auspicious news, surprises and breakthroughs.

The auspicious astrological configurations will especially be felt if you are born around February 6-7, March 23-24, May 8-9, June 24-25, August 10-11, September 25-26, November 9-10 and December 24-25.

Venus enters Cancer around June 3 and starts a very home- and family-loving period.

Your main interest is all about the home and family. Make it cozy.

On a mundane level, the astrological configurations around June 3-4 point to issues and accidents related to cargo ships.

Love is in the air around June 5, especially if you are born around February 7, March 24, May 9, June 25, August 11, September 26, November 10 and December 25.

It's a good day for a proposal or to enjoy a party. It's a very creative and uplifting period as well. Enjoy the states of bliss.

Neptune stations around June 7 at 5° Pisces and turns retrograde.

As usual, stationing planets mark highly important and noticeable events.

The underlying intent of Neptune is to dissolve (boundaries).

Because the station happens during an apogee New Moon (exact around June 8 at 18° Gemini), the influences will be felt on a mundane level as well.

Stationing Neptune at 5° Pisces and conjunct the Fixed Star Deneb Adige, points to the end of a life phase and the start of a whole new phase.

The station represents some disintegration of a form and of power in which illusions are swept away.

It's also about renunciations.

Because of the retrograde motion, Neptune returns to inner levels, to its source, to the womb so to speak.

You can only rely on your inner self, your own judgment and experiences. Don't let you influence by others!

Some relationships will dissolve during the station (and accompanying New Moon).

Retrograde Neptune strong in its own sign Pisces increases creative and artistic urges and if you are active in these fields, your abilities may heighten.

In general, this is a time of spiritual and intellectual growth.

While the energies can be very confusing during the station, it's critical to remain focused, structured and realistic also. You tend to fly high too soon and too high.

Stationing Neptune in its own sign is also about the ocean, the sea and water.

Because of some additional astrological configurations, it's best to avoid Cruise trips the days prior and after the station.

During Neptune's station and the apogee New Moon of June 8, Mercury at 10-11° Cancer will also oppose Pluto at 10° Capricorn and square Uranus at 11° Aries.

In other words, Uranus will be the apex planet of a T-square in which Mercury and Pluto are involved.

And if that's not enough yet, Mars at 5° Gemini will also square stationing Neptune at 5° Pisces around the same days of June 7-8.

Clearly, the time frame between June 5 and June 9 will become highly eventful and not always pleasant.

Expect love's sorrow, chaotic moments, failures, strikes, impatience, scandals...

Follow the mass media to understand what will happen...

Around June 11, Venus at 10° Cancer opposes Pluto at 10° Capricorn which can be a brutal and violent combo.

The intensity and primal urges of Pluto may result in rape, fights and financial issues as well.

The time frame between June 11 and June 13 will present another period of brutal violence.

Also, tragic (traffic) accidents may happen as well.

Venus at 12° Cancer squares Uranus at 12° Aries around June 12-13 resulting in sudden excitement and love encounters.

However, with independent and disruptive Uranus the encounter will not last and nor will the love...

If you are born around June 14, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be marked by illness, a highly sensitive body, a vacillating energy level and something that dissolves or someone who disappears out of your world.

If you are a pregnant woman, the configurations may point to a miscarriage as well.

Enjoy your home environment around June 16 and make it cozy. Some home improvements may be welcomed.

The Sun and Jupiter conjoin at 28° Gemini, exactly at the Fixed Star Polaris, around June 19 pointing to auspicious events like inaugurations and successful activities.

An entrepreneur can be featured in the news. This is a good time for public appeal.

Around June 21, the Sun enters Cancer while Mercury and Venus conjoin at 21° Cancer.

Both configurations may be related to a change of residence, a move and/or living together with someone else.

For some of you, there will be a divorce or a painful separation from a beloved one going on.

The latter may especially apply if you are born between January 12-14, February 26-28, April 12-14, May 28-30, July 15-17, August 31 - September 2, October 16-18 and November 29 - December 1.

Jupiter enters Cancer around June 25-26 for the next twelve months.

Female Cancerians may become pregnant during Jupiter's stay in their Sun sign.

Expansive Jupiter in the sign of home and family is likely to expand all your (emotional) needs.

In this position, Jupiter may link wealth and real estate and bring a more patriotic outlook and feeling.

Home improvements are on the agenda as well as expansion of the family.

However, be aware that Jupiter in Cancer is not always positive or beneficial. Jupiter of over-doing may bring too much emotional self-indulgence and megalomany.

Around the same day of June 26, Mercury at 23° Cancer stations and turns retrograde, affecting all Geminis and Virgos (by Sun sign or Ascendant).

Things may not turn out very well during the station and there can be minor health issues. It's time to retreat and think things over.

Actually, stationary Mercury is exactly conjunct the Fixed Star Pollux of going against the tides or struggling with new concepts or ideas.

Criticism may bring trouble.

If you are born around June 26, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) may be about temporary health issues and doctor visits.

Venus enters fiery, playful and dramatic Leo around June 27 and raises the mood.

As long as Venus resides in Leo, the energies bring a more charming, though self-centered, atmosphere.

You may feel attracted to some 'celebrities' or glamorous types. Your children may bring pleasure.

All in all, the entrance of Venus in Leo marks the start of more outdoorsy meetings and/or enjoyable festivities.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for July

The Best Sign For You To Love

Click here to download the July 2013 calendar in pdf format.

Another busy and eventful month enters the global picture: 3 planetary stations, a Grand Trine in water signs, a perigee Full Moon and three planetary ingresses.

Moreover, most of the outer planets are more or less motionless and the majority of planets and bodies reside in water signs -- resulting in predominant 'water issues.'

Following some principles based upon astrometeorology, this may become a very 'wet month' with stormy weather here and there.

In general, events are likely to happen around July 5-6, July 13, July 19-20 and/or July 26.

July 2013 will mark the lives of some of you in a specific way:

  • If you are born around January 28, March 14, April 29, June 14, July 31, September 16, November 1 or December 15, the month may bring some chaotic moments with unbelievable events taking place.

  • If you are born around February 8, March 25, May 10, June 26, August 12, September 27, November 12 or December 26, the month brings illness and/or emotional angst.

    You may feel sad or down. Some things are dissolving in your world.

  • If you are born around January 12, February 25, April 12, May 28, July 14, August 30, October 15 or November 29, the month will bring lots of hard work and difficulties to overcome.

  • If you are born around December 30, February 12, March 29, May 14, June 30, August 16, October 2 or November 16, the month will bring some hardship and a reality check. It's a month of facing facts and enduring some physical issues.

July starts with a bummer when Venus at 4° Leo squares Saturn at 4° Scorpio around the 1st.

You feel disappointed and may be rejected.

It's a sad day and you may feel miserable.

Some health issues are to be faced if you are born around this day of July 1, December 30, February 12, March 29, May 15, August 17, October 2 or November 16.

Expect a reality check.

Around the same period of July 1-2, the Sun at 10° Cancer opposes Pluto at 10° Capricorn resulting in misusing and abusing power.

It's a confrontational period during which some drastic and extreme measures have to be taken.

The Sun at 12° Cancer squares Uranus at 12° Aries around July 4.

The waxing square works out in a disruptive and upsetting way. It's a rebellious aspect resulting in opposition and manifestations against whatever.

There is an irritable mood and atmosphere noticeable.

Saturn stations at 4° Scorpio around the July 8 New Moon. Saturn starts its direct motion in the sign of Scorpio, representing sex, death, debt, taxes, insurances and all other 'shared resources.'

In this stationing position, restricting Saturn will focus on these matters and will redefine them.

No doubt, new priorities will be set and new boundaries will be imposed making for tightening your belts.

Some of you may consider changing jobs or become unemployed.

Stationing Saturn often works out in that it will restrict freedom and push for a more sobering lifestyle.

New commitments may steer your life.

Around the same day of July 8-9, Venus at 13° Leo squares the North Node of the Moon at 13° Scorpio resulting in reclusive behavior. You don't want to socialize.

Also, there can be financial issues and you are urged to take some precautions.

Around July 9, the Sun and Mercury conjoin at 17° Cancer discussing agreements and formalities.

Fiery Mars enters moody and vacillating Cancer around July 13 making for a period of increased impulsive behavior.

It's a time of doing home improvements and the like but it's also a period of more patriotism and protective urges.

July 14-16 are marked by health issues if you are born between January 12-13, February 25-26, April 12-13, May 28-29, July 14-15, August 30-31, October 15-16 or November 29-30.

You may feel oppression and physical stress and tension.

You may resist external forces and will be able to stand firm.

If you are born between February 11-12, March 27-28, May 13-14, June 28-29, August 15-16, September 30-October 1, November 14-15 or December 28-29, your love life may get a huge boost around July 16-17.

It's a very creative and artistic period as well. In general, you may feel happy and have some very enjoyable days.

Independent and disruptive Uranus stations at 12° Aries around July 17 and turns retrograde.

Stationing Uranus turning backwards is less individualistic and more focused on human affairs.

In Aries, the sign of the Warrior, Uranus is fighting for a humanistic cause. It will present new discoveries, scientific breakthroughs but also upsetting news that may help humanity evolve.

Because the station happens on one of the most powerful degrees, Uranus is able to push through unexpectedly and fierly.

Because of the powerful and domineering stationing position of Uranus, July may become a very turbulent month.

During the station of Uranus, there is also building an exact Grand Trine in water signs between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune at 4° in the water signs.

In mundane astrology, this Grand Trine in water signs will bring tons of rain and storm in some areas (reinforced by the station of Uranus) resulting in floods and inundations.

There can be severe damage to property.

On a more personal level, this Grand Trine is likely to affect you directly if you are born around January 24, February 23, March 25, April 24, May 25, June 26, July 27, August 27, September 27, October 27, November 26 or December 26.

Depending upon other (natal) configurations, it may bring:

  • pessimism and sadness

  • some plans to be canceled

  • illness (especially related to the liver, lungs or infections)

  • financial issues and shortages

This configuration is a dissolving one because it takes place at 'dissolving degrees.'

Also, this Grand Trine may bring a lost and lonely feeling for some of you and you may feel quite annoyed.

The stormy influences that accompany the Grand Trine may linger on till July 20-21 when Mercury stations and turns direct again at 13° Cancer.

When Mercury, the messenger, stations and is about to move forward again, it has a public announcement to make.

Decisions resulting in new perspectives will be pushed through and made public.

This will be the more so because the station happens around and just before a Full Moon that always brings things out into the open.

So, expect breaking news announcements around the Full Moon.

The days around July 20 are marked by a lack of zest, not being able to work or attend events.

However, after rain comes sunshine and around the July 22 perigee Full Moon, initiating Mars and optimistic Jupiter will meet at 5° Cancer.

Both planets will join forces to bring help, to take a fortunate course of action and become enterprising in a helpful way.

The period of the July 21-22 Full Moon may bring things out into the open and show new (successful) activities.

July 22 may become a powerful day, not only because of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the perigee Full Moon, but also because Venus enters Virgo and the Sun enters Royal Leo at the same time!

That's quite a lot!

Venus in Virgo may find love at the working place and may meet new friends through the job.

There is some disappointment and love's sorrow coming around July 26 when Venus at 4° Virgo opposes Neptune at 4° Pisces. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

Love (or a beloved one) is out of reach and you may miss someone.

Actually, this opposition builds a Kite configuration or pattern in which Saturn and Jupiter are involved.

This Kite denotes a solitary time during which you only value what has substance and is reliable.

You should and will discard all that no longer serves.

Mars at 9° Cancer opposes Pluto at 9° Capricorn around July 28 while the Sun at 5° Leo squares Saturn at 5° Scorpio on the same day.

These brutal and violent aspects block creative self-expression.

There is just frustration and anger around.

You feel paralyzed or restricted.

The Mars-Pluto opposition is now becoming part of an accident-prone and violent Cardinal T-Square in which stationing Uranus is the apex planet and still at one of the most potent Aries degrees.

This T-square will result in very upsetting events that cause physical injuries late July/early August.

If you are born between January 12-14, February 25-28, April 12-15, May 28-May 31, July 14-17, August 30-September 2, October 15-18 or November 29-December 1, late July will bring separation, love's sorrow and lots of tension in your romantic life.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for August

Was He Born To Love You?

Click here to download the August 2013 calendar in pdf format.

This month of August 2013 is marked by a cardinal T-square between Uranus in Aries (the apex planet) that will square Jupiter in Cancer on the one side and Pluto in Capricorn on the other hand.

Because of the upcoming breakthroughs and uncoverings, you will likely look at the world at large in totally a new perspective once the month is over.

In general, the most important events are likely to happen around August 2, August 9, August 16, August 22 and/or August 29-30.

August starts with anger and rage when impulsive Mars at 12° Cancer squares revolting Uranus at 12° Aries.

Actually, because Mars is the dispositor of Uranus (Mars rules Aries in which Uranus is posited), things get out of hand.

This waxing (outgoing) square is a turbulent one.

Mars, the fighter, feels not well in emotional Cancer and can hardly control its 'emotions' when it contacts disruptive and rebellious Uranus in active Aries, the more so because both planets are posited at the most powerful degrees in a zodiac sign.

Also, it's an accident-prone combination and one of over-doing (too speedy, too impulsive, too rash,...) resulting in physical injuries.

If you are born between January 2-5, January 31-February 4, March 2-6, April 1-5, May 2-6, June 2-6, July 3-7, August 4-8, September 4-8, October 4-9, November 4-8 or December 3-7, the early August days are full of passion, sexual encounters, sudden attractions etc.

Around August 2-3, there are some changes going on in the home-front (you may either do some home improvements or envision changing the residence).

Some of you may start on vacation and travel.

The effects will be felt especially if you are born around January 11-12, February 25, April 11, May 28, July 14, August 30, October 15 or November 29.

The Sun at 12° Leo squares the North Node of the Moon around August 4 denoting a period of low vitality.

Some higher-ups and/or celebrities may have it difficult to live their full potential and may need to withdraw for the time being.

It's a tense and stressful period anyway with lots of resistance.

In some instances, you may be obliged or ordered to make a small trip (either for work or otherwise).

Jupiter at 9° Cancer opposes Pluto at 9° Capricorn around August 7-8.

This aspect questions the power of religions. It will force you to learn standing on your own feet and follow your inner Self.

In mundane astrology, the Jupiter-Pluto combo is about huge profit and massive pressure and will bring power plays in the corporate, political and religious world to the foreground that may rewrite your belief system or outlook.

This combo is about digging into manipulation and uncovering integrity dilemmas.

Also, on a personal level, the opposition takes place between two zodiac signs that have to do with the parental home and buildings/real estate, so that your inner focus will likely be on home improvements and/or your position at home.

You may consider building a house or leaving a familiar group.

Around the same day of August 8, Mercury enters Leo in which it becomes very talkative.

This is a very good time for writing and discussing things (openly).

Between August 9-11, the astrological configurations point to lots of imagination and creativity.

If you are into the fields of arts and/or photography, you may be able to show your talents.

The mood is romantic and full of magic.

Some of you may live in a magical fantasy world and feel in love.

However, around August 11, a reality check will follow when Mercury at 5° Leo squares Saturn at 5° Scorpio.

You will feel bitter and lonely. There is sorrow that you cannot openly communicate.

You may be in a suspicious mood and too irritable and annoyed to go out.

Between August 11-13, your plans may not be accomplished and remain just dreams and imagination.

It's a good time though to keep yourself busy with spiritual and metaphysical interests.

If you are born around August 12, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be about illness, not feeling well and quite some dissatisfaction.

The August 13-14 time frame is about enjoyable moments, socializing, receiving gifts/parcels, happiness etc.

If you are born around January 31-February 1, March 17-18, May 1-3, June 17-18, August 3-4, September 19-20, November 3-4 or December 18-19 you will feel the auspicious transits most.

However, Mercury at 11° Leo squares the North Node of the Moon at 11° Scorpio around August 14 too so that some misunderstandings are possible.

Venus enters its own sign Libra around August 16 and is all about enjoyable talks and agreements.

However, there will be lots of diplomacy necessary to keep the harmony and peace because Mars is not building auspicious astrological patterns now.

On the contrary, during August 16-19, there is a whole lot of brutality, pressure and violence noticeable.

In its most auspicious meaning, the time frame is about construction work and real estate issues.

In the worst scenario, the period is marked by fires, legal issues, self-destructing battles, damage to property and tragic traffic accidents.

If you are born around August 18, your whole (solar return) year is about fortunate changes and developments, big successes and huge progress.

Whatever you envision will succeed.

Avoid public transportation services and travel between August 18-20 because lots of astrological configurations point to the possibility of severe traffic accidents.

Around August 20-21, there is love's sorrow and sadness noticeable.

Around August 21, Jupiter at 12° Cancer squares Uranus at 12° Aries.

This waxing Jupiter-Uranus square marks a quantum leap resulting in discoveries and breakthoughs.

The time frame between August 21-24 marks a highly insightful period of revelations, (technical and scientific) breakthroughs and fortunate developments that will mark humanity.

The period is about a series of fortunate breaks.

If you are born around January 1-3, February 14-16, March 31-April 2, May 16-18, July 2-4, August 18-20, October 3-5 or November 18-20, the auspicious configurations will affect you directly.

In mundane astrology the Jupiter-Uranus cycle is linked with capitalism and the 'free market.'

Also, it often points to breaking away from mainstream religions and politics and we expect this month of August to bring (new) revelations related to the Vatican.

Around August 22-23 the Sun enters Virgo, followed by Mercury entering Virgo, its own sign, the day after.

Both bodies changing a sign is related to players entering another room/environment.

The Sun and Mercury in Virgo are very analytical, detail-oriented and love being of service.

The atmosphere is cooling, the focus is on work, not on love.

Around August 24, Venus at 9° Libra squares Pluto at 9° Capricorn, while the Sun and Mercury conjunct at 1° Virgo.

This is all about submission and forceful repression.

Beware of abusive behavior.

Around August 25-26, Mercury at 3° Virgo opposes Neptune at 3° Pisces. Both planets are in their own zodiac sign and thus very powerful.

However, both planets have opposite meanings, resulting in quite some confusion.

Information is distorted and there may be more misinformation and misunderstandings than usual.

Venus at 11° Libra opposes Uranus at 11° Aries around August 26 as well, denoting love at a distance. Though there is attraction and even love at first signt, love is out of reach, leaving you disappointed behind.

However, if you are born around January 2, February 14-15, April 1, May 17, July 3, August 19, October 4 or November 18, your hearts are filled with love.

Disappointment will manifest for some of you the day after, around August 27, when the Sun at 3° Virgo opposes dissolving and deceptive Neptune at 3° Pisces.

You are left alone and this may result in a feeling of inferiority and feeling misused and/or abused.

Around the same day of August 27, Venus at 13° Libra squares Jupiter at 13° Cancer resulting in quite a vacillating love life with short-lived attractions during these late August days.

Impulsive and commanding Mars enters self-centered Leo around August 28 and wants to assert itself.

Mars in Leo is extravert and loves to impress others by being creative and a little more 'dramatic.'

It's a showy position that needs some fun and play.

Late August is marked by enforced trips/travel (travel for work) and/or study.

There may be (harsh) disputes during meetings planned between August 28-31, so try to keep your head cool.

August 30-31 may be related to agony, severe oppression and difficulties to overcome.

Late August, a Grand Cross in Cardinal signs (between Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto) will show more impatience, impulsiveness and ambitions, but also many love affairs, irresistible desires and sudden attractions.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for September

Is He The Right Man For You?

Click here to download the September 2013 calendar in pdf format.

This month of September 2013 will be under the influence of Pluto stationing and turning direct again in the sign of Capricorn.

This will give governments, the banking and corporate world the upper hand and the ability to enforce their power and will on the masses.

In general, most events are likely to occur around September 6, September 12-13, September 19 and/or September 25/26.

If you are born around January 27, March 12-13, April 27, June 13, July 30, September 15, October 30 or December 14 this will not be your best month at all (certainly not the 1st half). Take care!

If you are born around September 1, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be quite stressful, with lots of nervous tension and resistance.

Chances are this will affect your health, so take care.

September 2 brings sudden success, especially if you are born around January 1, February 15, April 1, May 17, July 3, August 19, October 4 or November 18.

It's a time of progress but also of "overturning the tables" and fanatic reforms that proceed at lightning speed.

These influences will be felt the whole 1st half of September -- at least.

September 4-5 bring unfulfilled longings, plans that cannot be accomplished and pessimism.

If you are born around January 27, March 12-13, April 27, June 13, July 30, September 15, October 30 or December 14 you will experience quite some sadness during these days (and this month as well).

You may feel hopeless at times.

Around September 5-6, there is separation from beloved ones.

Love is out of reach and some of you may be quite upset.

Actually, the 1st half of September looks very grim with quite some upsetting, violent and harsh astrological configurations.

The tension will rise day after day and from September 6 till September 13, the influence of the fixed Mars-Saturn square will be felt deeply.

Indeed, Mars at 7° Leo squares Saturn at 7° Scorpio around September 9 while Mercury enters Libra at the same time.

The waning Mars-Saturn square in fixed signs denote that all efforts are lost labour.

Every action or initiative is blocked and cannot bring help.

If astrology is about the right timing at the right place, you better don't initiate anything of importance the 1st half of September.

The September 6-13 time frame is pretty harsh, full of tearful events, abuse, violence and not being able to defend yourself.

It's about a revolution that cannot succeed but ignite revenge and anger.

It's the configuration of the 'stuck revolution.'

Authorities and governmental powers have the edge and upper hand now.

If you are born around January 27, March 12-13, April 27, June 13, July 30, September 15, October 30 or December 14 the astrological configurations during the time frame of September 6-13 will affect you directly.

Be prepared for some sadness and tearful events to happen like violence and/or accidents.

Life is full of experiences and to the spiritual world, they are neither good nor bad.

It's only human beings that judge and label events in a polarized and emotional way.

However, where there is love, there can be no judgment!

All kinds of experiences serve to stretch and build your soul and make you stronger ever after.

Venus enters intense and passionate Scorpio around September 9, adding to the already intense atmosphere.

For some of you, passionate involvements may occur. Beware of jealousy.

Mars at 10° Leo squares the North Node of the Moon at 10° Scorpio around September 13, denoting that mass shootings will bring physical injuries to many.

You may already know that we don't like any contact between Mars and the Moon's Nodes because time and again it's found when mass shootings and gun fire -- resulting in deaths and/or physical injuries -- happen.

This is the more so when additional violent astrological configurations are still active -- like now.

So, almost always, expect lots of physical injuries around these days.

It's an accident-prone time as well.

Around September 14, Mercury at 8° Libra squares Pluto at 8° Capricorn.

This waning square too is a fruitless one.

There can be many manifestations all around, but they will have no effect.

The time is not right yet!

There is restlessness, anger and annoyance around.

Mercury at 11° Libra opposes Uranus at 11° Aries around September 15-16.

This is an accident-prone combination.

Actually, because Mercury builds a T-square with Uranus and Pluto between September 12-17 (Pluto in Capricorn being the apex point), we expect lots of tragic traffic-accidents during this period.

It will also be a period of power for work and lots can be accomplished now.

Keep your communications short but to the point.

Venus and Saturn conjoin at 8° Scorpio around September 18 making love a formal experience.

You may love people in a uniform or have to take care of elderly persons.

Around the Full Moon of September 19, Venus conjuncts the North Node of the Moon at 9° Scorpio.

It's a time for socializing and more harmonious contacts.

You want to make your relationship more formal by proposing or marrying.

Mercury at 16° Libra squares Jupiter at 16° Cancer while Pluto stations at 8° Capricorn and turns direct again around September 19-20.

The waxing Mercury-Jupiter square is full of prejudices and wishful thinking.

It's not all true what you hear or read now because there can be errors in judgment.

Because Pluto is strong and powerful due to it's stationing position, not because of the degree area, we can expect governments, the banking and corporate world to take the lead in this ongoing clash with civil freedom (Uranus in Aries).

There can be martial law and some drastic measures to be taken.

However, do know that due to its forward motion, Pluto is about to square Uranus (around November 1) and will thus slowly have to face new challenges and disruptions even if it's currently more powerful.

During its station, Pluto at 8° Capricorn will hold on to its (old-fashioned and conservative) principles strictly, not seeing that a clash with liberating forces are soon to be experienced.

Stationing Pluto at 8° Capricorn will force to look at new directions and options.

Pluto's station is always a very intense and forceful one that brings inescapable effects with an emotional undertone.

Often, it indicates earthquakes, especially in an earth sign.

Around September 22, the Sun enters negotiating Libra and wants to bring more harmony and peace.

Around September 25, Saturn conjoins the North Node of the Moon denoting you have to play by the rules (of society).

You can learn lots of older people or officials who have better capabilities and experience.

Older people can be your guide.

Entering a relationship can prove to be successful, even if there will be hurdles and delays but with time things will settle quite well.

Formal meetings are on the agenda.

Also, September 25 may be a stressful day on which some research will be necessary.

This especially applies to you if you are born around January 15, March 1, April 15, June 1, July 17, September 2, October 18 or December 2.

Keep your head cool!

Around September 28, Venus at 19° Scorpio, the most cursed and destructive degree of the zodiac, squares Mars at 19° Leo.

This waxing square between the female and the male principle, between peace and war, rejects sex and redefines your love expectations.

There is disagreement between the male and female principle that results in temporary living out of balance in relationships.

There can be accidents, aggression and clashes.

You have to understand your boundaries and tend to be too critical.

Mercury enters investigative Scorpio around November 29 and can bring some hidden documents to the surface.

If you are born around September 29, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by illness and not feeling well. A medical check-up may be necessary.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for October

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

Click here to download the October 2013 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around October 3, October 9-10, October 16, October 23 and/or October 30.

Also, still in general, the second half of October is marked by physical sensitivity, a weak constitution, drugs or alcohol related influences and/or physical drain if you are born around January 25, March 11, April 26, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 29 or December 12.

Some of you born around these birthdates will disappear/vanish (leave the environment) and/or will be at the mercy of other people -- for good or bad.

On the other hand, if you are born around January 4, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, October will bring relief, fortunate developments and more happiness and joy; especially around October 6-7, October 14-15 and October 26-28.

You will feel free and liberated.

The first week of October 2013 is marked by a cardinal T-square between the Sun, Uranus and Pluto.

The Sun at 9° Libra will square Pluto at 9° Capricorn around October 1-2 first and will then oppose Uranus at 10° Aries around October 3.

Pluto is the apex point of this transformational and turbulent configuration.

During these first days of October, there can be stormy weather and cyclones/tropical storms or similar events happening here and there.

Also, this T-square is about drastic measures and may turn things upside down.

Some of you may feel confined.

However, because there is a minor Venus influence noticeable as well, for some, early October may bring love at first sight and/or enjoyable and exciting moments.

If you are born around December 30, February 13, March 30, May 15, July 1, August 17, October 2 or November 16-17, the auspicious Venus influences specifically apply to you (especially noticeable around October 2).

If you are born around October 2, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be marked by attraction, love at first sight, new artistic and creative projects and/or perspectives and/or new ways of expressing yourself.

October 3 may become a bummer though and may bring a reality check.

There can be rejection and/or separation from a beloved one.

Around October 4, chances are that some of your plans will be cancelled or cannot be fulfilled.

This will be the more so if you are born around January 26, March 12, April 26, June 12, July 29, September 14, October 29 or December 13.

There is confusion around but beware of hoaxes and scams. Try to stay grounded.

In some instances, the actual astrological configurations point to (mental or brain) health issues (like cases of meningitis, Alzheimer etc.).

There may be a growing interest these days for spiritual and/or metaphysical topics as well.

Expect increased aggression, accidents and physical injuries around the October 5 New Moon which will find place at 11° Libra.

For some of you surgery is in the air...

Mercury conjoins the North Node of the Moon at 8° Scorpio around October 6.

This conjunction marks a very busy and hectic period with lots of communication (talks, meetings, phone calls,...).

This is discussion-time during which decisions have to be made.

While there is more nervous tension and stress, things will work out very well and there is a positive outlook.

October 7 is a very promising day full of happiness and windfalls, especially if you are born around January 4, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21.

Some of you may fall in love, others may receive parcels or gifts and/or enjoy favors.

Venus enters Sagittarius on that very day of October 7, resulting in increased optimism.

Venus in this mutable fire sign enjoys wandering (and traveling) and cannot stand restrictions or boundaries.

You may fall in love with foreigners (strangers) or 'teachers', enjoy beautiful places or just love to be outdoors as long as Venus resides in Sagittarius.

Around October 8, Mercury and Saturn conjoin at 10° Scorpio pointing to research and investigations.

Because both planets are in Scorpio, the zodiac sign of 'shared resources, taxes, loans, debts, etc.', there are financial issues and/or audits going on.

There can be expenses and financial losses resulting in a sad mood.

This is the more so because around October 10, Venus at 2° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 2° Pisces.

This waning Venus-Neptune square often results in expenses and financial losses.

Also, in matters of love, the waning Venus-Neptune square denotes submissive behavior.

You may be in a vulnerable mood, resulting in betrayal and/or deceptions.

Don't be swayed by (unrealistic) promises.

Around October 12, the Sun at 19° Libra squares Jupiter at 19° Cancer.

This waxing square of overdoing is too much of a good thing.

There is exaggeration, bluff and lots of self-delusion.

Beware of betrayal and promises that are too good to be true. What is too good to be true is rarely true!

If you are born around January 4, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, there are successes and fortunate decisions around October 14.

It's an auspicious time that may bring births, engagements, marriages, successful ventures etc.

Mars enters meticulous Virgo around October 15.

In this mutable earth sign, Mars enjoys the minutest details.

Active Mars in servile Virgo wants to be of service but can also be frustratingly nitpicking.

If you are born around January 15, February 28-March 1, April 15, May 31-June 1, July 18, September 2-3, October 18 or December 2 you want to be alone (or you are alone) around October 17.

You are separated from beloved ones.

The Lunar Eclipse at 25° Aries around October 18-19 is a stressful and separative one.

If you are born around January 15, February 28-March 1, April 15, May 31-June 1, July 18, September 2-3, October 18 or December 2, you will feel the influence of the Lunar Eclipse profoundly and the whole period between October 16 and October 21 may become very tense and lonesome.

It's a very hectic and stressful time, with tons of work to accomplish.

You try to resist and don't want to give in.

Mars at 2° Virgo opposes Neptune at 2° Pisces around October 20.

The Lunar Eclipse and this accompanying opposition may bring illness and/or a low vitality.

Situations are too confused to bring progress and it looks as if everything is at a standstill now.

Efforts are in vain.

Around October 21, Mercury stations and turns retrograde at 18° Scorpio.

If you are Gemini or Virgo or if your Ascendant is one of these zodiac signs, the days before and after the exact station will bring some setbacks.

You may encounter minor health issues and you may not feel at par.

Don't expect too much around these days and you better keep a low profile.

Also, you better don't take important decisions around Mercury's station because you will have to re-consider later on.

The Sun enters intense Scorpio around October 23 bringing the focus on sex, shared resources, debt, loans, taxes and legacies (among others).

If you are born around January 4, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, there is relief, good luck and optimism around October 27.

If you are born around January 25-26, March 11-12, April 26-27, June 11-12, July 28-29, September 13-14, October 29-30 or December 12-13, you are in a romantic and/or poetic mood.

During this very artistic and creative time frame you can revel in love, live your artistic or creative fantasies or take part in mystic events.

Beware of overindulgence though.

If you are born around October 29, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday till birthday) is marked by weakness, a fluctuating energy level and disappearing from your environment.

You are extremely sensitive and should stay away from drugs and/or alcohol.

Because Mercury and Saturn conjoin for the second time this month (now at 13° Scorpio) around October 29, there is sadness and a somber mood.

A lot of astrological configurations point to 'a disappearing man' around these late October days.

So, expect a male person to leave your world and/or environment.

A breakthrough in matters of love or finances is possible around October 30 that especially applies to you if you are born around January 29, March 14, April 29, June 15, August 1, September 17, November 1 or December 16.

At the same day of October 30, the Sun conjuncts the North Node of the Moon at 7° Scorpio resulting in meetings and encounters.

There is recognition and help coming from a male person or "someone of importance."

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2013 free monthly horoscope for November

The Best Sign For You To Love

Click here to download the November 2013 calendar in pdf format.

If you thought that October 2013 was crazy, November 2013 will be far more crazy!

You better fasten your seatbelts because this month of November 2013, transformational and radical events will follow each other, one after the other, in a speedy way...

First, there is the exact Uranus-Pluto square which we compare with the clash of two giants whose wild fights are shaking and shocking the world.

Second, there are 3 (three) planetary stations and third, there is a Solar Eclipse.

Also, most of the month, there is a stellium in the fixed water sign Scorpio and the majority of planets reside in water signs adding to the importance of this element and Scorpio's intensity and transformational powers.

November 2013 is gonna be a wild ride for sure with rollercoaster events to unfold.

Anyway, in general, events are likely to happen around November 6, November 12, November 18-19 and/or November 27.

If you are born around December 30, February 12-13, March 29-30, May 15, July 1, August 17, October 2 or November 16, this whole month is about profound changes that may be upsetting but that are meant to bring innovation and a wind of change.

Don't fight the events but embrace them and transform yourself.

After all, you are born on this Planet Earth for your own Self, for your own 'self-development' and to experience everything possible or impossible so to bring your own Self closer and closer to perfection.

If you are born around January 5-6, February 18-19, April 4-5, May 20-21, July 7-8, August 22-23, October 8-9 or November 22-23, expect fortunate changes and developments during this month.

The exact Uranus-Pluto square around November 1 is the 4th out of 7 that started in June 2012 and that will continue through March 2015.

Uranus at 9° Aries builds a waxing square with Pluto at 9° Capricorn and is all about feeling fenced in and the compulsive urge to break free or break away.

The current (geocentric) square is one of the most powerful ones because it coincides with the heliocentric square also!

We are amidst a very turbulent and ground-breaking astrological configuration that will have consequences for mankind's future.

The current powers represented by forceful Pluto in strict and conservative Capricorn (the governments, banking world, corporations and multinationals) are questioned and challenged by freedom-loving people who long for progress, liberation and more innovation (Uranus in Aries).

This waxing square is powerful, forceful, wild and rebellious for whatever reason (turbulent weather, mass protests, massive uproar, accidents or violence).

The keyword is radical CHANGE, standing on your own feet (again) and taking responsibility for your own life (again).

Around the same day of November 1, the Sun and retrograde Mercury are conjunct at 9° Scorpio resulting in public announcements and messages.

Knowledge is power and some revelations are to be expected.

The November 2-3 Solar Eclipse at 11° Scorpio is (according to astrologer and researcher Bernadette Brady) a gentle family eclipse with a focus on new ideas and insight.

Act upon your creative ideas, imagination (and instinct).

This Solar Eclipse may be very enlightening, the more so because it falls on a degree of sharing a vision.

This will not be a peaceful and calm Solar Eclipse though because at the same time Mercury conjuncts the North Node of the Moon at 7° Scorpio.

It's a very hectic and buzy period with lots of nervous tension and news.

Because of the (wide) conjunction with Saturn and the exact sextile with Mars, this Solar Eclipse is a very enterprising and pioneering one giving a start to new projects.

It's a Solar Eclipse of standing on your own feet (reinforcing the meaning of the current exact Uranus-Pluto square!), getting to work and getting things done.

Also, this Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, the zodiac sign of debt, shared resources, insurances etc. marks financial losses and/or expenses.

Don't be too wasteful.

November 3 and 4 are marked by (traffic-) accidents, releasing lots of stress and tension, fighting for freedom, clashes and violence.

Some of you will have to fight for your life.

If you are born around January 16, March 1-2, April 16, June 2, July 19, September 4, October 19-20 or December 3, the influences will affect you more or less.

Especially November 4 can be an obstructive day with plans to be cancelled, unfulfilled longings and confusing news.

This will especially apply if you are born around January 25-26, March 11-12, April 26, June 11-12, July 29, September 13-14, October 29 or December 12.

Some of you tend to follow your imagination rather than reality. Spiritual insight may grow.

Venus enters business-minded Capricorn around November 4-5.

In this material sign, Venus is interested in your résumé and accomplishments. Big money counts too.

The additional conjunction of the Sun and Saturn at 14° Scorpio, which will be exact around November 6, brings the focus on older people also.

You may be attracted to higher-ups, people wearing a uniform or 'serious' people (like engineers and scientists).

Love and duty go hand in hand and you tend to love more responsibilities.

Perhaps you have to take care of elderly people as well.

Jupiter stations at 20° Cancer around November 6 and starts its backwards movement.

Retrograde Jupiter is less flamboyant and less outgoing than direct Jupiter.

People will restrict their expenses, buy less and find faith on an inner level.

You don't need advisors, gurus or teachers when you can find the answers within.

Jupiter is at a very home-bound and home-loving degree during its station, adding to the November 3 'family eclipse.'

Clearly, November brings the focus on home and the family in many ways.

Around November 10, Mercury too stations and turns direct again at 2° Scorpio.

Geminis and Virgos (and the Gemini and Virgo Ascendants as well) will feel relieved and in tune again.

During its station between November 8 and November 14, Mercury points to changing the place (or residence), doing research and/or study work and/or doing home improvements.

Beware of arguments and quarrels during this time frame though.

Try to be consistent in your way of reasoning.

Neptune is the 3rd body that will station this month of November 2013 and it will do so around November 13 at 2° Pisces.

Neptune will then slowly start to move direct again.

During the station and as long as Neptune resides at this dissolving degree, 'father figures' may leave your world and some structures will vanish.

November 14 brings love's sorrow and sadness. You may not feel too well.

A beloved person may be ill.

This will be the more so if you are born around March 29, June 30, October or December 30.

Mid November is not the appropriate moment to travel by sea because issues with ships (and cruises) are to be feared.

Because Venus at 9° Capricorn squares Uranus at 9° Aries around November 14, you may feel separated from (a) beloved one(s).

Venus will conjoin Pluto at 9° Capricorn the day after, around November 15, and may point to (physical) abuse.

Women should pay attention who they meet during these days.

November 15 and 16 are turbulent days full of dissatisfaction, illness and upsetting events that will affect the physical body.

If you are born around these days of November 15-16, you will feel these influences during your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

A health check would not hurt.

Around November 16 and 17, plans may be cancelled, for another time, and it looks like you cannot trust the news.

Communications are unclear.

There is lots of confusion going on and things are clear as mud.

For the second time this month, Mercury will conjunct the North Node of the Moon.

This time the conjunction finds place around November 17 at 6° Scorpio.

Needless to say, this conjunction marks another period of tension and stress.

There is so much going on at once and people are really very buzy.

Around November 20-21, chaotic events result in physical injuries or issues.

There can be flu-like symptoms, so take care.

If you are born around January 5-6, February 18-19, April 4-5, May 20-21, July 7-8, August 22-23, October 8-9 or November 22-23, November 21 brings relief, happy feelings and/or a boost to your love life.

There is a whole lot of creativity and flair in the air and if you want to fulfill a wish, this day looks very promising.

With the Sun entering expansive and flamboyant Sagittarius around November 21, you are optimistic, hopeful and aim high.

Be realistic though because around November 24, the Sun at 2° Sagittarius squares dissolving Neptune at 2° Pisces.

This waning square is a very illusive and disappointing one.

Too high expectations and naive idealism often result in shattered and vanishing dreams.

There can be betrayal, self-delusion and errors in judgment.

Study and research are on the agenda around November 25 when Mercury and Saturn conjoin at 16° Scorpio -- a very investigative degree.

Venus at 19° Capricorn opposes Jupiter at 19° Cancer around November 27-28.

Don't indulge and don't overdo.

The Venus-Jupiter opposition often results in spendthrift and/or bluff.

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2013 free monthly horoscope for December

Was He Born To Love You?

Click here to download the December 2013 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around December 3-4, December 9-10, December 16-17, December 24 and/or December 31.

If you are born around January 25, March 10-11, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12, this month of December 2013 is above all about mourning and/or spiritual experiences.

Also, you may feel more connected with the digital era in one way or the other.

If you are born around December 31, February 13, March 30, May 15, July 1, August 17, October 2 or November 16, there is quite some sorrow around on December 1.

You are talkative and everyone is chatting around.

Your brain is working in overdrive.

In mundane astrology, the astrological configurations that are active early December may point to Hurricanes and stormy weather.

It's best not to travel by sea for now.

If you are born around January 4, February 17, April 3-4, May 19-20, July 6, August 21-22, October 7-8 or November 20-21, there are fortunate developments going on around December 4-5.

You feel very optimistic and confident.

Some fortunate breaks will bring relief and you are in a talkative and witty mood.

Expect fortunate developments also in the world of technologies around December 4-5 when Mercury enters Sagittarius of hope and foreign affairs.

Mercury entered the sign of its detriment now and can become very talkative and full of ideas it cannot spread all at once.

If you are born around December 4-5, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be stressful with lots of tension and a tendency to rebel.

You don't want to give in and try to find your own way.

If you are born around December 5-6, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by really hard work and lots of duties.

There may be construction work going on and/or, for some of you, a threat of losses.

Mercury at 2° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 2° Pisces around December 6 resulting in confusion.

Mercury in the sign of its detriment in this waning square easily feels betrayed and robbed.

Beware of theft and/or lies.

This is not the time for detailed work because you will oversee many little things, resulting in errors in judgment and/or mistakes.

Mars enters Libra, the sign of its detriment around December 7 and will reside in this sign for almost 7 months.

Normally, Mars spends not more than 6 (six) weeks (!) in a sign!

This unusually long stay of active Mars in reactive Libra is of importance because during its stay, it will build some highly powerful astrological patterns (T-squares and a Grand Cross) with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto that will be noticeable to all of us.

Self-asserting Mars does not feel well in peaceful and balancing Libra.

It's time to learn to co-operate, work together in a balanced way for the next months.

Cooperation will be the keyword for the next months indeed.

During its stay in Libra, Mars will have to learn to express itself less pushy, less violently and less self-centered.

Indeed, there is someone else or there are other people to take into account.

If you are born under the Sun sign Aries, you may be 'under fire' the coming months.

You should not blame the other, the partner or other people for everything that goes wrong.

Anyway, in whatever way, you tend to be very involved in matters of other people.

If you are born around December 12, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about mourning, spiritual experiences and/or an increased interest in metaphysical topics.

If you are born around March 8-9, June 9, September 11 or December 10, mid December is marked by construction work, real estate transactions, home improvements and/or moving (changing the residence).

If you are born around January 18-19, March 4-5, April 18-19, June 4-5, July 21-22, September 6-7, October 22-23 or December 5-6, there is study work and research necessary around December 13-14.

There is a lot of stress and tension noticeable and some hard decisions have to be taken.

Some of you may be obliged to take a trip.

Around December 17, Uranus at 8° Aries stations and turns direct again, releasing quite some freedom-loving, explosive and steamy energy.

We expect something big to happen in the world around December 17 because of the following coinciding powerful astrological configurations -- all active on the same day:

  • Uranus stations and turns direct at 8° Aries
  • it's a Full Moon day (at 25° Gemini -- a watery and dissolving degree)
  • the Moon goes void of course
  • the Moon is at maximum North declination
  • Mars is at 0° declination and goes from North to South

Stationing Uranus in pioneering Aries will mark most of the month December but because its dispositor Mars is in the sign of its detriment, the influences will be released in a convulsive way (in shifts).

Unusual events may occur.

Stationing Uranus may bring severe storms and extreme weather (especially when it is in aspect with Mercury later this month) but will also release groundbreaking news and pave the way for new inventions and discoveries that will be quite controversial for some.

Interestingly, 8° Aries is a very talkative degree showing people excitingly chatting and/or spreading news or information.

Also, this degree is about un-covering and about forcing people (humanity) into a new environment and/or into new circumstances.

If you tenaciously stick to old and/or rigid patterns, stationing Uranus at 8° Aries will painfully force you to reconsider.

Be warned because this degree area has shocking and explosive Uranus characteristics!

The main lesson to learn is to let go the past and move fast forward.

In some instances, it is noticed by astrologer Michele Adler that this degree area is linked to assassination (attempts) and/or the removal of celebrities, leaders or people in positions of power.

There can be a very sudden career shift going on for some of you.

If you are born around January 25, March 10-11, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12, you are connected with metaphysical topics around December 17-18.

Beware of hoaxes, especially on the internet and don't trust the news around these days.

Between December 17-21, we expect lots of rain and/or inundations/floods here and there.

Also, it's likely that between December 17-19, some of your plans will be cancelled.

Moreover, between December 18-22, you tend to be separated from beloved ones.

This will be the more so if you are born around January 18, March 4, April 18, June 4, July 21, September 6, October 22 or December 5.

A beloved one may turn his or her back on you.

The Sun enters Capricorn around December 21, the same day Venus stations at 28° Capricorn and turns retrograde.

Some of you may fall out of love, others may experience some difficulties in sharing their love and matters of the heart may cool off, especially because Venus is in detached Capricorn.

Your focus shifts towards material goods and your budget.

What's more, Mercury too enters Capricorn (around December 24), adding to the material focus.

There are now four bodies (the Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Venus) in Capricorn so that governments, the corporate and political world and the banking system are in the spotlight.

Money, your budget and your career are your main fields of interest now -- not love.

The day after, around December 25, Mars at 8° Libra opposes stationing Uranus at 8° Aries.

The 8° in cardinal signs will be aspected and occupied by different bodies for the rest of the month so that it is best to re-read what we have written above about this degree meaning.

Because Mars is the dispositor of Uranus, this opposition is challenging, turbulent and accident-prone.

Physical injuries are to be feared and the aspect also brings opposing opinions and conflicts.

Beware of fire, especially around these festive days.

Actually, late December, Mars is building a Cardinal T-square in which Pluto is the apex point.

This impatient, violent and accident-prone T-square will push undirected energy till the first week of January 2014, covering the whole festive season.

So, try to be patient, careful and responsible.

In the last couple of days of December 2013, the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn will conjoin the apex body Pluto, increasing the power of this turbulent T-square.

This astrological configuration may result in (natural) disasters, stormy weather (like typhoons, hurricanes, tornados etc.) and lots of (traffic-)accidents.

Because of the predominant earth element and Pluto (representing the Underworld) in Capricorn (representing the surface of Mother Earth), late December can be marked by earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions and/or mining issues.

Moreover, some earthquakes (like the Californian) happen with planetary activity around 8° in cardinal signs.

Metaphysically, natural disasters are the Earth's method of releasing negativity.

The late December configurations in more detail:

  • The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 7° Capricorn around December 29
  • Mercury at 8° Capricorn squares Uranus at 8° Aries around December 29
  • the Sun at 8° Capricorn squares Uranus at 8° Aries around December 29-30
  • Mars at 11° Libra squares Pluto at 11° Capricorn around December 30-31
  • Mercury at 11° Capricorn squares Mars at 11° Libra around December 31

For some of you, this year will not end too beautifully but with hardship.

If you are born between March 28-April 2, June 28-July 4, September 30-October 5 or December 29-January 3, you will feel these heavy transits most.

Late December 2013 and early 2014 may become a very confrontational, stormy and intense period for many, presenting a new path to follow.

This is quite well supported by the New Year's perigee New Moon of new beginnings.

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