YOUR 2025 FREE Monthly Horoscope Predicting Your (Love) Life Month After Month

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Here you can read your personal 2025 FREE monthly horoscope, describing the way your (love) life unfolds month after month.

The predictions below are descriptive, NOT judgmental.

We discuss relationships in a wide sense and that's why we will often refer to your family life, co-workers or neighbors,... as well -- if applicable.

So, actually, the forecasts are so much more than just a monthly (love) horoscope.

In case we find a powerful or rare astrological configuration, we will comment on this too.

This way you will be able to learn some astrological principles by reading your 2025 free monthly horoscope.

Among many other techniques, we review powerful Fixed Stars, degree areas, planetary pictures (and midpoint combos) that may affect your Sun's position -- making this more reliable than simple Sun sign forecasts.

If you want to know why the forecasts are so concise and 'written in bullets', click here.

We publish your 2025 free monthly horoscope on this page around the 1st day of every month.

Subscribers to our monthly Love Letter will read the 2025 free monthly horoscope first though as our Love Letter is scheduled to be released more than a week before (around the 21st of each month).

So, perhaps this is good enough a reason to subscribe too and be informed before everyone else?!

To read your 2025 free monthly horoscope, just click the month of your choice below.

Why is it possible that our forecasts still can be wrong for you?

Because we only and solely delineate the transiting planets/bodies and midpoints that aspect your natal Sun WITHOUT taking into account any interference from any other natal planet/body (because we don't have your natal chart that contains much more planets/bodies and points than just the Sun).

If, for example, the transiting Jupiter/Uranus midpoint aspects your natal Sun, this may indicate a fortunate event -- which we will mention.

However, if, in your natal chart, Saturn aspects the Sun (which we cannot know), the meaning of this configuration changes completely and becomes more challenging and you may find our prediction to be wrong for you.

2025 free monthly horoscope for January

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone.

Click here to download the January 2025 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around January 5, 12, 19 and/or 26.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of January there are the following planetary configurations of stationing outer planets that might affect some specific birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, January 2, 3, 4 and 18 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there are a couple of powerful midpoint combinations between outer planets going on that will mark this month's Zeitgeist (and thus work out the whole month):
  • Neptune hits the Uranus/Pluto midpoint (NE = UR/PL) which will be exact around January 5.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the uncertainty, the step into the unknown, the unfulfilled wishes, the draining environment or situations, to be hopeless, to feel exhausted or depleted, encounter with the unknown, the peculiar events, the increased interest in metaphysics and/or the 'unknown' and/or mysteries.

    Following astrometeorology, this midpoint coincides with torrential rain/precipitation, resulting in floods, inundations etc.

    Because this midpoint consists of outer (generational) planets and moves very slowly, this midpoint not only works out this month alone but lingers on for quite some time.

  • The Saturn/Pluto midpoint equals the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (SA/PL = NE/CH) at the same moment the Saturn/Neptune midpoint hits the Uranus/Chiron midpoint (SA/NE = UR/CH) which will be exact around January 8.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the heavy precipitation, the environmental issues, the heavy weather or storm, the demolition or destruction of concrete or tall structures or buildings.

  • Uranus hits the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, which will both be exact on January 11.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the crash, the sudden hardship, the brutal attack to start a harsh regime.

  • Uranus hits the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (UR = NE/CH), which will be exact on January 15-16.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the huge snowfall (in winter), the big earthquake, the severe environmental damage, the climate damage.

    Actually, we have to take both midpoints hit by Uranus together because both midpoints are part of the same planetary picture; they both tend to increase the odds of environmental issues.

  • The Uranus/Neptune midpoint equals the Pluto/Chiron midpoint (UR/NE = PL/CH), which will be exact on January 22.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the big internet and/or power outage(s), the food poisoning, the floods or inundations.
Between January 1-3, there are huge efforts taken to accomplish something.

There is a heavy workload going on, especially if you belong to the Armed services.

If you are born around January 21-22, February 20-21, March 21-22, April 20-21, May 21-22, June 22, July 23-24, August 24, September 24, October 24, November 23 or December 23, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.Mars, Pluto and the mean Lunar Nodes are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (1°)

Around January 1, you may not feel too well and there is sorrow that keeps you down a bit too.

You cannot focus properly and are absent-minded.

If you are born around January 26, March 10, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 12-13, October 28 or December 12, the current configurations may especially affect you.In the 45° dial/list, Mercury hits the Saturnus/Neptune, Jupiter/Neptune and Uranus/Chiron midpoints (ME = SA/NE = JU/NE = UR/CH)

There are sunny spells around January 2.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter

Around the same day of January 2-3, Venus enters Pisces while Mars at 1° Leo opposes Pluto at 1° Aquarius.

Passions may run high these days and you feel sorry for those who need help.

This degree area often coincides with being fired, being rejected, having to go it alone.

Following astrometeorology, Venus in Pisces increases the odds of more precipitation while the Mars-Pluto aspect often coincides with storm and the resulting blackouts or power outages.

Around January 4, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around January 4-5, fatal attractions may occur and if you are a woman, beware of those you encounter or meet as not all encounters will be gentle.

Some of you may feel a very strong pull towards someone else though.

If you are born around January 21-22, February 20-21, March 21-22, April 20-21, May 21-22, June 22, July 23-24, August 24, September 24, October 24, November 23 or December 23, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.Venus, Pluto and the mean Lunar Nodes are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (1°)

Mars in its backward motion re-enters Cancer around January 6 while Mercury at 27° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 27° Pisces.

In Cancer of the domestic area, Mars has lots of work to do and the current living conditions can be chaotic for some of you.

Mars in Cancer often reflects work at home, doing home repair, home renovation or home improvements.

This is a very patriotic position for Mars to be in too but it may also indicate domestic discord.

Emotions may run high at times.

The waning Mercury-Neptune square suggests confusion, being misled in some way, and even betrayal.

Beware of theft, lies, fake news and unclear communication.

Following astrometeorology, retrograde Mars in wet and cold Cancer coincides with temperature drops and increases the odds of snow in the northern hemisphere and rain in the southern hemisphere here and there.

Around the same day of January 6, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

The January 7 First Quarter Moon at 16° Aries indicates fear and attacks that might happen the coming days.

Around January 8, Mercury enters Capricorn, often coinciding with documents, news, communication coming from a government, the corporate world, and/or an authority of some kind.

There is something official being released around this day.

Mercury at 1° Capricorn squares the mean Lunar Nodes around January 9, making for a very hectic and busy time with lots of talks and buzz.

There are sunny spells around the same day of January 9.The Moon is parallel Jupiter

Around the same day of January 9, indicating the need to impress or even manipulate others.

There is lots to tell and this is a talkative period in time.

Some mass events may be in the news.

If you are born around January 21-22, February 20-21, March 21-22, April 20-21, May 21-22, June 22, July 23-24, August 24, September 24, October 24, November 23 or December 23, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.Mercury, Pluto and the mean Lunar Nodes are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (1°)

Around January 12 the true Lunar North Node enters Pisces and leaves Aries.

When the Lunar North Node changes signs, they change patterns on a collective level.

Now at 29° Pisces, the most watery and dissolving degree of the zodiac, full of chaos, we are still in a period (and year) of decay, disruption, letting go, and tons of water-related issues.

The Pisces-Virgo axis the Nodes are in now are also called the axis of health (or better illness), suggesting healthcare will become a major focal point for the coming years.

We will have to learn to deal with physical limitations.

The January 13 Full Moon at 24° Cancer presents a very restless period in time.

There is nervous tension noticeable and some of you may experience a sleepless night.

The coming days may be linked with a certain force, obligation or duty to accomplish.

There is some gathering together, but not always because or out of free will and most often this degree area suggests being forced to integrate, leave the own community, family, domestic area or herd to widen your horizon.

Hence, in some instances, this Moon phase will coincide with changing the residence.

Some of you may feel the inner compulsion to bond, tie the knot or propose.

Around January 14, Venus at 11° Pisces squares Jupiter at 11° Gemini and is the stronger of the two (because Jupiter is in the sign of its detriment and retrograde).

This mutable square tends to exaggerate and can be wasteful.

Beware of expenses and/or financial losses.

Some of you may experience pleasant group activities and/or enjoy a gathering.

If you are born around January 17, March 1-2, April 15-16, June 1-2, July 18, September 3, October 19 or December 3, the current astrological patterns may especially affect you.

Following mundane astrology, the current astrological configurations increase the odds of traffic and/or transportation accidents.

Following astrometeorology, there can be storm here and there.In the 45 dial/list, Mercury hits Uranus and the Saturn/Pluto and Neptune/Chiron midpoints (ME = UR = SA/PL = NE/CH) while Venus hits Mars, Jupiter and the Uranus/mean Lunar Nodes midpoint (VE = MA = JU = UR/KN)

There are sunny spells around January 15.The Moon is parallel Jupiter

The Sun at 26° Capricorn opposes Mars at 26° Cancer around January 15-16, suggesting feeling weak and 'under attack' by whatever force.

Some of you may feel ill and lack zest.

There is sadness noticeable.

These influences will last at least for a couple of days.

Around January 17, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around January 18-19, you tend to take things seriously.

Some of you may love crafts and enjoy a creative project.

However, some of you may separate, break up and/or face some other more sobering realities.

Sad news can be part of it.

If you are born around January 6-7, February 4-6, March 5-6, April 4-6, May 5-6, June 5-6, July 6-8, August 7-8, September 7-8, October 8-9, November 7-8 or December 6-8, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.Mercury, Venus and Saturn are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (15° and 16°)

Venus and Saturn meet at 16° Pisces while the Sun enters Aquarius around the same period of January 18-19.

Venus and Saturn don't blend well together and often coincide with duties and obligations, out of 'love.'

Love requires hard work and responsibilities.

This aspect especially indicates a lack of something (most often of money or possessions).

This degree area is a very public one, making for something to be released, uncovered, unmasked, revealed or made known - far and wide.

Following astrometeorology, most Venus-Saturn aspects in Winter bring colder weather, the more so when the Sun enters cold Aquarius too.

Expect the temperatures to drop everywhere with some disturbing precipitation here and there.

Around January 20, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

The January 21 Last Quarter Moon at 2° Scorpio widely squares Pluto with the Sun and Pluto being conjunct at 1° Aquarius).

This is a brutal aspect, especially on a degree of attacks and aggression.

Also, the degree area of 1° in fixed signs often coincides with being fired, rejected and going it alone.

This lunation tends to indicate a collapse of some sort, something that tumbles down but it may also indicate someone, a celebrity or VIP or higher-up leaving, resigning or crossing over.

Mercury at 23° Capricorn opposes Mars at 23° Cancer around January 23, coinciding with emotional talks as well as disagreements, especially in the family.

All tight Mercury-Mars aspects may result in physical injuries, especially cuts and wounds and, following mundane astrology, traffic or transportation accidents may be noticeable.

Don't go too fast!

There are sunny spells around the same day of January 23.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter

Between January 23-24, the current astrological configuration increases the odds of impulsive behavior that might result in accidents and/or injuries.

For some of you, surgery might be on the agenda.

Beware of disputes and disagreements and avoid such emotional turmoil as things may now easily get out of hand completely.

If you are born around January 13-14, February 12, March 13, April 12-13, May 13-14, June 13-14, July 15, August 15-16, September 15-16, October 16, November 15 or December 14-15, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.Mercury, Mars and Uranus are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (23°)

Mercury enters Aquarius around January 27-28, often an indication of breaking news, sudden upheaval and/or changing course because of some crisis situation(s).

Following astrometeorology, this transit increases wind speeds and keeps the temperatures low.

Around the January 29 New Moon at 9° Aquarius, the mean Lunar North Node leaves Aries and enters Pisces while Mercury and Pluto conjoin at 1° Aquarius.

All Mercury-Pluto aspects might indicate the news of someone's death.

Beware of bullying and verbal attacks as well as blackmail around this lunation.

Following astrometeorology, the current astrological configurations increase the odds of intense wind and even stormy weather.

The meaning of the mean Lunar Nodes changing signs is the same as described above about the true Lunar Nodes changing signs around January 12.

There are sunny spells around the same day of January 29 and it might become a very fair day here and there.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter, Mercury is contra-parallel Jupiter and the Moon is trine Jupiter as well

Uranus stations at 23° Taurus around January 30 and turns direct again.

Anytime unpredictable and disruptive Uranus stations, it coincides with sleepless nights, irritation, sudden disturbing noises and it brings one back to earth again.

If you are Aquarius or have Aquarius rising, this station may affect you especially.

Your life may start to be on track again.

Following astrometeorology, stationing Uranus coincides with thunderstorm, all kinds of storm actually.

Hence, in wintertime, the storms may evolve into snowstorms.

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2025 free monthly horoscope for February

The Best Sign For You To Love

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone.

Click here to download the February 2025 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around February 1-2, 8, 15 and/or 22-23.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of February there is the following planetary configuration of stationing outer planets that might affect some specific birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, February 3, 6, 8 and 16 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there is one powerful midpoint combination between outer planets going on that will mark this month's Zeitgeist (and thus work out the whole month):
  • Saturn hits the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint (SA = JU/NE) which will be exact around February 27.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: a lack of trust, to lack self-worth, the (self-)deception, the false hope, to feel hopeless, cancelled plans or projects, disappointment, financial losses or expenses, the financial crash or downfall, the wrong speculations, to be very tired, ideals that do not manifest or materialize.

    Following astrometeorology, this midpoint coincides with overcast weather and lots of rain/precipitation, often resulting in floods, inundations etc.

    Be aware that Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will build a close pattern throughout the whole year so that the combined meaning of these three planets will be felt on different occasions this year.

    The aforementioned outcomes are only part of a broader picture.
Around February 1, Venus and Neptune meet at 27° Pisces.

There are unfulfilled longings and wishes and some of you may feel hopeless.

For some of you there can be unrequited love, platonic love, missing a loved one, but also love's sorrow and deception in matters of love and romance.

Some of you may feel very uncertain and/or have to take a step into the unknown while others may mourn a loved one.

Metaphysical topics may keep your interest.

If you are born around February 1, March 17-18, May 2-3, June 18, August 4, September 20, November 4 or December 19, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.

Following astrometeorology, there can be heaps of precipitation here and there, resulting in (severe) inundations and floods.

Following mundane astrology, beware of (food) poisoning and/or toxic waste around these days.In the 45° dial, the Sun, Venus and Neptune hit the Uranus/Pluto midpoint (SO = VE = NE = UR/PL). Additionally, the Moon is parallel Saturn

Around February 3, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around the same day of February 3-4, Venus and the mean Lunar North Node meet at the ending degree of 29° Pisces before Venus enters Aries (on February 4).

This astrological configuration points to an existential crisis related to an exodus, refugees, groups of people fleeing away to start anew.

There is some unexpected or surprising event or experience involved with lots of confusion and chaos.

People come together and share the same goal or even 'fate' as (group) meetings, connections and socializing now have a rather 'karmic' undertone.

Following astrometeorology, Venus at the most watery degree of the zodiac increases the odds of floods, inundations and/or maritime issues.

Retrograde Mars at 19° Cancer squares Chiron at 19° Aries while Jupiter stations at 11° Gemini and turns direct again around February 4.

If you are Sagittarius or have Sagittarius rising, you may feel the influence of the station most.

When Jupiter goes direct again it expands whatever it touches and tends to exaggerate (again), overdoing or seeing things out of proportion.

You may be able to express yourself more openly (again).

Following mundane astrology, Jupiter's station often brings foreign affairs and travel to the foreground.

Most Mars-Chiron aspects are indicative of strikes, protests, manifestations, hesitation (even resisting) to work or do something, wanting to do things differently and causing some disruption, setting rules or standards that are met with resistance.

The February 5 First Quarter Moon at 16° Taurus tends to stabilize a situation.

However, this can be a very stubborn, sticky and tenacious lunation period.

There are sunny spells around the same day of February 5.The Moon is parallel Jupiter

Around February 6-7, there is obstruction, and some of you may not feel well, even below par.

In some instances, the current astrological configuration indicates the crossing over of someone.

Some projects may be halted and it's not the time for lots of progress just now.

Some of you may face a lack of or don't work, for whatever reason.

If you are born around January 8, February 6-7, March 8-9, April 7-8, May 8-9, June 8-9, July 10-11, August 10-11, September 10-11, October 11, November 10 or December 10, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.the Sun, Mars and Saturn are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (18°)

Beware of disagreements and disputes around February 8.

There are serious talks going on and it's not easy to decide or get an agreement because things might have to be analyzed and investigated first.

This is not a good time for speeches or interviews.

There is sad news in the air.

If you are born around January 8, February 6-7, March 8-9, April 7-8, May 8-9, June 8-9, July 10-11, August 10-11, September 10-11, October 11, November 10 or December 10, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.

Following mundane astrology, beware of traffic and/or transportation accidents around this day."Mercury, Mars and Saturn are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (18°)

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 20° Aquarius around February 9-10, a time to connect, to bond or even merge.

Some of you may experience annoyance and nervous tension related to financial issues and large institutions/organizations.

Some of you may feel fenced in (literally or figuratively) and/or feel pressure, deadlines or mandates coming from large institutions/organizations (like governments, insurance companies, courts for example).

If you are born around February 10, March 27, May 12, June 28, August 14, September 29, November 14 or December 28 this day may bring fortunate developments and you are able to convince and persuade others easily.

It's a good day to promote any project and keep things in your own grip successfully.In the 45° dial, the Sun and Mercury hit the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (SO = ME = JU/PL)

Both the Sun and Mercury remain together at 23° Aquarius and square Uranus, their dispositor, at 23° Taurus around February 10-11.

Whenever the Sun, Mercury and Uranus build an aspect, expect the unexpected and unpredictable.

A sudden turn of events may result in changing course suddenly.

There are shocks in the air...

There can be breaking news with stories unfolding.

This degree area of 23° in fixed signs often coincides with (air) crashes and/or unexpected and often tragic accidents that result in very sudden deaths and permanent losses in unclear situations.

Also, there are existential issues (and fights) going on with or over real estate and property.

You want to save what is left.

Interestingly, such events are above average accompanied by a new encounter (from the past); in other words, the one person leaves while another one gets (re-)introduced in your life.

Some quick action may be necessary but try to think first before acting or deciding even if there is an emergency or breaking news.

It's a period of insight and gaining greater awareness (for good or ill).

If you are born around January 13, February 11-12, March 13-14, April 12-13, May 13-14, June 14, July 15-16, August 15-16, September 15-16, October 16, November 15 or December 14-15, the current astrological pattern will affect you most.

Following astrometeorology, beware of fierce wind and even stormy weather here and there.

Also, it would not surprise if there are earthquakes here or there during this period in time.the Sun, Mercury and Uranus are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (23°)

There are sunny spells around the same day of February 11.The Moon is parallel Jupiter

The February 12 Full Moon at 24° Leo widely squares disruptive, shocking and unpredictable Uranus at 23° Taurus.

Any Full Moon that is accompanied by Uranus becomes noisy, presents sleepless nights, nervousness and restlessness.

Beware of ICT-issues, issues with electrical and electronic devices, as well as internet and/or power outages.

Still prepare for sudden changes of course and sudden actions to be taken to go with the ever changing flow to resolve emergencies.

Following astrometeorology, there are unexpected and drastic weather changes going on.

There may be a fierce storm going on here and there.

Around February 14, Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of its detriment, increasing the odds of a foggy atmosphere and confusion.

There is a lot of chaos and uncertainty about the current situations as well as about the future.

There can be news about losses, intoxication and/or (food) poisoning.

Some of your plans will have to be cancelled and some plans are just wishful thinking.

If you are born around January 15, February 18-19, April 4-5, May 21, July 7, August 23, October 8 or November 22, the current configurations may especially affect you.

Following astrometeorology, the current astrological configurations point to a period of precipitation here and there and/or maritime issues.

Following mundane astrology, the entrance of Mercury in Pisces often coincides with the theme of 'going down' (literally or figuratively) like in drownings, resignation, being flooded -- by work as well --, bankruptcies etc.In the 45° dial/list, Mercury hits the Neptune/Pluto and Pluto/mean Lunar Node midpoints (ME = NE/PL = PL/KN)

Around the same day of February 14, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around February 16, there still are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

The Sun enters Pisces around February 18, adding to the confusion and chaos.

Here too, the same themes might repeat as mentioned under the entrance of Mercury in Pisces around February 14.

There are sunny spells around February 19.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter

Around the February 20 Last Quarter Moon at 2° Sagittarius, Mercury at 11° Pisces squares Jupiter at 11° Gemini.

Both Mercury and Jupiter are in the signs of their detriment and Mercury is the dispositor of Jupiter as well (because Mercury rules the sign that Jupiter is in).

Whenever Mercury and Jupiter build a clashing aspect, the outcome suggests distorted and/or unreliable communication, news or documents.

The degree area of this lunation is connected with decay and decline, things tumbling down, dissolving, getting washed away, breaking down.

Additionally, there is intrigue and mobbing going on, especially at the workplace or in the domestic area.

You might question your career or job and family life.

This lunation period may involve censorship to not to accidentally expose (a) lie(s).

Hence, what you hear or read during the coming week can be orchestrated, calculated, planned (on purpose).

Following mundane astrology, the early Sagittarius degrees above average coincide with refugees, and exodus, not feeling or being at home and just being 'on the go.'

There is dissatisfaction all over and you feel alienated, belonging nowhere and to nobody.

Neptune conjuncts the mean Lunar North Node at 28° Pisces around February 22-23, often indicative of dissolving (because 28° Pisces is still an important degree of dissolving, in the widest sense of the word).

This adds to the ongoing chaotic circumstances and the ongoing water-related issues here and there.

Mars stations and turns direct again at 17° Cancer around the same day of February 23-24.

If you are Aries of have Aries rising, you will slowly start to feel on track again and your life is moving forward again.

You will feel less tired and ready for new adventures and activities.

For many of you, home repairs, home improvements or renovations are on the agenda.

Stationing Mars in Cancer often increases the odds of real estate issues to be resolved.

There is a lot of work at hand in the domestic area but some of you may still feel overwhelmed and feel you have to do or go it alone.

Cancer is an emotional and possessive zodiac sign that is not able to let emotions and traditions go and hence, this station may indicate sadness and even a depressed feeling.

Separation (in the widest sense of the word) is just meant to bring you to your next step in your development towards a strong and independent soul though.

It's the breaking loose of the maternal principle and the umbilical cord.

Some of you may be fired or lose a job, others will have to leave their home to find another one.

Following astrometeorology, stationing Mars in Cancer is almost infallibly pointing to high tides and/or (unseen) floods or inundations because of intense precipitation here and there.

Expect water-related and/or maritime issues.

Around February 25, Mercury and Saturn conjoin at 20° Pisces.

This conjunction reflects a serious mind and attitude and often involves sad news, a bummer.

Beware of gossip!

It adds to the ongoing separative influences, often involving the mother or a female reference person.

Mercury-Saturn aspects often indicate travel or trips too, at times because of a duty, obligation or mandate (having the character of an escape or fleeing away, quitting).

You may feel (very) tired around this day.

If you are born around January 24-25, March 10-11, April 25, June 10-11, July 28, September 12-13, October 28 or December 11-12, the current astrological patterns may especially affect you.

Following mundane astrology, There can be financial expenses/losses and monetary issues, often involving some kind of fraud or big (financial) scandal.

Following astrometeorology, it's overcast, and there can be lots of precipitation here and there.In the 45 dial/list, Mercury and Saturn hit the Jupiter/Neptune and Jupiter/mean Lunar Node midpoints (ME = SA = JU/NE = JU/KN)

The February 28 perigee New Moon at 9° Pisces, indicates some kind of separation in the family.

If you are a pregnant woman take care of your health.

This New Moon tends to test your independence.

Music is able to heal all emotional wounds and this lunation period makes for a wonderful time to attend a concert.

Around the same day of February 28, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

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2025 free monthly horoscope for March

Was He Born To Love You?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

All dates are calculated for the European Time Zone.

Click here to download the March 2025 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around March 1, 7-8, 14, 21-22 and/or March 28.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of March there is no planetary configuration of stationing outer planets that might affect any specific birthdays.

Generally speaking, March 13, 14, 15 and 29 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there are the following powerful midpoint combinations between outer planets going on that will mark this month's Zeitgeist (and thus work out the whole month):
  • The Uranus/Pluto midpoint equals the Neptune/mean Lunar Nodes midpoint (UR/PL = NE/KN) which will be exact around March 11.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the turning down of secret societies, the downfall of criminal organizations, the modernizing and improving secretive agencies, the upsetting deception(s), the violent or disruptive criminal acts.

  • Pluto hits the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint (PL = JU/SA) which will be exact around March 17.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: to stop or quit the career, to resign, the reconstruction work, the destruction of buildings or houses or real estate, the demolition of houses/buildings or constructions, to enforce will-power, to do the utmost to reach a goal, the tremendous perseverance, to fully control a situation, to be fearless in changing a situation profoundly, changing the lifestyle completely or in the extreme.

  • The Jupiter/Pluto midpoint equals the Chiron/mean Lunar Nodes midpoint (JU/PL = CH/KN) which will be exact around March 28.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: powerful developments affecting many, the mass manifestation(s), the power of the masses, the big successes, the widespread victims.

  • Uranus hits the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (UR = JU/PL) which will be exact around March 31.

    This midpoint combination suggests, among others: the fortunate development(s) for a group of people, the breakthroughs for a group or association, the favorable contacts opening doors, the explosive shocks, the exceptional and unusual situation causing lots of casualties, the sudden interruption of plans.
Venus stations and turns backward at 10° Aries while Mercury joins both the mean Lunar North Node and Neptune at 28° Pisces and the Sun at 12° Pisces squares Jupiter at 12° Gemini around March 1-2.

If you are Taurus or Libra or have Taurus or Libra rising, you will feel the station of Venus, your planetary ruler, most.

You may not feel too well, lack some zest and some of you may even be ill.

Things just don't go as you wished for around this station.

Also, whenever Venus turns retrograde, it's unwise to spend a lot of money and/or purchase (expensive) products as the purchases will not meet your standards, or lack something, will be disappointing or will be unavailable.

When buying clothes, for example, they won't fit or the quality will be below your expectations, or there can be hidden issues or whatever,...

The purchase(s) will be disappointing and not worth the money.

When Mercury, Neptune and the mean Lunar Nodes meet in late Pisces, there is some difficulty to fit in society or in a group and you may be disappointed.

Some of you may have it difficult contacting someone or some others, for whatever reason, while others seem to wait... for Godot.

Indeed, some of you may just avoid communicating.

Beware of theft and/or confusing moments, especially when you are with someone else or in a group of people.

You may feel let down by occurrences and you better don't expect anything from others just now.

On a more mundane level, this planetary combination of Mercury, Neptune and the mean Lunar Nodes indicates there are secret talks going on and/or secret organizations are planning something and/or some people or groups of people are planning something in secret and/or criminal gangs get in the spotlight.

Beware of deception because (some) people or groups of people hide 'the truth'!

The waning Sun-Jupiter square has issues with over-delivering because Jupiter of abundance is in the sign of it's fall in Gemini.

Too much, is just too much.

On a mundane level, this degree area of 12° in mutable signs often coincides with leave-taking, quitting, disappearing, resignations connected with an existential change (a jump into the unknown).

Especially male persons can be affected and this may also be related to career or job changes here and there in the first instance.

These configurations are actually meant to empower independence and self-reliance.

However, some of you may feel the thrill of resistance and though the configurations point to work-related issues, there are also legal actions going on to cope with the existential crisis.

Any deadline now will bring yet more pressure and stress.

If you are born around January 18, February 16-17, March 18-19, April 18, May 19, June 19, July 20-21, August 21, September 21, October 21, November 20 or December 20, beware of deception, being taken advantage of, theft, lies, disappointment(s), being confused and/or absent-minded, being denied contact, not being able to contact someone, talking about secrets or secretive things.

Following astrometeorology, there are clouds in the sky Around March 2.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn while Mercury, Neptune and the mean Lunar Nodes are at the same numerical degree in a sign (28°), the same as your Sun

Around March 3, Mercury, the messenger, enters Aries.

There is news going viral and/or some documents or information is made public to the outer world.

There can be news about a new start.

This can be a restless day, with things moving, changes of the place and making trips.

Around March 4, Neptune is at the last degree of the zodiac, at 29° Pisces, a so-called 'critical' and even ending degree.

Lots is fading out, dissolving, disappearing and the more Saturn will come closer to Neptune the coming weeks and months, there will be more lawlessness, but also more rules and regulations being dissolved or annulled, more health-issues, more decay, more environmental issues, more systems and structures being dismantled, corporations going bankrupt etc.

This degree area, especially when its ruler Neptune hits the degree, represents refugees, people on the go, fleeing away (for whatever reason).

Also realize that Saturn represents 'structures' (literally and figuratively) while Neptune represents everything that dissolves, just disappears.

This image really reflects inundations and/or floods, indicating that the coming weeks and months, the odds increase manifolds that some major inundation(s) or flood(s) will likely happen, until Saturn no longer runs into Neptune!

Following astrometeorology, 29° Pisces is the most watery degree of the zodiac so that lots of precipitation and humidity might be in the air here and there.

There are sunny spells around the same day of March 4.The Moon is parallel Jupiter

The March 6 First Quarter Moon at 16° Gemini points to a move, a change of residence, changing the place.

The whole week long, expect lots of revelations, discoveries, disclosures, big announcements, things being made public or being released -- and even going viral.

Nothing can be held secret under and during this lunation period (all lunations last a week).

In matters of love and romance, this lunation period indicates people getting together and bonding openly, getting married or start a relationship publicly.

This week might bring solutions, breakthroughs, often unexpectedly.

There are sunny spells around March 10.The Moon is parallel Jupiter

Around March 11-12, Mercury and Venus conjoin at 8° Aries while the Sun and Saturn too meet at 22° Pisces.

If you are born around February 12, March 29, May 14, June 30, August 16, October 1-2, November 16 or December 30, there can be an enjoyable encounter or meeting and it's likely an exciting time.

Some of you may receive a gift or parcel or package.

Moreover, it's a very creative period, especially if you love to dance or sing but in some other instances, this period in time points to news about a birth too.

Sun-Saturn conjunctions on the other hand bring some restrictions and even (physical) hardship, especially if you are born around January 11-12, January 27, February 9-11, March 11-13, April 11-12, April 27, May 11-13, June 12-13, July 13-15, July 30, August 13-15, September 13-15, October 15-16, October 30, November 13-14 or December 13-14.

Some of you may not fly too high and face a reality check.

This particular degree area of 22° in mutable signs coincides with sleepless nights, restlessness and excitement that needs an outlet.

You aim high, have big expectations and may feel something significant is coming.

Some of you may fear something upcoming, especially something health-related (surgery) while in other instances, there might be separation from a male reference figure (the father, husband, boss, a celebrity, VIP etc.) that will force you to go it alone and/or become more independent.

Following astrometeorology, Sun-Saturn conjunctions tend to bring cloudy, overcast and colder weather -- often with some patches of precipitation here and there.the Sun, Saturn and Chiron are at the same numerical degree as your natal Sun (21°)

Around March 13, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

The March 14 Full Moon at 23° Virgo is actually a Lunar Eclipse and it widely opposes Saturn (at 22° Pisces) and trines Uranus (at 24° Taurus) as well.

This Lunar Eclipse is disruptive, tense and stressful without a doubt.

Prepare for sleepful nights.

Following astrometeorology, all lunations that are accompanied by a close Uranus aspect indicate sudden and severe reversals in the weather pattern here and there.

The day after, around March 15, Mercury, ruling this Lunar Eclipse, stations and turns retrograde at 9° Aries.

As usual, Geminis and Virgos or Gemini and Virgo Ascendants may feel this station most.

You may not feel too well and things may not work out as you wished for.

It's best not to sign any contracts and take no important decisions for now.

Around this Lunar Eclipse period, you may face some unreal situations and some of you may be in shock.

Indeed, some of you may experience cognitive dissonance because reality and your imagination may not be on the same page.

You may feel overwhelmed and cannot fully grasp all that is going on.

Some of you may not be able to work or go working, while others prefer to go on strike or manifest.

There is some paralysis noticeable.

Following mundane astrology, a Lunar Eclipse in an earth sign, aspecting Uranus and Saturn as well, is often indicative of earthquakes, and other natural and/or man-made disasters but also intense shock-experiences because of, for example, extreme violence here and there.

Around the same day of March 15, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

The Sun and the mean Lunar North Node conjoin at 27° Pisces around March 17, indicative we are in a Moon wobble period (month actually).

Moon wobble periods are highly unstable, with things going wrong in many ways.

People are excitable and more easily confused.

Additionally, during this period of time, their reactions are super emotional and irrational.

On a mundane level, Moon wobbles are told to coincide with big accidents of all kinds, car or transportation crashes of all kinds, severe natural or man-made disasters, extreme weather patterns, violence and upheaval, with significant loss of life.

It's recommended to step back, be an observer, and do not react to any unfolding drama.

Around March 18 there are no major astrological aspects in the sky.

This is a rare event, especially because the transiting Moon is about to go out of bounds the day after.

This day is likely going to work out as a wild card.

On a personal level, this may be either a very auspicious day or a very challenging one.

On a mundane level we'll have to wait and see how this day goes in reality.

There are sunny spells around March 19.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter

Around the same day of March 19-20, the Sun conjuncts Neptune and enters Aries soon after.

This can be a sad period in time, with people quitting, being missed and/or even going missing and/or crossing over.

There can be health-issues and you may feel very tired.

When the Sun enters Aries, the energies become more active again, ready to start something new or anew.

A celebrity, VIP or higher-up initiates something and pushes through in a commanding style.

Around the March 22 Last Quarter Moon at 2° Capricorn, the Sun and retrograde Venus conjoin at 2° Aries.

This lunation period marks the will to change the world, or our society.

Following astrometeorology, this lunation may bring dry and fair weather here and there.

The Sun and retrograde Mercury meet at 4° Aries, the day after around March 24.

The Sun and Mercury feel the need to talk things over.

This conjunction on a degree of disappointments, dissolving, weakness may also point to certain accidents.

These are chaotic times indeed and you have no words to describe what happens or happened.

Some of you may feel overwhelmed.

This is not a period to push through, but rather a period of being being dismantled and paralyzed.

Mars at 21° Cancer squares Chiron at 21° Aries around March 26.

Whenever Mars and Chiron meet, there are issues about work and work-related topics.

Following mundane astrology, this can be a period in time full of strikes, manifestations, protests and resistance.

Prepare for arguments, quarrels, obstructions at the workplace, the need (and want) for personal freedom, people being angry and refusal to adapt and/or meet expectations.

The day after, around March 27, the Black Moon Lilith enters Scorpio while retrograde Venus re-enters Pisces, and conjoins Neptune at 29° Pisces, increasing compassion for those in need or those who need help.

You may miss a loved one, feel lonely, even sad.

Music can heal all wounds.

The entrance of Lilith in Scorpio suggests a purge, kind of regeneration and clearing out a (dark) situation.

Following astrometeorology, there can be periods of quite a lot of precipitation.

Around March 28, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

The March 29 Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries is part of the 9 New North Saros Series.

According to the keen an brilliant researcher and astrologer Bernadette Brady, this Solar Eclipse Series is very physically expressive, with accidents, great physical effort, violence or any sudden physical events.

However, she adds these can be viewed positively as, for example, the first time snow-skiing, or it can be felt negatively in terms of accidents and so on.

The approach is not to hide away but to undertake some physical activity, with an ever-watchful eye to safety she claims.

This particular degree area of 9° Aries is indicative of fleeing away, leaving home and feeling a threat for something unknown.

This is a very independent degree area in which people tend to break up, go their own way, separate to more properly live their individuality.

In many instances, this degree area affects the home, the domestic area, the place of residence and, by extension, the people you have an emotional bond or feel at home with.

At times, this will be triggered by natural and/or man-made disasters too, like earthquakes or floods.

This is the more so because this degree area might bring shock experiences (at times literally) that tend to be surreal and may cause mental and emotional paralysis as well as cognitive dissonance.

Situations and or experiences may be overwhelming, and some of you may find it all too much to absorb at once.

Actually, some of you may be flooded by work while other won't (be able to) work, may even go on strike and/or will, perhaps, have no more work too, the latter which is actually meant as a means to rediscover yourself.

Prepare for separations of an existential nature.

Also, for (some) women, this degree area tends to indicate an unexpected pregnancy that subconsciously mirrors the need to become more independent, more mature, and/or getting away from the own mother (just by becoming mother oneself).

Following astrometeorology, this Solar Eclipse 9 Saros Series seems to trigger floods, inundations and lots of water-related issues for Great Britain.

Because the current Solar Eclipse and the next one in September 2025 are both part of the 9 Saros Series, these immense water-related issues may be triggered at some time during the next 12 months!

Be prepared!

Following mundane astrology, this particular Solar Eclipse period might also trigger earthquakes, as well as powerful strikes, protests and manifestations but also violence that result in material damage.

Around the same day of March 29, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Retrograde Mercury (re-)enters Pisces around March 30 and conjuncts Neptune on the same day at 29° Pisces, while Neptune enters Aries.

In other words, retrograde Mercury and direct Neptune cross each other on the border of 29° Pisces and 0° Aries (the Vernal point).

This aspect indicates an existential renewal, a starting over.

There are profound (existential) changes in lives going on, especially resulting in relocating, changing the residence, career or job.

People have to move on.

With Neptune crossing the border and entering the Vernal point (0° Aries), this period in time is about general (food) poisoning(s), environmental poisoning(s), confusion, chaos, toxic waste or stuff, drugs-related issues, infections and spreading diseases, head(-related) injuries.

Neptune in Aries might increase self-motivation, personal empowerment, starting personal dreams.

Neptune will soften the ego-driven Aries traits, taking into account higher ideals.

However, the entrance of Neptune in Aries will also bring more uncertainty, especially on an existential level and world-wide.

There can be an exodus going on too, with people leaving or fleeing.

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